Constitutional Sanctuaries: Is the Second Amendment the Only One Worth a Radical Defense?
you are sheltering in place perhaps you are thinking about the fifth
amendment, the one that says you cannot be deprived of your liberty
without due process. The fact that some governors have threatened
citizens with fines and imprisonment if they leave their homes should
have every American hot with anger! If you are so overcome with fear
of the virus you want to hide from the world, that is your choice.
But for the government to force you to become a prisoner in your
home, to make you prove it is appropriate for you to exercise your
liberty-freedom of movement, assembly, work-is a form of tyranny we
have never seen! What despotism do we live under when the
government can just rip our livelihood away from us?! Where is the
courage we saw not so many months ago?
the coronavirus pandemic pushed it from the headlines, the debate
over gun control, with Virginia at its epicenter, was center stage.
It was a question that resulted in heated exchanges between democrat
politicians and candidates and second amendment supporters. In
Virginia, and all across the country, so called “second amendment
sanctuaries” were declared. These towns and counties stated they
would refuse to implement any law they saw as an
unconstitutional infringement on the right to keep and bear arms. It
is a bold stance and it is about time we the people refused to
consent to having our rights trampled upon. The question is, how far
are we willing to go with it?
the first think we think of when we consider this stand for
non-compliance is local law enforcement refusing to go house to house
to confiscate banned weapons. No doubt that is part of it. Governor
Northam's plan in Virginia includes a ban on the sale of so called
“assault weapons” and requires their registration, makes
suppressors and magazines over 12 rounds illegal, and requires
background checks for sales between private individuals. It is easy
to see where one could suddenly find oneself in possession of an
illegal item and the refusal of law enforcement to implement such
laws would protect constitutional rights. While local sheriffs may
face some backlash, they work for the local people who elect them and
recriminations would probably be minor.
is more, however. Would local law enforcement implement the illegal
search and seizure provisions of the “red flag” law? It is
something they should be asked. If the state attempts to implement
the laws with the state police or even the national guard, then what?
Does the city or county refuse them entrance, harass them, meet
force with force? If an individual refuses to give up a weapon and
shoots the government official who, violating his oath of fidelity to
the Constitution, demands it with the threat of force, will the local
government protect him or her from prosecution? What level of
escalation are we willing to endorse and endure?
about the punishment the state could mete out to localities that
resist its will? What if the state chose to withhold funds for local
projects? What if it let the roads deteriorate? Refused local
school initiatives? Rescinded permission for development or used the
state EPA to declare vast tracts of land wetlands to stop
homebuilding? How about the local retailers and gun shops. If they
flout the new law, will they be protected? They could have licenses
revoked, assets seized, and state tax authorities could destroy them
and their owners. Based on what is happening now, a governor could
simply demand their closure! The state has a lot of weapons at its
disposal and the local response to those threats needs to be
local governments, if they are serious about what they are doing,
will disentangle themselves from state authority which will require
them to take on responsibilities traditionally relinquished to the
state. Education, infrastructure, licensing and a host of other
activities will become local concerns. This will require a large
amount of additional money and the only way the counties or cities
can raise those funds is to co-op taxes that would normally go to
state coffers. Sales taxes, income taxes, fees, all of it, will now
go to local budgets. This will necessitate the cooperation of local
banks who will resist the demands of the state for the funds.
Businesses will cease their participation in state tax collection and
ignore a host of other regulations. State officials stationed in the
local area will be ignored or, if they try to persist in their
actions, removed and relocated. It is a lot, to be sure, a total
reordering of the governmental hierarchy. But what if all the
counties in Virginia that passed second amendment sanctuary
resolutions chose this path? Since the vast majority of them have
adopted sanctuary policies, if they took these additional steps it
would bring the state to its knees and the state government would
have no choice but to back off. The question is, is our right to
protect ourselves worth the effort?
additional question to you is this. What about all our other
rights? Is your right to free speech and the free exercise of your
religion worth defending? You don't think those rights have been
under constant attack from our out of control politically correct
culture? How about your right to be secure in your person from
illegal searches and seizures? Red flag laws, asset forfeiture, IRS
confiscation, NSA spying ring any bells? The right of personal
liberty and assembly, do you think those rights are respected as your
state is under lockdown! Your right to the fruits of your
labor. Income tax is a direct violation of that right, morally and
constitutionally. The abuses of our rights are legion and as a
result of this crisis it is only going to get worse. If we are going
to have any hope of seeing liberty for ourselves and our children, we
need to broaden our resistance beyond just the second amendment. We
need constitutional sanctuaries.
define a constitutional sanctuary as a political body; city, county
or state, that will reject the implementation of any law, rule
or regulation that denies fundamental, natural rights or
constitutional protections. The ninth and tenth amendments legally
guarantee us the right to ascertain the constitutionality of any
political action and reject it on the grounds it violates legal or
natural rights as individuals or as part of a subdivided political
body. Second amendment sanctuaries have asserted this right. With
this first step, we must begin to stride forward to recover the free
exercise of all our rights as Americans, as heirs and
custodians of the American ideals of the Declaration of Independence,
ideals paid for with the blood of previous generations.
first step is self education. If we don't understand our rights as
human beings, how can we hope to succeed in restoring our liberty?
