What Is Happening to the Crown and Her Old Colonies?

England, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada-they have, and are, suffering the worst Covid tyrannies among so called First World nations. We look at the United Kingdom and her former colonies and assume they are a lot like us here in the U.S. We share a language, a tradition of liberty beginning with the Magna Carta, a respect for individual natural rights like speech, assembly and property and we all believe in the right to elect our leaders as servants of the people. We also expect that the citizens of these countries guard their rights and liberties with the same ferocity in which some of us still believe. That is not the case.

These commonwealth nations are still under some of the most restrictive lock-downs and are actively muzzling their people not only with social media censorship but actual arrests. For example, in the United Kingdom, they were still under severe lock-down rules until the so called “freedom day.” Those rules included face coverings, social distancing, closed clubs and bars, numerical limitations on weddings and funerals, and restaurant restrictions. As of July 86% of Brits had received one dose, over 60% are fully vaccinated. Doesn't seem to matter. And keep in mind Boris Johnson is supposed to be a conservative, he was once ridiculed as a Trump clone. Of course the other party is worse. In November 2020, in preparation for the “vaccine” roll out, the Labour Party called for censorship laws to keep people from spreading any negative sentiments about the shots. Until recently, there have been no mass protests. In fact, most have acquiesced to the seemingly eternal lock-down with the adage “Better an empty pub than an full morgue.” In July they were recording less than 30 deaths per day, down from over 1200 in January, measured by those who died within 28 days of a positive test; as in died with Covid, not of Covid. Yet the fear and oppression remain and with the Covid passport rollout, likely to get worse.

And what has happened to our neighbor to the north? Their border with us is still closed. They have been arresting, fining ($100,000) and imprisoning (1 year) pastors who defy lock-down orders. Police have conducted thousands of quarantine checks. Failing to comply with the Quarantine Act can lead to a fine of up to $750,000 and/or imprisonment for six months. In April the Police in Ontario got the right to set up checkpoints, stopping cars or pedestrians on the street to ask them why they are out and where they are going. (Let me see your papers!) There is a $750 fine for failing to comply. Nova Scotia's health minister said that lock-downs were not just about stopping the spread of Covid-19 but also misinformation. Worst of all, polls say that a majority of Canadians are fine with lock-downs, checkpoints and censorship and they have a leader who greatly admires the Chinese authoritarian system and is happy to oblige.

The former colonies “down under”, New Zealand and Australia, are just as bad; actually worse. Both countries are using the police and military to enforce their policies. They are attempting to completely eradicate Covid-19, get to zero cases, and have therefore, put in the most severe lock-down and quarantine rules. In New Zealand the Covid response minister (yes they created a special position for this) warned that the government would soon start chasing down people who have not yet voluntarily come forward to take the experimental shot. Then there is Australia. The restrictions there are absolutely draconian. It seems to have returned to its roots as a penal colony. People in Sydney cannot leave the city. Permission must be obtained to travel to other states and territories and there are some states you are barred from entering entirely. And who could forget the pregnant mother who was arrested in her home for promoting a lockdown protest online! Now they are flying drones to find people who dare to be outside without a mask in order to arrest them. All these abuses of natural rights are happening in twenty-first century democratic nations. This brutal totalitarianism has happened outside of the representative system with the simple declaration of an emergency.

Where are the mass protests and non-compliance? Their governments, like ours, are not listening. Unfortunately for our former colonial sisters, the right to self protection from criminals and a criminal government has not been written into their founding documents. This last resort is not available to them. Australia banned semiautomatic rifles and shotguns years ago and Canada has banned a great number of weapons as well. New Zealand has followed Australia in its gun ban. Ultimately, the force of these governments is unchecked by a disarmed populace.

The Magna Carta was the first limitation on government power, a baby step followed by the Reformation, the Renaissance and finally, the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The high ideals of individual liberty, natural rights and the power of the governed over their governments came back to England and her former colonies and made us all a light to the world. Ideals completely and totally abandoned by the United kingdom and her former colonies and many places in the U.S. as well. These are elected officials who have trampled our rights, they are the ones with the power. Dr. Fauci and his ilk can't make law, only suggestions to be followed (or not) by our representatives. It is time to defy these people, it is time for total non-compliance and massive protests to make our voices heard and when the opportunity comes around, vote them out! Every election should be a referendum on individual liberty. Every official who implemented a lockdown that extended past the first few months of the pandemic should be thrown out. Every proponent of mask mandates and vaccine passports should be removed. For the moment we still have the vote and we should use it to make clear that never again will we allow the people we elect to run roughshod over our personal liberties and natural rights.


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