Taxes and the Theft of Time: Paying for Your Own Enslavement
One of the major points of contention in the election was taxes. Old Uncle Joe promised that he was going to eliminate the Trump tax cuts which means that taxes are going to go up for almost everyone. It is estimated that if that happens the average family will pay $2000 more a year in taxes. $2000 here, $2000 there, does this add up to real money to you? I know it does to me.
The popular saying goes that you can't buy time. But that's not really true. Think about something as simple as cooking. You can spend several hours taking a pile of ingredients and mixing them together to make a meal. Or, you can pick up the phone and have something delivered. It may cost a little more but now you have the time you would have spent cooking to do something else. Or we can take it a step further and you can consider the fact that those hours spent cooking would become days or months if you had to grow or hunt for all the ingredients for your meal.
You see, every mind in the history of man that thought of a better way to do something bought us more time. The machines that harvest, the trucks that transport, the electricity to run refrigerators and lights in the store and a million other things that make modern life possible all give us time. That is the point of a labor saving device like a mixer or oven, they give us time. That is one reason freedom is so important to everyone, only a mind free from restraint and properly rewarded will truly benefit us all through innovation.
So the time you spend working produces money you can spend in ways that give you more time. A car will get you places a lot faster than walking. Buying a house gets a roof over your head a lost faster than building one with your axe. But the fact that time can be bought means that time can also be stolen. You may know what tax freedom day is. Right now it is a day in late April when you have paid all the federal, state and local taxes and you are allowed to keep what you earn the rest of the year. In socialist European countries where taxes run sixty or seventy percent or more, that day moves into fall. In the days of slavery, after the slaves gave their labor to the master all day, the time they had left they could produce for themselves. The same thing happened in the days of serfs and lords.
So you must pay twelve months of bills with eight months of work. The higher taxes go, the fewer months will be in your column and the more will be in government's. What if you had that money? Maybe you wouldn't have to work as hard, maybe both parents in a family would not have to work full time and they could actually be around to raise their own children. Maybe you'd take a vacation or two, spend more time doing other things or being able to save enough to try something new. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination but the state has stolen that from each of us, they have stolen our time, our choices, our options. And for what? So they and their cronies could have it for themselves? Stealing the products of our time like common thieves for their own benefit!? This is why our forefathers staged a rebellion in the first place, this is why they wanted a small government that would not steal the products of our labor and they put that limitation in the Constitution. They knew it was wrong to steal the fruits of a man's labor to give themselves, their cronies or to causes and activities he disagrees with. They didn't want to see what we have now, the theft of our labor to pay for our own chains. Taxes are not trivial, they are not inevitable. Don't you think it is time to stop contributing to your own enslavement and that of future generations?