Getting Out From Under the Banksters and Government Control. Reclaiming Their Most Potent Weapon: Money

There is an old adage, if you really want to know what is going on, follow the money.  Everything in government is about money because while it takes very little money to protect people's rights it takes a lot of money to buy votes, enrich politicians and the connected, and put into place a system of slavery.  Once upon a time billions of dollars was a lot, now it is just a rounding error.  Today spending is always in the trillions and while any government spending distorts the free market, this level of largess makes a funny house look dour.

I have often said we are paying for our chains and that is very true.  Every dime stolen from us goes to enrich the powerful and enable despotic control.  Now it is even worse.  Just look at what they are doing with Covid-19.  Saint Fauci took our money and sent it over to China to develop this virus.  During the lockdowns they sent our money everywhere except to 'we the people' who were put out of work.  We spent billions of dollars on gene therapy shots they call vaccines that have killed tens of thousands of people and whose detrimental effects in the years to come could be catastrophic.  Those billions went straight into the coffers of big pharma who have total legal immunity from any negative effects.  They spend millions, perhaps billions more on ad campaigns to get us to roll up our sleeves including giving it to “influencers” who are trying to get our kids to take these experimental shots.  You are literally paying our government to enslave and kill us.  Why are you passively submitting to this theft again?  And you Christians out there, you pro-life folks.  Are you going to keep sending your money in when the Hyde Amendment is gone and your government overtly pays for baby killing?  Why are we contributing to our own country's destruction?

But enough of that.  We know our government steals our money and launders it, giving it to politicians and their friends.  They get richer, we get poorer.  As I said in Leave Me Alone; A Patriot's Plan to Restore Pride and Prosperity in America it is the Federal Reserve and central banking that steals our freedom and impoverishes us.  Look at what has happened to the real estate market.  It has become totally distorted.  Blackrock, one of the largest investment firms in the country, is buying up residential property at a breakneck pace, paying way over asking price.  Normally, I wouldn't condemn this, companies or individuals are free to bid in the free market.  But Blackrock has an unfair advantage.  They are borrowing money from the Fed at just about 0%.  No one can compete with that.  Stolen money should not be able to be used to distort any market.  Recently the richest man in the world borrowed money from the European Central bank at 0% to buy Tiffany's.  He's worth hundreds of billions of dollars, why did he need to borrow money to buy it?  He didn't but he's connected so, why not?  This money is stolen from us too.  Central banks don't take it in direct taxes/theft.  They do it through inflation.  The Fed and other central banks create money from nothing, something they are doing at a truly breathtaking rate, and that creates inflation, the hidden tax.  The banks, governments and their friends get to use the money at full value but by the time it gets to us it has lost a lot of buying power. 

Ultimately, however, money has the ability to be the doomsday weapon of totalitarian control.  In the past tyrannical control has always been physical force, the point of a gun. While our tyrants have used that sparingly, they are Marxists and deadly force and Marxism have always gone hand in hand.  But until we reach that point overtly, they are choosing to use economic pressure on us.  Our ability to transact with our fellow human beings is, after all, the essence of civilization.  Our ability to engage in productive work provides the means by which we can procure the things we need-food and shelter-as well as the satisfaction of our other wants and desires.  Our ability to do any of these things-work, buy and sell-has at times been dependent on government permission.  Certain types of work require licenses, there are business licenses and regulation, taxes are required.  For most of our history, these have been nothing more than a nuisance for most.

Now, however, that is changing and changing rapidly.  The lockdowns demonstrated that the ability to work and earn a living is entirely dependent on the graciousness of a capricious government will.  They decided who is “essential” and who is not.  They also decided what you can buy when some cities and states roped off sections of stores to deny us the ability to freely purchase what we wanted.  They decided what we needed.  Then there were the mask mandates.  Your ability to do anything was dependent upon your compliance with a thoroughly non-scientific requirement.  Mask mandates are still around in plenty of places but control has shifted to vaccination.  Proof that one has been injected with a dangerous experimental substance is being increasingly required in order to work, buy, sell, travel and even recreate.

