Non Compliance-Courage is a Muscle That Needs to Be Exercised

  I've mentioned non-compliance in several episodes so far.  Under the Constitution and according to natural law our fundamental rights belong to us because we are human beings, our rights are not granted by government and government has no right to regulate them.  Yet if anything has been made crystal clear in 2020 it is that governments large and small all over the world do not share this view.  To them, rights are privileges that may be revoked on a whim.  And to our shame we have been letting them get away with it.

The second amendment crowd is fond of quoting Charlton Heston;  “Out of my cold, dead hands...”  Tough words and maybe if you're wearing that t-shirt or sporting that bumper sticker, you think you mean it.  Do you?  Maybe they haven't come for your guns yet so you haven't had to prove your convictions but what about your right to assembly, to travel, to speak and worship and work and keep the fruits of your labor?  Have you surrendered these cherished rights as you are under house arrest in some blue state?

Governor Newsom in California has proclaimed his absurd restrictions on Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings.  Masks, no more that three families, it must be outside, no loud talking or singing, no more that two hours of contact.  Screw him!  He has no right to regulate gatherings in private homes, who I may see and how long, whether or not I speak or sing.  Rise up California or have all the lions already left?  Now I wasn't able to find out what the consequences of violating his rules are should one of your neighbors snitch on you but Governor Whitmer of Michigan has not been shy about the consequences of violating her rules.  She is requiring all business to document the names of all their customers, deputizing all business owners against their will to accumulate this information for the state.  If they don't, six months in jail and $1200 in fines.  No no no!  

How about Governor Cuomo of New York banning religious gatherings, not that he is the only one to do so.  The Jewish community is rebelling, good for them.  But what about you Christians all over the country?  You should be ashamed of yourselves.  The right to assemble and worship is guaranteed in the Constitution.  But more than that don't you hold up as the ideal those who suffer and die for their faith in the face of persecution?  Where is your courage?  Are you afraid of a fine or even a little jail time if you defy these immoral orders keeping your church doors locked?  

My point here is this.  I have said several times; we've got to stop complying with our own subjugation.  If we buckle under out of fear or habit every time some proclamation comes from our government, our chains will just grow thicker and heavier.  And if you refrain from gathering and singing on a holiday that celebrates the foundation of the liberty, if you relinquish the right to worship or speak or work, how will you muster the courage to resist when the consequences are more that a small fine or night in jail?  Courage is a muscle that needs to be exercised and if we don't start using it, when the tyranny gets really bad and is attended with severe consequences, you may find yourself bowing a knee before Caesar instead of defending your right to life and liberty.  
