Is Mass Genocide by the Covid-19 “Vaccine” as Far Fetched as Most People Think?

 There is a conspiracy theory out there and it goes something like this. The global elites who are bent on bringing in the New World Order want to depopulate the planet at the same time they take total control. While they cause economic and societal destruction so they can rebuild society according to their wishes, they also reduce the world population by at least half by injecting people with a substance that kills some within hours or days, most within five to ten years, and sterilizes the rest. Absurd, right? We cannot conceive of a conspiracy big enough to accomplish all these nefarious goals, a conspiracy that by its nature must involve thousands of truly evil people across multiple institutions and countries who wouldn't blink an eye at all the suffering and death they cause. We find it impossible to wrap our minds around that.

Before we consider the plausibility of such an unlikely theory, we should look at the things we know to be facts about the world we now inhabit. Perhaps if we can identify the major players in this conspiracy and then gauge the amount of power and influence they hold we will be able to measure the plausibility or even probability that such a nefarious and monstrous conspiracy could be true. In addition, we must identify the ideologies embraced not only by the principals but by a significant number of institutional players that would make the implementation of such a conspiracy a reality and not simply confined to the rantings of a few crackpots. So it is time to name names, identify ideologies, state the facts on the ground and the trends they portend to see if humanity really is on the chopping block courtesy of a global elite bent on world domination.

Part One

Let's start with the most obvious, the people who have made it very clear that global domination is their goal. The World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab has stated unequivocally that the pandemic provides a great opportunity for the “Great Reset,” a total reorganization of society and governments along environmental lines in which private property is abolished and the world is run by “experts.” “Build Back Better” is their slogan and it has been used in every major industrialized country including the United States. Biden “stole” it from them. More like adopted it. Many heads of state attend these conferences every year including the U.S. and major European powers. Xi Jinping, the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), was their keynote speaker this year. Bill Gates and other members of the extreme wealth club are frequent attenders. I have written about this extensively in the past so I will not recap it all here. Suffice it to say that this is the old “New World Order” conspiracy out in the open with a slick marketing campaign and supported by all the major world players in government, business and finance.

However, this New World Order isn't simply about the ultra-wealthy and powerful establishing control for the purpose of hoarding all the wealth and control for themselves merely for their own amusement. The Great Reset consists of a radical environmental agenda based on the ideology of man made climate change. These people aren't taking over for their own benefit, they believe they are doing it to save the earth from imminent catastrophe. To them man is causing not only his own destruction and perhaps extinction, but his actions, if left unchecked, will make the earth uninhabitable for any life whatsoever. Since most people have demonstrated their inability to solve this crisis by their own voluntary efforts, they must be subject to less subtle forms of persuasion. But this is more than electric cars and windmills. Private property is to be abolished so every area of life can be regimented according to a rationing program so people will use a lot less of the earth's precious resources and their destructive tendencies minimized.

In this New World Order, concurrent with The United Nations Agenda 2030 (previously Agenda 21) poverty will be eliminated and we will all live in happy, collectivist communes. Now there is only one realistic way to eliminate poverty by 2030 and that is to get rid of poor people, literally. This follows the reasoning of that great and wise intellectual, congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who recently postulated that in order to reduce crime, we should reduce the number of prisons. So in order to reduce the number of sick people, we should eliminate hospitals? So it only makes sense that to eliminate poverty, you should eliminate poor people.

An absurd and amusing anecdote? No, unfortunately not. The same people who support Davos and the Great Reset are also the same people who wholeheartedly bought into the population bomb hysteria of the 1970s. For example, in May 2009 a group of the worlds billionaires met informally to discuss philanthropy. Among the attendees were Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, and Michael Bloomberg. Most of the same people are also part of the World Economic Forum. Following the meeting the London Times ran the headline “Billionaire Club in a Bid to Curb World Population”. With Gates taking the lead along with Buffet and Ted Turner, all of whom have voiced concerns over world population for years, they proposed at least capping the world population at 8.5 billion. Not sure what they wanted to do with number 8,500,000,001. Of course that seems tame compared to what Turner and other wealthy elites and radical environmentalists have said. Here's a taste.