The success of second amendment sanctuaries is a testament to this
foundational requirement. The right to self protection is simple to
understand and has had a long history of education and organizational
commitment to ensure its continual free exercise. Much of the first
amendment has enjoyed a similar status. Others, not so much. The
guarantees of the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments are just as
crucial to our liberty but their abuse has not yet made it into the
popular consciousness. Asset forfeiture, eminent domain abuse,
prosecutorial misconduct, and spying are just a few of the
government's violations of these provisions. We must educate
ourselves. Read the Declaration of Independence to understand the
ideals behind the Constitution. Read the Constitution to get a grasp
of what powers we the people gave our government and what powers they
have usurped. Do some reading to understand your natural rights.
Equip yourself for the fight. Without a passionate commitment to the
moral case for the free exercise of your rights, the battle cannot be
won. If you've already rolled over, making the immoral calculation
that resting safely in the bosom of a tyrannical government and
sucking at its teat is more attractive than the responsibilities and
risks of liberty, you are lost; you have denied your humanity to
become mere chattel for the powerful. In the words of Samuel Adams,
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of
servitude than the animated contest of freedom-go home from us in
peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the
hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may
posterity forget that you were our countrymen!” Such do not
deserve the title “American”.
liberty is precious to you and you desire to see your children and
grandchildren live in freedom, read on. The first step is a
commitment to non-compliance. It had been wonderful to see the signs
held up by the second amendment protesters in Richmond- “I will not
comply!” That is our first battle cry and the foundation of our
resistance. My God, if there was ever a time for it, it is now.
Virginians, the first to set up second amendment sanctuaries, where
is your courage now? Will you not defy governor Northam again when
he is ordering you to stay imprisoned in your home until JUNE!?
Where are the sheriffs like Scott Nichols in Maine who refuses to
arrest people for violating the governor's stay at home order? Where
are the citizens of these police states marching in the streets
(while keeping their distance)? If you lack the courage to defy your
imprisonment do you really think you will muster it when they come
for your guns?!
defying authority, is a courageous act, an act from which heroes are
forged. But let us not romanticize too much. It is also an act that
will make one an outlaw. The despotic state does not respond kindly
to those who refuse to follow its dictates and fill its coffers.
When our founders signed the Declaration of Independence and pledged
their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor,” they understood exactly
what they were doing. Outlaws do not keep nice homes or enjoy normal
family lives. If caught, prison and death awaited and many of them
suffered greatly for their commitment. Failure of independence would
have been the end of all of them. The same is true for us.
Non-compliance is breaking the law: illegitimate, immoral law but law
none the less. Fines and jail time may be the result. None of us
want that, no one wants to rot in prison for years hoping one's stand
sparked a movement for real change.
sanctuaries are the answer. Free individuals treading water in a sea
of tyranny are easy targets. Island communities of liberty are not
so simple to overcome. Now is the time to start, sheriffs and county
officials need to reject these unconstitutional imprisonment orders.
Never before has tyranny been more blatant and obvious. If we buckle
under now and allow ourselves to be interred and impoverished at the
behest of simple executive fiat, if we will not stand up to these
fundamental abuses, we are truly lost. However, if we start now,
if we realize our power to resist today, it could very well be
the start of the Great American Restoration.
key to living in freedom is to emasculate (or eliminate) the tyrant.
If the despot no longer has the ability to punish those who refuse to
conform to his vision or comply with his wishes, he is reduced to an
impotent man living in poverty screaming at the wind. Failure to
comply with restrictions of your rights, failure to pay protection
money to the criminal state, failure to grovel at the feet of
government for your daily bread will bring recriminations and
the power of the government to punish you is vast. But that is our
fault. We have allowed the tentacles of government to envelope
every aspect of our lives, just waiting to squeeze the life out of us
at the slightest resistance. The power and control government has
today are the wet dreams of tyrants like Hitler and Stalin.
Disentangling ourselves from their web is a daunting task so we will
take it one step at a time.
begins with ignoring the dictates of the tyrannical power. We will
not comply with mandatory buybacks of firearms. We will no longer
relinquish our hard earned property. We will exercise our right to
assemble, worship, work and travel freely and ignore any
restrictions upon them. Businesses will refuse to act as
collection agents for plunder. You get the idea. The second part
of non-compliance requires a community political response or else we
will simply be a bunch of individual outlaws. Even though the laws
we refuse to comply with are immoral and unconstitutional, the
government will still try to enforce them. We will be charged.
