We'll Never Defeat Marxism Until We Are Comfortable With Total Victory

Doesn't it seem like we fight the same political/cultural battles over and over..and over again? And each time we do, we lose a little more ground, liberty retreats a little further and state control expands a little more. Diversity eventually led to men being called women parading naked through women's bathrooms and competing in women's sports. Prayer is eliminated in government schools and now we teach little white kids they are irredeemably evil and little black kids they are eternal victims. The absurdity of the culture the enemies of America are shoving down our throats has finally gotten the attention of millions of Americans as revered institutions and long admired professions are turned against us. Trying to beat back this assault by protecting our little circle of freedom has not and will not work. That circle has shrunk to the point where we can barely turn around. In order to restore liberty, we need to understand what victory looks like.

Let's take the current fight over the government schools, for example. Whether it is Critical Race Theory, mask mandates or the fact that they refuse to reopen due to Covid parents have been coming out to public meetings and vehemently voicing their displeasure. That is good. But if a board actually listens and says CRT won't be taught or kids won't be muzzled, it will be, I guarantee you, a temporary victory. In a few years CRT will be repackaged and re-branded to destroy young minds once again. Why? Because the teacher's unions want it and have made it very clear they are going to get it into the curriculum no matter what parents, or even the boards, say. Same with masks and reopening itself. The teacher's unions are the primary obstacle.

In warfare the objective is to destroy the enemy's ability to wage war at all. We are at war for the future of the country. Those who wish to destroy it understand that and they know how to exercise power to accomplish it. Look at the hapless Republicans in the congress. They think that budget talks and the like are just the normal give and take between two sides, an ongoing battle of ideas. They truly are the stupid party. The Democrat party doesn't want give and take or compromise. They want to eliminate the Republican party, they are not interested in entertaining a spirited opposition. What do you think HR1 is all about? Making sure Republicans can't even get elected. Adding states and justices? Making sure their power cannot be diminished. Open borders? Making millions of new dependent voters. They wield power in a way that America once understood warfare. Shock and awe, total warfare, complete destruction of the enemy's ability and will to fight. Until we start playing the game the same way, we will never win, liberty will be continually in retreat until there is no place it exists any more.

So back to our example, the government schools. What does total victory look like? First, there are currently a lot of recalls in a lot of districts for school board members. That is certainly a good start. People who love liberty and America need to be elected to school boards. But as we have seen, electoral politics has always been a see-saw and if you leave things as they are, even if the power is not abused, eventually the enemies of America will get elected once again and use that power in negative ways. We see it at the federal level most obviously. Democrats get control and expand government as they are now. Republicans come in and....do what exactly? They never even “removed and replaced” Obamacare despite all their assurances. So all the marxist things the Democrats did remain, waiting for them to get back into power and build upon them.

So once these board members are replaced, they need to actually DO something. Who is it that is pushing all this garbage? Usually the Teachers Union. They need to go. If that means replacing all the teachers, so be it. Unions are in no way necessary to education, there was a time before they existed and whatever use they may once have had has long since been corrupted. Local control of education will never exist as long as the national teacher's unions have power, power supplied by involuntary dues. By removing the union the enemies of America, even in they are eventually reelected, will no longer have a powerful partner to work with. That will be a real, substantial and long lasting victory.

It is not total victory, however. Today's government schools exist for the purpose not of education but indoctrination. The founder of the current system, John Dewey, was a Marxist and a fan of Stalin. Government education is a Marxist idea straight from the horse's mouth. If we want to get wholesale indoctrination out of education we need to get government out of education. After all, government is all about control and expanding power so government education, by definition, is going to support those goals and make all the children who go through the system firm believers in the goodness of government. This system had a beginning, we lived without it before and we can do so again.

School choice is a beginning, not an end. It will break the power of the forced local system by bringing in competition but it is only a temporary measure. They are all still government schools and subject to the enemy simply legislating a return to the old way of doing things. The final step to fixing education is to return all of it to the private sector. Let innovation and competition rule the day. Do you really think that prayer would have been removed from all schools in the sixties if they were private and subject to the forces of the market? Most parents would have taken their child and money elsewhere. There may have been a school left for atheists but it wouldn't be the majority nor forced on anyone. Today, do you think CRT would survive in a private school system? Do the vast majority of parents want their kids taught racism? No, of course not. Education should be in the private sector subject to market forces and its funding should be voluntary. Why are property taxes funding the destruction of the country-and even the idea of private property! Doesn't the fact that you can never actually own your own home and property bother you? Is that right? No, I don't think so. If we value education as a society, we can voluntarily support it whether we have kids or not and only support those schools that reflect our values. And the education of children should be the primary responsibility of the family to whom those children belong. Our homes should not be held hostage by the NEA or local politicians.

This idea should apply to higher education as well. Do you know why the cost of higher education outpaces just about everything else? Because the government throws money at it all the time. What if we stopped? What if we stopped all the grants and loans funding institutions run by leftists and Marxists who take well adjusted children and turn them into anti-American revolutionaries who don't know how to think. Why should we be forced to pay for this? Make these institution stand on their own two feet and force them to defend their ideas in the marketplace.

Radical changes to be sure but if we actually believe liberty is better for everyone and the idea that government coercion and theft are wrong.... Do we really believe this? Really? Do we believe that the welfare state, an unaccountable system of forced charity based on theft, is not only harmful to the victim of the theft and the recipient of the stolen goods but destructive to the family and the soul of man himself? I don't think so. America once existed without welfare, without Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and child care and eternal unemployment payments. Oh, but you can't get rid of those things, that would be cruel. Then I suppose the Emaciation Proclamation was cruel. All those poor slaves who had everything provided for them; a roof over their head, food to eat, a job. Now they need to provide all those things for themselves. That's not fair. Seems absurd but isn't that how we are treating people now? Why is cutting exceedingly generous unemployment benefits when there is a labor shortage even a debate?!

This is why liberty never advances, because we lack the courage and the will to do what is right. Everyone is looking at the 2022 midterms as if electing Republicans is going to actually do anything. They are not doing anything good now. They are cooperating on massive spending bills while inflation becomes an ever greater problem. Do you really think they are going to stop, much less dismantle anything? Here's one for you. Say in 2024 the republicans have control of the federal government. You want to thwart the Democrat plan for bringing in all these new voters through the open border? Pass a law that states unequivocally that anyone who ever entered the country illegally at any time can never become a citizen. If you did that and made them ineligible for any monetary/welfare benefits the number of people coming over the border would slow to a trickle. Will they do it? Of course not. President Reagan was right, the closest thing to eternal life is a government program.

Total war. The Democrat Party and the Marxists understand it, they know what it means to crush their enemy so they can no longer threaten their agenda. Republicans do not. Most of us do not and even if we do, we lack the courage to do what is necessary to truly defeat the enemy. Government intrusion is an integral part of life now and we can't seem to envision a world without it. If liberty is to exist, however, we must. Government and the institutions they empower are actively working for the destruction of the country and the elimination of the individual liberty upon which it stands. We fund it, we allow it, we cooperate with it. That has got to stop, NOW because the world created by Marxism only ends one way. If we actually believe liberty is the only right and moral way to live and natural rights actually mean something we have got to do the hard work necessary to reclaim that reality in a nation that once embraced it. If we lack the will and courage to dismantle and eliminate socialist/Marxist structures, we will be ever condemned to be ruled by them.


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