“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” Ted Turner

“The extinction of Homo Sapiens would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling species. Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth – social and environmental.” Ingrid Newkirk (PETA)

“A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.'' - Prof Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb

“The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing.” Christopher Manes, Earth First! contributor.

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” Prince Philip

“Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” Maurice King UK Professor (Logan's Run?)

This propensity of the wealthy and powerful to mold society according to their ideology and whim regardless of how it effects individual human beings is not something new. People with wealth and power have often considered it their duty and/or privilege to change the world. Some are humbled by their position and do things to make the world a better place while respecting the freedom and sanctity of the individual. Many of the obscenely wealthy in America's Gilded Age built hospitals and libraries. Some from true altruism, others perhaps working off the guilt and repairing their image from the way they accumulated their wealth. Others believe their private wealth or position in government entitles them to mold the world according to their vision of it. For them, the individual is insignificant and any negative consequences he or she bears is a necessary sacrifice. It is the abstraction we call “society” they seek to “improve.” For too many of them they saw the poor and “undesirables”, often defined racially, as problems to be solved through the process of elimination, literally. In the early twentieth century eugenics was an accepted field of science. Margret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, wanted to make abortion widely available to the poor, particularly poor blacks, so there would be fewer of them over time. It was only after the horrors of Nazi Germany that eugenics got a bad rap for a while. It is making a comeback.

You see, when saving the earth from destructive humans nothing is off the table. A few years ago at the 2016 World Science Festival the foremost bioethicist in the world Dr. Matthew Liao, director of the College of Global Public Health’s Center for Bioethics at New York University, said that the crisis of climate change could be solved through human engineering (a euphemism for eugenics). He stated that, for example, to get rid of all those flatulent cows we could engineer humans or simply give them a pill (or an injection?) to make meat unpalatable. Not really any different from giving alcoholics a pill to make alcohol undrinkable. Or, he continued, in order to reduce the amount of food and energy people consume, we could just mess with the human genome to make us smaller. Oh, that's absurd, we would never go for that! Really? Isn't it becoming accepted science and law for young children to be given hormones and surgeries to make boys into girls and girls into boys? Somehow simply changing our stature seems less radical. Isn't it accepted in our culture to solve every problem-physical, mental and behavioral, by taking a pill or injection? Now, with the experimental Covid shot, such problem solving has moved from suggested to nearly mandatory. Get people used to taking the shot, a booster every year to deal with all the supposed variants, and you could use that shot to do almost anything. And within a “robust ethical framework” led by scientists like Dr. Loew and bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci..... well, let's just say that Dr. Mengele would fit right in with his group.

Part Two

In order for this to work you would need a totalitarian system of control: Marxism. Today Marxism is being openly embraced by all our institutions including government. Marxism is not some live-in-a-commune, everyone-is-happy ideology. Marxism is a collectivist ideology in which the individual's value is only found in his contributions to the collective. Individual life, liberty and happiness has no value in Marxism, only the health and well being of the “collective” matters. In practice Marxism is the elevation of the state above everything, the state is the only “collective” that matters. Therefore Marxism demands conformity to the wishes of the state for the state determines what is good for itself as the supposed representative of the collective society, a convenient abstract used to convince the masses what the state is doing is good for them. “Society demands”, “for the good of society” is the excuse for every action even though no individual in the “society” can see the benefits to this abstract concept.

In Marxism the state is parent, teacher, god. There is no class, race or sex in Marxism. That is what the American Marxists are trying to achieve. They are tearing down everything that is not only traditionally American but historically traditional. They seek the elimination of the family, by proposing a multitude of genders they are eliminating traditional definitions of men and women, they are always hostile to religion. They are making war on American history and the foundations of her government and other institutions. They are igniting a race war and branding all who object insurrectionists and enemies of the state.

