President Trump is an Anomaly
For those of us who love freedom, who see government as the problem and
not the solution, who have been eternally frustrated with the often
moronic policies of our leaders at all levels, President Trump is a
breath of fresh air. Here is a man who understands and loves
traditional American ideals and culture, he is one who believes
America is great and her best days could still be ahead. He connects
with average people, he shares their dreams and frustrations, he is
optimistic and energetic and it is infectious. These are the reasons he draws huge crowds and such loyal support. He makes us hopeful
that things really can change for the better, that liberty will
advance once more.
hate to throw cold water on your dream but it is not going to happen,
not because of President Trump. He is doing what he can, rolling
back regulations, securing the border, brokering trade deals, all of
which made for a robust economy before the coronavirus. But while
his list of accomplishments is long, there have been few legislative
victories. Which means, as President Obama found out, what is done
with a pen and a phone by one president can easily be undone by
another. In order for liberty to truly advance, permanent change, a
dismantling of our socialist state, must happen; and it is not.
have seen this before. Just like President Trump, President Reagan
was an anomaly. An outsider who distrusted government, he understood
and connected with the rest of us, he truly understood and believed in
America and her ideals. He presided over a revitalized economy and
tried to shrink government through deregulation. Just like President
Trump, President Reagan wasn't perfect, but most of his actions
reflected his small government philosophy.
what happened. We got two Bushes, Clinton and Obama. For almost
three decades government grew and grew and grew; it became more
pervasive, more expensive and more powerful. Sure, the economic
benefits continued long after President Reagan was gone but the “Deep
State”, the career politicians and bureaucrats, were there
before he took office were still there when he left. Some of them
are still here today. Presidents come and go and they can make some
changes but the vast majority of the laws, regulations and all the
agencies remain, growing like the blob, devouring the blood and
treasure of us all.
Reagan and Trump set a tone of optimism and freedom and while that
may make us feel better and influence some who want to ingratiate
themselves to the new administration, it does not and will not
percolate throughout the government. There is a culture in
government that is not going to change regardless of what the
president says because our government is an active government and an
active government attracts and is run by a specific kind of person.
If our government was limited to its moral and constitutional
parameters, namely the protection of rights, none of this would be an
issue. The people in it would be public servants who respect the
rights of others above all and act accordingly. A rarity throughout
history, I know.
government is unlimited, however, having broken the restraints
imposed by the Constitution a long time ago. We must be honest here.
Amidst all the talk of a socialist takeover, we have failed to
recognize we are a socialist country and have been for a long time.
The United States is today characterized by redistribution of wealth,
governmental control or ownership of all economic activity and on top
of that, add the authoritarian overtones of the surveillance state
and pervasive social control and it is a fact that cannot be argued.
Sad but true.
state that rejects individual rights and seeks total control, i.e.
totalitarianism, requires a vast bureaucracy and a police force to
manage and enforce it. That requires an army of people, currently
numbering around 22 million at all levels of government. Since just
about all of these people are enlisted in jobs that don't protect
rights but infringe upon them, it is a particular type of person that
takes a job that by definition steals people's money, violates their
rights and restricts their liberty. A criminal socialist government
constantly engages in activities that would put any of us as
individuals in jail and they do it under the protection of the law.
An individual who chooses to engage in criminal activities as a
matter of course is either a proud thug or is lying to themselves
about being a thug.
know there are a lot of thugs and bullies in government positions.
They enjoy wielding power over others. They enjoy the perks,
the bribes, the deference they receive. They don't see any of their
transgressions as an abuse of power but as their right because they
are wiser and better than the rest of us. They have no problem using
the power of the state to destroy their perceived enemies because
their enemies are wrong and evil by definition. They are mankind's
savior and anyone who opposes them is deluded and dangerous. From
the ranks of the thugs rise the Hitlers, Stalins, Castros, Maos, and
their henchmen. Are there such people in our government who could
become such figures? Of that I have no doubt.
fact the henchmen are already in place, men and women who have no
problem bullying or even killing their fellow citizens, men and women
who will lie and cheat to pervert the law to destroy the lives of
their fellows. There are too many examples to list. But I ask you,
who is the justice department agent who thinks it reasonable to send
a SWAT team to arrest an octogenarian and his disabled wife in the
middle of the night? What agent shoots an unarmed woman holding a
baby? Who makes up evidence to destroy innocent people? Who attacks
a building full of children and condemns them to a fiery death? If
you wonder what kind of people made up the SS, these are the ones.
