Are We Still Americans?

What's wrong with you! What's the matter with all of us?! Are we Americans? A bug kills a few hundred people and we allow government to run roughshod over the liberties we have left? Why are we putting up with this? State and local governments are killing small businesses. How many do you think are going to come out on the other side of this? Most of them operate on small margins with little cushion; in a few weeks, or a month or two, they will be gone. Who's going to make them whole? You think some no interest loan is going to help? That's all they need, another payment if they open back up. We are a smart, innovative people, businesses can adapt, they can take precautions, but they are not going to have that opportunity because the government grabbed unconstitutional and immoral authority and is prohibiting people from making a living. And of course there are all the people who work at all these small businesses, now out of a job, lost any benefits they may have had. Sure, the government is going to send them a check, that isn't going to cut it for most, and for how long? If that business closes, there is no job to come back to. Unemployment is going to skyrocket for a long time. Again, the government is prohibiting you from making a living. On top of that, they are forbidding your free movement, requiring you to stay at home, in some cases with the threat of legal action. And for how long? No one knows! It could be weeks, it could be months, it could be years! Do you really accept the idea that the government can confine you to your home for as long as it wants? This has never been done nor should it be done! I want to know where we got the idea that the government has this kind of authority. Do our unalienable, God-given rights end because of a virus? Are we not Americans, strong, adaptable, tough and inventive? 

My God how far we have fallen. We are just dumb, little sheep obediently doing whatever the government tells us regardless of the consequences. Do we just assume because the government says it its true or because it does it that it can? Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves! If we comply with all these life killing draconian decrees we will be ceding our lives over to the government and it will finally destroy our country. We will all be groveling at their feet to provide for our every need and the United States will finally bankrupt itself trying to meet those needs. $1000 a month to every American? That's four trillion a year. Healthcare, another few trillion. When the small businesses are gone and unemployment is twenty or thirty or forty percent and the only people working and getting paid are the government bureaucrats, where do you think all that money's going to come from? We are all going to be poor and sick. If you think the virus will kill a lot of people, welcome to Bernie's socialist paradise.

We're Americans people. Does that mean anything anymore? We can handle this without destroying our economy, without despotic government intervention, without giving up our rights and without eliminating all that's great about us and this country. All we need is good information to act on. We can be responsible, we can take care of ourselves and our neighbors, most of us are smart enough to take reasonable precautions and we will be ok. We, as individuals, should be the ones making decisions about our risk. Yes, some people will die but we balance safety and freedom all the time. We can't let the unfortunate deaths of a few hundred or even a few thousand destroy the lives of 300 million. Liberty has risks and until now most of us refused to live in a bubble, or a cell, to mitigate them. Do we all stop driving cars to save the 40,000 people a year who die in accidents? Do we prohibit doctors from practicing when their mistakes kill 200,000 people a year? Do we shelter in place to stop the flu which has killed four times more people in the US than coronovirus has in the whole world? Have we banned junk food and smoking with all their health risks to keep those things from killing hundreds of thousands a year? No, of course not. Over 200 people die in this country every hour of something other than coronovirus and we don't shut everything down for them. Why are we putting up with this? People, we have allowed government to grow and grow and grow and control every aspect of our lives. We have accepted it way too long and now we see how draconian it can be. Do any of you think this overreaction is a test to see what they can get away with, how much we will put up with? Just as freedom was on the rise, taking little infant steps forward around the world, a convenient crisis comes to bring big government back into the picture? How long before some idiot declares martial law and comes for your guns and prohibits free speech? If we allow this to stand it will destroy our economy, bankrupt the country and we will be suffering for a very long time. It is time to say no. It is time to stand up for our unalienable rights; the right of assembly, the right of free and unrestricted movement, the right to make a living. It is time we stopped complying with everything government says. Go open your business and take whatever extra precautions your need to keep yourself, your employees and your customers safe. Go out and enjoy life, keep your distance, wash your hands, stay home if you are actually sick. We can do this, life can go on if we muster the courage to say yes to liberty. Be smart, be safe and be free.