Marxism, everywhere it has been adopted, always, always, leads to the death of significant numbers of the populations under their control. Hitler was an amateur compared to Stalin and Mao. Nor is this ancient history. Even today in communist China there is forced labor and genocide. There is mass surveillance and any opposition is ruthlessly eliminated. Tiananman Square was not that long ago. The brutal oppression in Hong Kong is happening now. In North Korea people are starving and worked to death in labor camps. Russia, while not advertising its communism, is ruled by an ex-KGB agent who would love to see the old Soviet Union make a comeback. Putin has jailed, poisoned and killed any significant opposition.

Now this murderous totalitarian ideology is being openly embraced in all our significant institutions and we are behaving more and more like a brutal communist regime. Mass surveillance is a given. Censorship in coordination with the government is widespread. Most of the media have become mere propagandists for the Marxists in the state. Large corporations are assisting the state in implementing its policies and objectives. We have a state that will do anything to protect itself including using the intelligence and justice system to frame and eliminate anyone it sees as a threat, including the elected president. We have a two tiered justice system that protects lawbreaking in service to the state and ruthlessly punishes those who oppose it. Have you see the difference in treatment between the BLM/Antifa rioters who loot and burn and kill and are let off en mass versus the capitol hill trespassers who are held in solitary confinement and beaten? The Justice Department has declared anyone who questions the 2020 election a potential radical white supremacist terrorist and is planning on using all the resources of the federal government including the FBI and CIA (who are prohibited from operating domestically) to find them and root out those whom the president has declared the most serious threat to the country. A new White House hotline encourages the old Covid restriction informers to turn in neighbors they think have been radicalized. We have our own version of Mao's Cultural revolution with the “woke” movement where your participation in society is based on your gleeful acceptance of the most absurd cultural and political innovations. And of course we cannot forget the absolute totalitarianism many experienced during the pandemic when we were confined to our homes, forced to cover our faces and prohibited from exercising our most basic rights on pain of fine and imprisonment. Totalitarianism has arrived in America and the noose is beginning to tighten.

Marxist ideology demands the elimination of the individual and his or her uniqueness. Only by objectifying each individual can they be treated in such a callous way. As Stalin said, one death is a tragedy, millions are a merely a statistic. Faceless refuse in mass graves. We don't see it this way, of course, it is hard to imagine being so cold to the lives of others. Yet some of our leaders already express this callous view. Remember the great hero of the pandemic, governor Cuomo of New York, when he had a press conference about all the people he killed in the nursing homes. “They died,” he said without remorse; too bad, nothing we can do about it now. Governor Northam of Virginia has no moral qualms about killing babies after they are born . These people have no problem with the faceless masses dying. Isn't that they way they treat all the murders in big cities like Chicago? They are just numbers, mostly blacks killing blacks. Minorities these racists don't care about unless it moves their agenda forward. Local prosecutors paid for by George Soros who refuse to prosecute criminals, leaving them on the streets to prey on the rest of us. Sanctuary cities and states that allow dangerous criminal aliens to rape and murder at will. These are American elected officials and bureaucrats who have become hardened to the suffering and death for which they are directly responsible. They may not proclaim themselves Marxists but they certainly have the attitude toward individual life and the power of the state a Marxist does.

If you need any more convincing that the political, corporate and media leaders in our nation have a propensity toward evil, consider the fact that a lot of these radical environmentalists and Marxists were on the flight logs of Jeffery Epstein's “Lolita Express” or were to his private island. Here are just some of the names; Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, John Podesta, Larry Summers, Sandy Burger, Alan Dershowitz, Anderson Cooper, Steven Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, along with plenty of other politicians, actors, hedge fund managers and corporate CEOs. These men, and some women, participated in or supported pedophilia. If someone has no problem exploiting children like this, I personally have no problem believing their moral compass is broken to the extent any atrocity is possible.