The state is always right, everything it does is right, the ones
above them are infallible. Don't think it can't happen here, it
already has. And it continues. Do you think that just because
Donald Trump is president that the IRS has stopped abusing its power,
that law enforcement isn't continuing to fill its coffers with
immoral asset forfeiture, that prosecutors have ceased bribing
snitches? No, the abuse of government power goes on unabated.
makes government thugs so dangerous is that they know the likelihood
of any negative consequences for their actions is practically nil.
Unlike regular criminals who may actually go to jail when they are
caught or regular people who may get demoted or lose their jobs if
they do something shady, government employees and politicians very
rarely suffer any consequences for their misdeeds. We all
know that it takes real moral fortitude not to take advantage of an
immoral situation when you know you won't get caught. For those in
government who know no punishment awaits them if they do get
caught, the temptation to dole out favors, take bribes, misuse
information, and destroy perceived enemies is often irresistible.
Add a thuggish mentality to that and you easily have the Stanford
Prison Experiment on a massive scale.
there are plenty of thugs in government who enjoy being thugs, there
are plenty of people who would never be able to actually pull the
trigger. They are the drones who run the vast bureaucracy necessary
in a socialist totalitarian state. All those rules and regulations,
dictates and directives require an army of people who serve as
intermediaries between the rulers and the ruled. Millions of people
who sit at desks and create reams of mandates, orders and threats,
people who spy, people whose job it is to figure out new ways to
spend stolen money and reduce people's freedom. Many of these people
are just happy to have a secure job with great benefits and a
pension, some of them believe they are helping their fellows, and
some think they are serving a government they believe in.
is irrelevant because each one of them is still doing a job that
steals people's money and freedom. To do that job either they don't
care, which puts them in the first category of thugs, or they
convince themselves that either they or those above them in
government know better than we do how to run our lives and spend our
money. These people know what is best, they believe discipline must
be imposed from the outside in order to improve society and save
mankind. There are experts in government whose directives must be
followed to achieve these goals. Once one accepts the premise that
individual rights are secondary to the goals of the state, any
order will be followed. Since these bureaucrats aren't the
people who actually pull the trigger, they are insulated from the
effects of their “job.” They never see the lives they destroy or
the faces of their victims, they are just names or numbers on a
computer screen. It is much easier to deny the reality of their
actions when they don't see the results.
self supporting culture develops among these thieves and thugs by
which they ignore their crimes and assuage their guilt. They pat
each other on the back, give out rewards and awards, assure each
other they are doing good work. For whom? Not for us. The hoops
they create for us to jump through to make a living, the punitive
measures they mete out to keep us in line, the rights they ignore or
trample, none of its good for us. But if you are convinced
your job is for the greater good, for society in the abstract,
your self importance becomes ingrained and the crucial nature of your
work for the state obvious. Any threat to that work is a threat to
Is it
any wonder the established government apparatus and those who feed at
its teat hurl such invective at President Trump, and President Reagan
before him? Both outsiders who refused to play the game or bow
before the wisdom of the bureaucratic herd. President Reagan had the
audacity to say that “government is the problem” instead of the
solution. President Trump ignores much of the conventional wisdom of
the “experts” in government in favor of common sense solutions
and is reducing government's reach. While President Reagan certainly
felt the heat from the establishment, its efforts against President
Trump are at a whole new level. That's because the “establishment”,
particularly the intelligence and security apparatus President Trump
has been critical of, is much larger and more powerful than it was
during the 1980s. That community was still focused on the Soviet
Union. Now it has become obsessed with internal threats to the state
government community is not only bigger, its thug cultural mindset
more entrenched, but it is bolder as well. The abuses in the justice
department and the courts have made a mockery of our legal principles
of fairness and equality before the law. The use of federal agencies
like the IRS to harass and punish political opponents makes citizens
hesitant to voice criticism. In the interests of security we have
become conditioned to submit to the most ridiculous and invasive
attacks on our persons and privacy. The punishment of real
whistleblowers reinforces the corrupt governmental culture. Add the
surveillance state to the mix and the apparatus for a truly brutal
tyranny is all in place. It has been testing its effectiveness and
our level of compliance, particularly in this present crisis. And
the players are already in place ready to rise to the occasion.
