A Real Solution to the Restoration of Liberty and the Republic-The Constitutional Sanctuary

 In the face of our slide into tyranny I have listened to lots of people on the radio, television, read posts and they all whine and moan. They tell us to have faith in the American people. How can I have faith in the majority of my fellow citizens when they vote for corrupt despots, when the polls tell me they embrace our slide into Marxism? Some of them tell us to pray. Oh, King James would be proud. That was his solution. If the king is a tyrant, the solution was for the people to pray and endure. Others implore us to stand up but for what? Do we stand up and say no and then let them cart us away to prison or some camp for the recalcitrant? Then there is the lock and load crowd. Who are you going to shoot at when some unknown bureaucrat at the IRS empties your bank account due to your political views? We need a better solution, a real solution. A solution that restores the integrity of our constitutional republic and our individual rights. I call this a Constitutional Sanctuary.

For those who are fans of Ayn Rand as I am, perhaps you find yourself yearning for Galt's Gulch about now. Well, Galt's Gulch is not somewhere we can go, it is a place we must create. Look at the electoral map by county. It is a sea of red. Look at places like Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Minnesota. Mostly red. But majority rules. I wrote a blog about it a few years ago, I called it the “Tyranny of the Urban Statists.” The large cities where democrat corruption rules determine the level of tyranny in the rest of the state. Now the corrupt democrat tyrants in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta and Las Vegas are going to determine the level of tyranny for the whole country. What about your red county where you love liberty and the American ideal and American culture? I am coming to you from western Virginia, Henry county, next to Patrick county, yeah, that Patrick Henry. A place where Trump signs are more plentiful that trees. Maybe your county is the same. Do you have to submit to the despots these cities elect?

At the beginning of 2020, before the Chinese virus took the headlines, counties in Virginia came up with an answer to their tyrant's actions against the second Amendment. They formed what were called “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” where Governor Northam's unconstitutional limits on firearms and self protection would not be enforced. As a political body, counties and towns all over the state engaged in organized non-compliance. I propose to you that all the amendments, all our rights are worthy of the same protection. So I give you a “Constitutional Sanctuary” where laws and rules infringing on any right is not only ignored but resisted. The details can be found in Hasticharot's Revolution. Our individual dedication to non-compliance with tyranny is noble, it is our duty, but as the saying goes, one bee can be ignored or swatted away, but a swarm sends even the most powerful running.

70 million of us supported Donald Trump because we believed America is a good place, a place of liberty, where family and religion and hard work and common sense are among the rocks of its foundation. We are the people who get our hands dirty and produce. If all of us choose to no longer submit to injustice and tyranny, if we rise up and withhold our consent to be governed by despots, if we refuse to cooperate with our enslavement, if we commit to resisting any effort to place manacles on our hands and the yoke or servitude upon our necks, we will break the back of the tyrants, restore our glorious republic and fulfill the ideal of our founding. Are you with me?

Imagine a generation of men and women with a clear vision, a heroic penchant for the tremendous, a courageous tenacity for the truth and an unconditional intolerance for evil. Imagine the bold strides of these dragon slayers, the proud audacity with which they turn their backs on all the lies and false doctrines of the moochers and looters, the thieves and murderers, resolving to live in liberty and fullness. They will be the ones who will destroy the old and acceptable edifice of coercion and subjugation and see the potential of free men realized.”