Part Three

Does the Covid-19 shot and the circumstances surrounding the pandemic lend themselves to the plausibility that the shot is being used for nefarious purposes? Well, what do we know? The pandemic was caused by a virus that was the result of gain of function research in a Chinese lab in Wuhan. It was a coronavirus in the same family as the common cold and the seasonal flu. SARS Covid-19 however, is a Chinese biological weapon. Now whether it escaped the lab by accident or on purpose is conjecture. But keep in mind that China exported it on purpose when they shut down travel within China but allowed international travel to continue. The virus itself is not particularly deadly with a survival rate similar to the flu. In fact we know the case/death numbers were inflated. Many counties and states are now revising their numbers down. Even during the initial stages of the outbreak government statistics included people who died with Covid-19 as well as those who died from Covid-19. Later in the pandemic studies showed only about nine percent of the total deaths were caused by Covid-19 alone. The case numbers were inflated by the use of the PCR test which was adjusted to read false positive almost every time and there were plenty of people who received positive test results who weren't even tested! So while SARS Covid-19 was man made, it wasn't particularly potent. The general survival rate was well over 99%; most of those who succumbed had other comorbidities or were over eighty. So here are two lies already; both the death count and the case numbers were greatly exaggerated. Yet the media prominently displayed the daily count on the screen to scare everyone into believing they were living in the movie “Outbreak.”

There were several simple, inexpensive and effective treatments for Covid-19. The healthy rarely succumbed and Vitamin D, Zinc and Selenium boost the immune system and offer protection. Once infected Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and zinc, the corticosteroid Dexamethasone and Remdesivir are all effective, especially when given early. Studies have now confirmed this. All had been proven safe and effective against other disease yet government health officials and the media rejected all these things, even going so far as to call them poisons. Social media censored any talk about them, even by world renown experts. Search engines like Google buried information. So there was a man made virus infecting people and the government discouraged or made illegal the most effective treatments! This is crucial because when an experimental treatment like this “vaccine” is given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) people cannot be compelled to take it if there are other viable options. So instead of promoting all possible avenues of treatment, people were given expensive, ineffective drugs or put on ventilators at great expense and loss of life. So here are another set of lies concerning treatment.

In response to this outbreak, we did things never done before during a pandemic, most of which showed their absurdity on their face. We confined perfectly healthy people to their homes and told them they could only go out for essential things. So we were all funneled into big box stores because small businesses were forced to close. We we were told to stay six feet apart, a completely arbitrary number. We enforced mask wearing even though the esteemed Dr. Fauci, the mask Nazi, knew that the surgical and cloth masks did nothing to keep out the virus, the particles were too small. In fact, on the box the masks come in it says they will not prevent infection! Yet masks were required everywhere, even alone outside; a completely ridiculous rule that too many people still follow today. In fact, there are still states and municipalities and businesses that require masks and some that loosened their mandates are requiring them again, even for the vaccinated. All congregate settings, especially churches, were shut down. Curfews were established, as if the virus only came out at night. Schools were closed even though children were the least susceptible and there were no instances of teachers getting it from students. The restrictions were arbitrary and economically devastating. Workers in large corporations and stores were apparently immune while small businesses were shut down as a precaution, all under penalty of fine and imprisonment. Police officers arrested business owners and pastors yet criminals were let out of jail to protect them from Covid. Does that make any sense?! We know that the government itself, despite their warnings of doom, did not take the virus seriously. Their individual behavior flouting their own rules and policies like opening the border to whomever might come in without testing and quarantine are only two example of this fact. They knew it was not as deadly as their propaganda said.