That is not all, however.  There is currently a push to put the responsibility for credit scoring with a government agency.  That means the government will determine your ability to not only borrow money for major purchases but in many cases get a job or an apartment.  A credit score is used for an increasing number of things and having something so (unfortunately) essential in our world at the whim of government bureaucrats is another form of tyranny.  The government that can put you on the no fly list on a whim and never tell your why can drop your credit score like a rock and you will have no recourse.  I'm sure you can see how easily that can be abused.

Banking has already been politically correct for a while-banks have denied, for example, gun dealers the ability to use their services and they have closed out accounts of prominent voices for liberty as well.  PayPal is now partnering with left wing groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and denying people the ability to use their service if they find them politically incorrect.  “Cancel Culture” is increasingly finding its way into mainstream business and banking, ask Mike Lindell.  Of course we know that the IRS can swoop in and take whatever they want or the government can use its multitude of laws and regulations to find anyone guilty of something (or they just make it up) and bankrupt them through the legal process, ask Mike Flynn.

To all this add the holy grail of totalitarianism, the digital dollar under the complete control of the Fed and the government.  The dollar as we know it is destined for destruction, cash will be gone and its replacement will be the digital dollar.  The Fed will issue it and the entire banking system will be revamped to use it.  The government will see every purchase and let's be honest, your purchases are your life.  Your food, entertainment, housing, everything you buy defines who you are, what you like, what your political leanings are, everything.  And when the government has total control over your ability to buy and sell, they own you.  If they decide you need to take a Covid shot, they can freeze your assets with the push of a button until your “vaccine” record is in the system.  Inflammatory posts critical of the government on social media and your credit score drops or, again, you could just get locked out.  Your ability to access anything including food and medicine will depend on you maintaining a good social credit score and being a good little slave.

We can never allow this to happen.  If we are to survive at all, much less fight back, we will have to develop an alternative economy.  The beginnings of this are already on a lot of people's radar.  We may(should) choose not to do business with companies who are actively supporting Marxism and its culturally destructive handmaiden, “wokeness”.  We should all stop buying products from China, an enemy nation bent on our destruction.  But an alternative economy in which patriots support one another will not survive if our money and banking remain under the control of those who who demand our obedience.  We need a form and method of exchange outside their control.  We could, of course, go back to gold and silver.  There are two problems with this.  One is storage.  The FBI raided a private storage vault in Beverly hills last spring and took all the gold, silver, precious gems and other valuables of innocent people under unconstitutional civil asset forfeiture laws and are not giving them back.  The second is how to exchange them for small items or over long distances.

Cryptocurrency can fulfill this need.  Bitcoin is the first currency that has been divorced from government.  Just as the Enlightenment separated church and state, Bitcoin has separated money and state.  The state cannot manipulate or control it, it cannot prohibit transactions or empty wallets.  The major world actors have used the manipulations of central banking to enrich themselves and impoverish us.  What if we dropped out of that system, stopped using their money entirely?  Stopped using banks controlled by the Fed and other central banks.  Look at the consternation little El Salvador has caused the World Bank which has used its money to control and manipulate smaller countries for decades.  Now they will be able to control their own destiny.  We can do the same as individuals, creating a parallel economy outside central bank and government control.  There is, however, a huge problem with using Bitcoin for regular transactions. The problem with Bitcoin (or any other crypto coin) as a medium of exchange is that currently it does not retain a consistent value compared to other methods of exchange people are familiar with.  People are used to buying things with dollars or euros or yen and while there is inflation, purchasing power has remained relatively consistent over time.  When you buy milk, for example, one knows that three dollars will buy that gallon of milk today and that next month, milk will still be around the same price.  Bitcoin, however, has a value relative to other  common currencies that fluctuates wildly, often by thousands of dollars a day.  The amount of Bitcoin that will buy a gallon of milk one day may buy two gallons the next or half a gallon the next day.  People will not make purchases based on such wildly fluctuating value nor will sellers want to fix a price knowing that the value they receive will not be consistent with the price of the item day to day or week to week.  If Bitcoin, or any cryptocurrency, is to become a regular medium of exchange, it needs to have a value consistent with the goods and services for which it is traded.