with the mentality of the SS or KGB and the political machine behind
them are putting themselves on display for all to see. Our political
leaders at the highest levels feel free to threaten supreme court
justices who may choose to limit their decades long eugenics program.
Congresswomen encourage supporters to attack members of the
president's cabinet and his supporters. Local politicians want to
spread viruses at the president's political rallies. Prominent
entertainers and businessmen have called for the president's
assassination. And people are listening. A rabid Bernie Sanders
supporter shot several republican members of congress and the “Bernie
Bros” frequently harassed and bullied his opponents and their
supporters. People wearing MAGA hats are assaulted regularly. Cars
have been driven into places housing republican voter registration
drives. Antifa, like the brownshirts of old, riot in the streets.
Given the green light, there is no doubt that there are many
supporters of these statists and socialists who would engage in more
systematic and widespread violence against political opponents.
State sanctioned political violence like Kristallnacht.
present crisis has revealed the statist understanding of their role
and powers for all to see. They assume they can lock down entire
states, enforcing a twenty four hour curfew by fiat. Your right to
assemble, work, worship and protect yourself have all simply disappeared in a
matter of weeks for an indeterminate period of time. They are
letting criminals out of prison and refusing to enforce the law.
There is no question their abuse of power and disregard for
constitutional and natural rights will get worse. Martial law may be
just over the horizon, the national guard is already involved in some
states. While President Trump has thus far refused to use the
emergency the way many governors have, the breadth and scope of
federal emergency powers is truly frightening. Even if President
Trump continues to resist their implementation, they are just waiting
for someone with less respect for individual rights to gleefully
embrace their abuse and the accumulation of power that would result
from their activation. And there are millions of government
employees and career military personnel who will gladly follow the
orders that will enslave or kill many of their countrymen. Some will
do it because they trust the experts who say it is necessary and
some will do it because they are thugs. But the vast majority will
enforce martial law, compile lists of subversives, guard resisters in
camps, and too many of our neighbors will be fine with it all. They
may even inform on us, they are doing it already in this crisis when
they hear someone cough.
see, government is not going to get smaller and its entrenched
culture is not going to change because of one politician or one
election. It didn't change after President Reagan, it didn't change
after the TEA party and it will not change after four or eight years
of President Trump. It won't change because it can't change.
Government is the way it is because of what it does, the “Deep
State” exists because a certain type of people are attracted to
activist government. The vast, vast majority of politicians
and bureaucrats are thugs and they will never willingly relinquish
power. There is only one way change will come, only one way our
rights will be respected and that way is found only within us, we the
people. We must come to value our unalienable rights above all else,
we must stand up for those rights and we must refuse to comply with
and support a government that violates them.
find it difficult only because we refuse to see the equivalency.
If the Chinese or the Russians invaded we'd all be living “Red
Dawn”, but since it is our neighbors doing the dirty work, the
people we voted for who screw us again and again, somehow we think we
must take it. Our ability to vote is not a warrant for our
subjugation! Our individual, natural rights are not subject to a
vote, they do not depend on the grace of our rulers or the value our
neighbors place upon them. They belong to us and they cannot be
taken, only relinquished. We have a moral duty to protect them so
they may be freely exercised. America's founders understood this and
they made our natural rights legal rights as well, codifying them in
the Constitution. The “Deep State” is a malevolent and wicked
force occupying our constitutional republic, a malignant tumor
destroying the ideals and vision of a free nation. The restoration
of our freedom begins with our refusal to comply with those who are
collaborating with our subjugation. It ends when the apparatus of
tyranny has been destroyed. All it takes is for us to put our live,
fortunes and sacred honor on the line.