An experimental “vaccine” was rolled out in record time based on a technology that has never been widely used before. Vaccines take years, decades even, to develop. Yet in less than a year, needles were going into arms. Also keep in mind that Bill Gates, Mr. Overpopulation, has been a major driving force behind this “vaccine.” These shots have not gone through the rigorous FDA testing other drugs have and are only approved under EUA. That means they are still testing them...on us. Now I would encourage you to do your own research on mRNA vaccines and find out more about the shots themselves. I am not going to go into how the “vaccine” actually causes an autoimmune response that attacks the body itself by means of the spike protein. That is too technical for our purposes for now. The long term effects can be surmised and may be horrifying but let's concentrate on what we know right now. As of this writing VERS has reported over 6000 deaths from the shot; the most, by far, of any other vaccine. And the VERS system admits gross underreporting so that number is five to ten times higher. In 1976 the vaccine for the swine flu was pulled after only 25 deaths out of 45 million shots. The side effects include MS, blood clots, autoimmune diseases, miscarriages, and heart inflammation, among others, which the CDC is finally acknowledging. Yet despite the deaths and severe complications, all to get a shot to protect us from something not very deadly, these shots are being pushed like nothing ever before. Not just pushing it through slick advertising and a sycophantic media but bribing and coercing people. We have government lotteries and giveaways at private businesses. In order to participate in normal society you need to be injected with this experimental substance. In some places, employers are requiring it. Some stores are demanding proof of vaccination and your ability to travel in some places is also dependent upon it. Hawaii is requiring it for travel to that state. So in order to work, buy, sell and move around will require proof of an injection. Sounds a bit biblical.... All of this is not just abnormal but illegal according to US Law and the Nuremberg Conventions. No one can be compelled, bribed, tricked or coerced into participating in an experimental drug/vaccine trial. Yet all of this is being done.

Established science is rejected when it comes to the vaccine. It is being pushed even on those least at risk; children as young as eleven can get the vaccine without parental permission in some states. This too is illegal as children cannot consent to participate in a medical trial. And the risk/benefit analysis doesn't make any sense. People under thirty have a less that one in a million chance of dying from Covid-19 but a one in three thousand change of dying from the “vaccine”! Yet schools and colleges are requiring it for admission. They are even requiring the shot for people who have acquired natural immunity which goes against all previous “science” in immunology. In fact, those who have been vaccinated after having had Covid are much more likely to have a severe adverse reaction. Those who have horrible side effects or die have no legal recourse either. The companies creating this injection have blanket immunity and businesses requiring it for employment are also demanding legal waivers be signed. All of this for a shot that has not been approved by the FDA, gone through proper testing and is based on a technology that has never been used on a large population before.

Mass immunization against a very narrow spectrum of immunity, namely the original Covid virus which has already been pushed out by a variety of variants, is setting people up for a super-bug that could be much more lethal. This is starting to happen as even in countries like Israel with high percentages of vaccinations, severe outbreaks are appearing. The small country of Seychelles has the highest vaccination rate of any country in the world yet it is leading in new cases. One third of the new infections are among the vaccinated and they have already recorded 6 deaths, again among the vaccinated. On June 29 it recorded 1393 new cases per million compared to the United States' 37! So the shot isn't even doing what it is supposed to: protect people from Covid-19! Which is also why some places are bringing back mask mandates or continuing to enforce lockdowns even among vaccinated populations.

So why the hard push? In Europe and other places in the world, people are being forced to take the shot. Vaccine passports are already in place in some countries and even some states in the US. The pressure and legal coercion to take an experimental (and apparently ineffective) shot for a disease that has an over 99% survival rate makes no sense. The Nuremberg Conventions were signed because of all the coerced medical experimentation in Nazi Germany yet we are ignoring all tenants of that treaty and the laws based upon it. So it is reasonable to ask...why?