Charges, however, mean nothing if they cannot be followed up with
arrest, fines and/or imprisonment.
requires the emasculation of the state or federal authorities that
attempt to punish our “lawbreaking.” This begins with lack of
local cooperation. The illegal immigrant sanctuary cities have shown
us the path here. But that is only the first step. Bureaucrats and
law enforcement who choose to violate their oath of fidelity to the
Constitution must be isolated and rendered impotent. Their offices
must be closed down and they must be given the choice of quitting
their jobs or leaving the county/state. Some of these people, like
the jack booted thugs in the justice department, will need to be
disarmed. This will require some form of organized militia to work
in cooperation with local law enforcement. Without enforcement
authority, unconstitutional edicts will be meaningless.
in our technologically sophisticated society, government punishment
does not require an agent with a gun. A bureaucrat at a keyboard can
inflict a lot of pain. The powers the IRS uses on a daily basis to
empty bank accounts and freeze assets are just the beginning.
Rendering enforcement agents powerless is a giant step toward
protecting our personal liberty; protecting our property from their
malicious efforts requires a whole other level of cooperation. Of
course as individuals we can take the first steps by putting our
property beyond their reach as much as possible. Eventually, local
banks and other financial institutions will need to become
non-complaint as well. They will ignore orders to seize property.
Lien and levy requests will be rejected. This will necessitate
several huge changes. Banks must disentangle themselves from the
federal reserve system. They will no longer use social security
numbers as identifiers. They will have to stand on their own two
feet, becoming entirely transparent and earning our trust.
Ultimately, it may require us to adopt a new medium of exchange,
perhaps reverting to a currency based on gold and silver, a new
blockchain cryptocurrency or even a combination of both.
thing you can bet on is that the money the state uses to control us
and make us dependent will stop. As mentioned earlier, the tax money
that is no longer leaving will be used to make up those shortfalls.
We will probably find out that eliminating the huge number of hands
that money goes through before it comes back to local jurisdictions
will make every dollar much more effective. And if local governments
privatize their largest expenditures like education, budgets will be
small and focused. Citizens will receive a boost in pay since huge
amounts will no longer being stolen from every check. This excess
will be available to go to local charities which will need to pick up
the slack when federal or state money is no longer flowing in. Local
charities that will be accountable and require accountability from
their recipients will meet these needs. It sounds like a lot but one
hundred years ago it was the norm. Americans are a generous
and tough lot, it is our heritage. We can make it work, it
will be worth it to make it work.
government is force. A moral and Constitutional government will
limit that force, using it solely as an extension of the individual
right of self defense. A tyrannical government uses force to
establish control. There is a good probability it will
eventually come down to a question of force. How will that
play out? If you look at it simply as a question of a few counties
or even a state against the might of the US armed forces, the answer
is obvious. But it is not that simple. While there is no doubt that
ass kissers and boot lickers in the upper ranks of the military and
national guard will slavishly carry out any orders, will the majority
of the rank and file so ignore their oath to the Constitution that
they will use force against their fellow citizens? I have my doubts.
Nor are we powerless. Technological sophistication is a two edged
sword that can be used against an aggressor as well. Hackers could
well disrupt vital infrastructure, banking or even attack politicians
and high level bureaucrats to apply pressure. Conflict is no longer
just a matter of bullets, tanks and planes.
there is the PR battle, where all modern US wars are won or lost.
There are a lot of freedom loving people in this country fed up with
out of control government at all levels. I have no doubt the
patriots who step into the line of fire first will get a lot of
support and inspire others to step forward as well. Courage is
contagious. And it will force the rest to confront questions that
have been ignored way too long. Sides will need to be chosen and our
fellow citizens will be compelled to look a despotic government in
the face and decide if they will continue to support it.
of this is just a broad outline, there are a multitude of other
details that will need to be worked out. Perhaps as you have been
reading you have been saying to yourself “what about this” and
“what about that”. Good. We need to start a conversation,
identify problems and come up with solutions that will make the
effort to restore our natural, God-given rights a reality. As human
beings it is our duty. As Americans it is our right to “alter or
abolish” our government when it becomes “destructive” to our
rights. These suggestions are in the “alter” category. It is a
step short of secession which would be to “abolish”. As an
American I have the deepest respect for the ideals upon which our
nation was founded and the wisdom of the founders in formulating a
plan to implement them. I have a profound appreciation for the
sacrifices they and succeeding generations made to advance and
protect that vision. While we have not been perfect, most men being
subject to the prejudices and perspective of their times, we have a
history I take pride in. These are things not to be discarded
lightly. We all want to be able to proudly look at the stars
and stripes and answer the question at the end of our national anthem
with a resounding YES!
the time may come when the restoration of rights demands the
dissolution of our ties with the government of the United States of
America, this is a plan for restoring our Constitutional
republic, returning the federal government to its limited parameters
and recovering the vision our founders had of a land of liberty where
each man and woman could live in freedom and the only restraints on
their actions were the rights of their fellow citizens. That would
truly unlock the unlimited potential in each one of us and create a
society in which life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are
enjoyed by all.