I believe there is a solution.  Gold and silver have been traditional vehicles of exchange and have held a pretty consistent value-an ounce of gold bought a good suit one hundred years ago and still does today.  And once upon a time paper money was tied to it.  That seems like a good system.  So what if a cryptocurrency was developed that was tied, one to one, with an ounce of gold?  Obviously, it couldn't be tied directly as it once was in the US, there would be no Fort Knox or gold window where it could be exchanged.  However, that does not mean it could not be tied directly to the value of gold in comparison to other fiat currencies.  

How would this work?  To start, the number of coins would be fixed.  If we started the project now, we would base the number of coins on the estimate of the current amount of gold in existence.  I don't know what that number is but let's say one billion ounces.  That number would remain fixed forever which means the currency would slowly increase in value over time as gold is mined and more enters the system.  In order to purchase a cryptocurrency gold coin, I'll call it an Aucoin (AUC), one would always purchase it at market price compared to a fiat currency.  Gold is currently around $2000 dollars an ounce.  So in order to buy a AUC today, you would pay $2000 USD.  Or you could buy it with euros or yuan or whatever, according to the current exchange rate.  As fiat currency loses value the AUC retains the same buying power relative to it because it is tied to gold, not the currency.  If gold goes to $3000 an ounce in a year or two, it will probably still buy a good suit just as the AUC will and the AUC will be purchased at the $3000 price.  If the USD plunges in value due to hyperinflation, the AUC as it relates to other currencies (euro, yuan, yen etc) will still have value and will buy whatever an ounce of gold will buy relative to what those currencies purchase.

Of course, just like Bitcoin, the AUC will be exchanged in fractions, you don't buy a gallon of milk with an ounce of gold.  To make this even more relatable the AUC will be automatically divided into fractions worth 1/1000, an mAUC (microAucoin) and goods and services will be priced accordingly.  Our $3 gallon of milk would be 1.5 mAUC.  I believe this makes more sense to people than .0015 AUC or .000034 Bitcoin.  Perhaps in time there will be actual exchanges where physical gold can be stored in private vaults and swapped out for AUC.  The whole point is to have a cryptocurrency with a stable store of value that can be used with confidence for everyday purchases.  A coin whose value is relatable to something people are familiar with and will have the same relative value around the world.  An American, an Italian, a Japanese or an Indian will all be able to exchange a AUC because they understand the value of gold relative to their own fiat currencies and that common value will transcend borders. 

To make this work the AUC would need a program by which the purchase of the AUC would always be tied to the value of gold in the currency of choice at the moment.  In order for that price to be beyond manipulation, a number of exchanges would need to be incorporated and an aggregate price decided upon.  For example, if the price of gold on the NYSE was $2000 an oz and on several other exchanges it varied by a few cents or dollars, a program that would average those exchanges and come up with a real time value would keep some mega investor from manipulating any one exchange to change the price.  Far fetched, perhaps, but market manipulation is a fact of life.  This program would need to do this for a basket of currencies and it would need to determine what currencies were in that basket based on objective criteria-a minimum GDP for the country, perhaps.  This way, over time, currencies could be added and deleted from the basket.  Or perhaps that wouldn't be necessary if the AUC eventually became so common that it was what people related value to; that is the goal, after all.

There are, of course, problems that need to be solved to make this work.  There is the original purchase of the coins.  There would be no mining as there is in Bitcoin where coins are added over time.  The number of coins will be a fixed number and at a fixed value at the beginning.  It is not like an investment where a coin is created and then sold by an individual or group like stock.  That would be rather dishonest, like selling all the gold in the world that you don't own.  It would seem to need an exchange but that would go against the decentralization required for the integrity of the system.  Perhaps my ignorance of block-chain technology makes this more of a problem than it is.

Block-chain technology tied to traditional stores of value could be a real boon for getting out from under the finger of government control.  Of course the government could make it illegal, it probably will when it rolls out the digital dollar.  We know the government hates competition.  But that does not mean it cannot be used.  The government can't just go into a vault and take it, it can't just shut down a web site and make it go away.  That is the beauty of decentralized finance.  There is no bank, no central hub.  Decentralization, after all, is the essence of freedom, the opposite of tyrannical central control.  That was what the Founders understood and if we are going to have the ability to restore their vision, we've got to get out from under their control.  If enough of us take this route we will break the source of their power; the Fed, the banking system and the ability to seize our property through theft(taxation).   Freedom begins with reclaiming the most potent weapon of all, money.    



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