But you can't ask why because science itself has been corrupted. Science was once the search for objective truth with the secondary objective of benefiting mankind. Now the objective of science is to serve the wishes of the state. The WHO is owned by China, that is why they were shielded from blame and no investigation is going to happen. Then you have our own Dr. Fauci, the face of Covid-19 response, the infallible soothsayer who will protect us from calamity. His e-mails reveal him to be a liar who actually signed off on using taxpayer dollars to fund the Wuhan lab! Yet Dr. Fauci made it very clear; if you disagree with him, you are disagreeing with science. Dr. Fauci, in his own words, is science. So science is what Dr. Fauci, and by extension the state, says it is. The state desires total control so if science can be used to further this goal, then science will be so used. Control the population physically through the vaccine passports and pharmaceutically through whatever you put in the shots. The first is fact, we can see it happening right now. The second is not far fetched, the US government has done medical experiments on unsuspecting segments of the population before.

Perhaps the most damning evidence is the documented fact that this scientific tyranny was planned and deliberate. Operation Lockstep was detailed by the Rockefeller Foundation back in 2012 in which our response to a pandemic was foretold down to the mask wearing and lockdowns. Dr. Fauci and the NIH continued funding the Wuhan lab's gain of function research even after it was outlawed in the U.S. in 2014. At the beginning of the Trump administration Dr. Fauci confidently proclaimed that President Trump would face a major and unprecedented pandemic. And a month before the Wuhan leak, Dr. Fauci and Moderna sent RNA vaccine prototypes to the Wuhan lab for testing against the novel coronavirus. Dr. Fauci, the point man for all of this, is a scheming liar who should be hung for crimes against humanity. With people like this in charge, is our conspiracy really so far fetched?

Part Four

The final question we need to ask ourselves is this; are there enough evil people across all these institutions to make totalitarianism and mass genocide a reality? For most of us this devaluation of human life is a foreign concept and is difficult to project onto others. We live our lives with a “live and let live” attitude and assume that everyone considers individual human life as sacred and valuable as we do. We constantly give people the benefit of the doubt and refuse to ascribe to them the worst motives. We save our nastiest monikers for a select few we view as truly irredeemable, evil people: Hitler, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer. Others, like politicians and criminals (sorry for being redundant) we see as misguided, wrong perhaps, but not malevolent; even when their words and actions hurt other people. It's time we stopped thinking this way; it could get us killed, literally.

If the Covid-19 “vaccine” is a bioweapon itself and a tool of depopulation are all the people hyping and administering the shot doing so with the knowledge that it is designed for this nefarious purpose? No, most are just dupes. The medical professionals encouraging this don't take the time to read the literature, they are accustomed to trusting the FDA, the NIH, the WHO and the CDC. If all these organizations say give the shot, they are going to give the shot. Why would they question it? Who is going to believe that all these government agencies whose sole purpose is to promote health would turn around and encourage a product that harms or kills people? Of course if you realize the WHO is owned by China, the FDA is in the pocket of the pharmaceutical industry and has a horrible track record protecting the American people and the NIH is run by liars like Dr. Fauci, it becomes a lot more believable.

The next leap of faith therefore, is the belief that there are enough people within these organizations, the government, media and the pharmaceutical industry too would carry out such a plot. Are there enough people with no moral compass, or an ideological belief that has sufficiently suppressed it, to contribute to this conspiracy against the human race? It's not that much of a stretch. For example, think about the amount of voter fraud in the last election. That required tens of thousands of individuals in different states and precincts to actively engage in what they knew was cheating. But they believed in an ideology and a party that to them was the higher good. They didn't need to be paid off or rewarded, they believed what they were doing was for the best; for the country and themselves. It was a loose conspiracy of poll workers, local election officials, judges, the news media, big tech and the Democrat party, all ideologically driven. Or what about the whole “woke” phenomenon with its handmaiden, critical race theory. This has suddenly been adopted and pushed by government, corporations, media and lots of average people in way that really impact lives. Is it far fetched to assume the same kind of loose conspiracy for the virus and the shot? Think about how the ideology of the crisis of climate change has become ingrained within the scientific community, the government, education and the media. They are already pushing absurd policies in their hysteria; paying for electric car charging stations in poor neighborhoods, for example, as if that is the reason poor people aren't driving Teslas! During the course of the pandemic they have ignored all established science and basic common sense for the purposes of propaganda. Is it that much of a stretch to think that there are hundreds, if not thousands, within these labs and government agencies who are fanatical believers in an impending climate catastrophe who would do something evil believing it was for the greater good?

