Even if President Trump Wins, We Are Still Losing

  So it looks like President Trump may still prevail and all the hopes and dreams of his supporters will be realized.  America is saved!  Don't be so naive!  What has changed?  Have the forces of tyranny suffered a resounding defeat, are they going to go away, huddled in some dark corner with their tail between their legs?  Of course not!  Look at it from their perspective.  A majority of the people voted for them, it is just that pesky anachronism, the Electoral College, that kept them from victory.  They kept the House, Nancy and the squad and Schiff and the rest are all coming back.  Schumer and Waters are still in the senate, hopefully remaining in the minority.  The millions of petty tyrants in the Deep State are still violating their oath to the Constitution every day.  The Media is not going to change, Facebook, Twitter and Google are still going to censor, the education system is still going to indoctrinate young minds with Marxism, rioters are still going to loot and burn.  Trump may win but the left has lost nothing.  Their rhetoric, their absurdity, their destructive decrees, tyrannical behavior and outright lawlessness has cost them nothing.  Do you think that if they continue, or even increase their horrible behavior a few notches they are going to lose the support they already have?  Obviously not.  They are not hiding their corruption, their tyranny, their evil, yet over half the country still supports them.  There are no electoral consequences and there have been no legal ones either.  Why would they let up, why not continue to try to steal the election when there is no down side for them?

Don't you see?  We've lost.  Will I be glad if Trump holds on to the presidency?  Of course.  But he is one man.  Perhaps he can continue to hold them off for four more years but then what?  In so many ways the forces of tyranny will continue to grow while gleefully looking forward to his departure.  Then what?  Where will we be?  Where will you be?  In four years will they finally take control of it all, will every road block to their green totalitarian utopia finally be removed, will we descend irrevocably into an absolute despotism?  What are you going to do about it?

If the President does prevail, he just might give us time to find our true courage, the courage of our forefathers, our individual courage to stand against tyranny as a people.  We should not look to one man or woman to protect us or save us.  America is made up of “We The People”, it is we who are the ultimate defenders of our rights and liberties.  We have got to stop cooperating with our own subjugation, we have got to stop empowering the forces of tyranny, we've got to stop acquiescing to a system stacked against us and we must realize that a majority cannot vote us into slavery unless we submit to it.  If he does lose?  We will have to muster that courage even sooner.

People. It is time to take the gloves off.  The trends are against liberty and freedom, the majority of our fellows want to accept socialist totalitarianism.  These trends survived the Reagan Revolution, the Contract with America and the TEA Party.  And they will survive Trump because the trend of all governments is to tyranny and ours is no exception.  It is a trend that has picked up speed for over one hundred years.  Our representative government, our courts, our electoral system itself, now all conspire against individual freedom.  Our self imposed confinement to this rigged system has resulted in our enslavement.  It is time to realize that our government has become destructive to the ends of liberty and rights and we owe it no loyalty or fealty.  It is time that we take courageous action that will put our livelihood, our property, our freedom and maybe our lives on the line.  If we want to restore our freedom under our constitutional republic it is going to take more than ambiguous encouragement to 'stand up'.  It is going to require specific actions beginning with non-compliance that demonstrate our commitment to liberty and deprives our oppressors of our cooperation.

The exercise of our God-given natural rights should not, indeed it cannot, depend on the good will of the powerful or the erudition and courage of our fellow man.  Just because the vast majority choose to live in meek, subservient, ignorance is no reason for you or I to suffer the indignity of slavery. 
