Silencing the Speech that Matters

 Your voice is being silenced. Oh, for the moment we can still rant and rave on social media if we can slip past Mark and Jack's censors. But the media has been censoring us for years. The stories they quash are just as important as the stories they tell. Recent history has made that all too clear. But even if we dig and find the truth about anything, then what? Sure, we can throw it out on facebook or twitter and see if they'll allow it but so what? You may as well be crying in the desert for all anyone cares, particularly among those who actually have the power to do anything about it.

The first amendment is all about political speech and protecting our right to get the attention of our government. It guarantees us the right to petition for redress of grievances. This right means that we have the ability to sue the government for relief from injustice, unconstitutional acts and the tyrannical actions of individuals within the government at all levels. This right is gone and has been for a long time. Two things have destroyed this right. One, government and the individuals within it have given themselves sovereign immunity which means they cannot be held liable for injuries they cause. So if some bureaucrat makes a mistake and ruins your life or destroys your property, too bad. The second is that the system itself is skewed so far in their favor it is laughable, it makes a mockery of justice. If you do find some small instance sovereign immunity does not cover and try to sue, the government has basically unlimited resources at its disposal to defend itself. The same is true if they decide to come after you, ask Michael Flynn. They can just wear you down until you are bankrupt and can no longer continue to defend yourself.

So we can't hold government accountable in the courts but the first amendment also guarantees us the right to assemble. We can make our voices heard en-mass. We can march and protest. Can we? Do they demand we ask permission to exercise this right? It used to be the government could just deny permits, this happened under the Obama administration and happens in local jurisdictions all the time. But now they have the pandemic to give them cover. No assemblies, it's too dangerous. No more than ten people can gather anywhere, even in private homes. Do you see what this does? It isolates us, makes us feel alone, makes us think that there are not thousands of others who join us in believing our government is tyrannical. We think everyone else is just giving up too. This is why the TEA party marches and the Trump Rallies were so important. But if we lose the ability to gather virtually due to the social media censors and we can't gather physically, we lose the ability to effectively push back against the despots. But that's the point, isn't it.

Your last opportunity to effect change, to protect yourself from tyranny is to select your representatives in the government, it is your vote. Now that has been taken away. Oh, we can still go to the polls but our vote, when it is actually important, will be canceled. As Uncle Joe Stalin said, it doesn't matter who votes, it only matters who counts the votes. It is unfortunate we have treated voter fraud in the past with such indifference, made jokes about it. Oh, the dead in Chicago have been voting for years. Don't you get it? Every dead person that votes, every non-citizen that votes, every fraudulent ballot that is cast nullifies the voice of a law abiding citizen, your voice, my voice. In this presidential election, the residents of cemeteries in Pennsylvania and Nevada are canceling the votes of people in Texas and Florida. The democrat hack that prints ballots at staples in Detroit and Milwaukee is voiding the votes of people in Utah and South Carolina. Do you get it? The people perpetuating this fraud are silencing your voice, the last meaningful peaceful option we have of getting the attention of our government.

We are supposed to live in a representative democratic republic. But if the rule of law does not apply to our rulers, if they can deny us the right to assemble and protest, if our vote is nullified and our rulers are forced upon us by fraud, then we have a government that is neither representative, democratic nor republican. We have tyranny. If we allow this, if we give our grudging consent through our inaction, if we submit to this corruption then we have no one but ourselves to blame for our chains. Don't consent, don't comply, don't just give up or give in! Don't be silent! While we still have breath there remains the hope we can restore our liberty and see the ideals of this nation realized.