To support not only the ideology but the actions of the global Marxist environmentalists one needs an effective propaganda machine and boy do we have one. Look at the facts. China controls or has great influence over all the major media outlets, Hollywood and even sports. Corporations, media included, do not want to anger China because they want access to their markets-greed. So any anti-China news is suppressed; like the “lab leak theory” was for so long. Or you couldn't call it the Wuhan flu or tie it to China in any way. China basically owns the Biden administration and they have infiltrated much of academia including the publishers of scientific papers. Next, consider the fact that most major media companies share board members with the major pharmaceutical firms so you will almost always get favorable treatment of those firms in the media. We know from Dr. Fauci's e-mails that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook was actively coordinating with Fauci on messaging and, by extension, censorship. So on one hand you've got major media supporting anything a Marxist regime says while at the same time wholeheartedly supporting the climate change crisis ideology. Do you think you are going to get any objective information from any of these sources? You don't think that all these entities are going to work for and support any goals the Marxists or the radical environmentalists have from the CEOs down to the anchors, reporters and writers? If President trump did nothing else, he exposed not only the bias but the extreme lengths the corporate and social media would go to support a lie or suppress truth.

So we have plenty of examples of people lying and cheating for ideology or simple greed. But it's a big step to murder. Such things couldn't happen here, Americans are different, we've come a long way, we're not that kind of people. Really? The tyranny of 2020 hasn't made an impression on you? I hate to break it to you but people are people and some people, when given power, turn into monsters. Normal people became fanatics and killers, cruel and unfeeling. Some people given power without restraint or consequence will become monsters. People who are our neighbors, fellow citizens, elected officials. The pandemic revealed that there are thousands, maybe millions, of great and petty tyrants in our midst. Who would have thought that our governors, mayors and councilmen and women would have trampled our most sacred rights so flippantly and our most trusted public servants, policemen and health officials, would have so zealously enforced these obviously unconstitutional, draconian and nonsensical edicts. You don't think the policemen who arrested a lone paddleboarder on the ocean or a pastor conducting a drive-in service have the makings of SS officers? You don't think your fellow citizens who became petty tyrants if we were not wearing a mask would not become secret police informers? I'm sure some of your neighbors are already burning up the White House hot-line to turn in you and all the radicalized “white supremacist” Trump supporters they know. Do you remember what happened during the Stanford Prison Experiment? Clean cut American college students became monsters. It's still difficult to believe what happened to an enlightened, advanced, christian nation like Germany either. But Hitler took a modern European country and turned its people into cold blooded killers and perpetrated a genocide in less than a decade.

While we remember the names of the mass murderers in charge of these states; Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, we must also remember that the totalitarian state requires a multitude of minions who enforce the oppression and carry out all these murders. Secret police, enlisted military, regular police, and an army of bureaucrats must all cooperate to carry out the wishes of these killers. These are people who will have sold their soul to engage in such horrific deeds. They are no less evil than those at the top. These people were once neighbors and parents and children and teachers and doctors and policemen and businessmen. Do you think the most murderous Nazis were always that way? None of them grew up in Hitler's dystopian dream. Heinrich Himmler, head of the murderous SS, was a low paid office drone. Could one of your fellow office workers be the next Himmler? Martin Bormann, Hitler's right hand, worked in real estate. Adolf Eichman was a sales clerk in a mining company. Theodore Eiche, developer the concentration camp system, was an army paymaster and policeman. Richard Glucks, who was the concentration camp inspector and oversaw the slave labor and medical experiments, worked in insurance. Theodore Dannecker implemented the final solution in Hungary, Bulgaria and Italy; he was a textile dealer. You get the point. These were regular people who became infected with a murderous ideology and ended up doing unspeakable things to their fellow human beings.

