Burn Your Mask - A New Internet Challenge
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, there is social and legal pressure to wear masks, ostensibly to protect us from infection. They do no such thing. Mask wearing is political, not scientific. Early in the pandemic the WHO, the CDC and even the revered Dr. Fauci all said masks were ineffective against the spread of Covid-19 just like any other flu virus, which is why we don't all wear masks during flu season. So why the change? The science hasn't changed so why force the masks, especially when their detrimental effects have been established. It is the social effect of mask wearing that is the reason.
If you have not yet figured out that the government response to the Covid-19 pandemic is about politics and not science, you have not been doing your homework or you have lost the ability to use your common sense. We have lost any vestige of constitutionally guaranteed freedom or a representative republic. We now live under executive mandate. Mandated masks, mandated lockdowns, onerous restrictions on the most basic rights; the right to assemble, the right to work, the right to worship, the right to travel, the right to leave your home.
For all the proclamations that we need to follow the science, they ignore it. Even the vaunted Dr. Fauci and the WHO say lockdowns are ineffective yet we keep locking down. Dr. Fauci and the WHO originally said masks wouldn't work and the WHO has at least admitted it was political pressure that made them change the recommendation. If masks and lockdowns worked, we'd wear masks every time the flu flared up and lock up at least the vulnerable populations. As much as they try to suppress any studies that say masks are ineffective, one sneaked out that says that 70% of infected people wore the mask all the time. They don't work.
Think about it. Use your common sense. A well fitting M95 mask my offer decent protection if it doesn't come from a Chinese manufacturer in which case only about half of them work. But the rest of them? Handkerchiefs and cloth masks, come on. And apparently the synthetic face shields are worse than wearing nothing because they actually break up the particles and cause them to spread more efficiently. If masks were really about stopping the spread, only the most effective would be allowed to meet the requirements of the mandate.
And the lockdowns, in addition to violating our freedom at every level, fly in the face of common sense. Curfews? Does the virus only come out at night? Close churches but not liquor stores? Restrict the number of people you can have in your own home and dictate you wear a mask while you are there? If masks and lockdowns actually worked, you would see a significant difference in states and countries with the strictest mandates but you don't. But it is all about control, not health. You can tell because the dictators are not following their own dictates.
The numbers are all inflated to scare us and separate the sheep from the wolves. The sheep will do whatever the government tells them, they will not do their own research, they will ignore what they see with their own eyes and ignore their own common sense and follow every dictate. The sheep will comply even as that compliance makes them sick and impoverished. The sheep will wear a mask when they are driving alone in their car. This mask is the mark of your compliance, it is the first step in your dehumanization, it is a demonstration of your acceptance of your servitude.
If you want to wear it, if it gives you peace of mind, go ahead. If you are fearful, stay home and lock your doors. But my health, my life, is my business. What ever happened to my body, my choice? But these slogans are just politics, they are not consistent beliefs among the despotic. Government mandates are all about measuring compliance and I refuse to comply with this or a rule that dictates who I may have in my own home or if I can work or worship or travel or any other unconstitutional mandate. Here is your challenge, burn your mask. Because if you can't stand up against this mandate, what makes you think you are going to muster the courage when they require you to be injected with a vaccine or come for your guns or to take you to a reeducation camp? Rise up people! Courage is a muscle that needs to be exercised. It is time to start working out folks.
“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppose.” Fredrick Douglas