But the totalitarian state is more than just monsters who pull triggers or run death camps. It requires politicians in their ivory towers handing down edicts and a multitude of bureaucrats who make sure all the oppression runs smoothly. These are people who rarely, if ever, see the horrible effects of their words and actions. It is easy for a morally compromised individual to simply “follow orders” or “go with the flow” and ignore the harm they cause. In fact, it's much easier to cause harm when you don't have to see or live with the effects. This is what government types always do; insulate themselves from the effects and lie to themselves about their culpability. Just look at what the Democrat party is doing to the cities they run. Prosecutors letting criminals run free, slashing police budgets, criminal illegal aliens running loose while they live in gated communities behind private security. They can afford to be ideologues when they are insulated from the effects. Just as teachers and government bureaucrats were insulated from the economic effects of the lockdowns because they were never in danger of unemployment. These people all live in a government bubble. After causing destruction, murder and mayhem they go home to their spouses and children and enjoy the fruits of their thievery.

All these German men, and certainly some women, embraced an ideology that enabled them to see other human beings as less than human, not worthy of liberty or even life. What was Nazi Germany but a grand experiment using science and technology in a totalitarian state to create a utopia with a master race and eliminate anything that detracted from that goal. It was collectivism to be sure, all socialist/communist ideologies are. But it was an “exclusive collectivism” where the collective is not everyone in the nation state but only a select few. In Nazi Germany it was the party and members of the master race. Jews, eastern Europeans, gypsies and anyone who was an enemy was outside the collective and therefore sub-human and worth less than animals. This enabled those in the collective to justify any barbarity for not only were they less than human, they were parasitic; their very existence harmed the collective.

Now substitute the ideology of climate change for the Nazi party/master race. There is an exclusive collective. Just as in Nazi Germany the exclusive collective is artificial; human beings are human beings and inherent superiority based on immutable characteristics is a created cultural myth. This exclusive collective sees themselves as the enlightened ones worthy of special consideration. That is why the greatest proponents of climate change flout all the rules they seek to impose, ignoring the “carbon footprint” their private jets, mansions and limousines produce. They are worthy of life and luxury because they are part of the exclusive collective. They are the enlightened ones who have the solution. The rest of us, we must be deprived of the meanest luxuries like beef and cars and air conditioning and even life itself if it will save the planet. To them, we are the parasites and there are way too many of us. You see, their life is valuable, ours is not. If they really believed humans were the scourge of the plant and our very existence was detrimental, would they not be the first to commit suicide, showing the rest of us the gravity of the situation by their example? But that is not going to happen. They are the select few worthy transhumans who will carry on the species after the earth is cleansed of all the riff raff. In Nazi Germany, in order to protect the purity of the master race all the sub humans needed to be exterminated. To the radial environmentalist, in order to save the earth for a few, the rest need to be eliminated or we will all die. Do you see how the adherents of this ideology in science and government could coordinate to eliminate billions of people and believe they were doing a good thing? That those in the exclusive collective could perpetuate the most monstrous atrocities upon those they view not only as parasites but as threats to the very existence of humanity and all the other life forms on earth? Mass extermination not only seems plausible but the natural outcome of their ideology.

Conclusion and Warning

Was the whole pandemic about the “vaccine”? Combine the cold-hearted totalitarianism of Marxism with radical environmentalism that sees humanity as a parasite and you have a recipe for genocide on a huge scale. But even if that is too much for you, I hope that at the very least I have gotten you to question the Covid-19 “vaccine”. Perhaps you never had any intention of taking it for whatever reason, medical or moral. But the fact is this. Between the scientific totalitarianism envisioned by the radical environmentalists in the Davos group and the brutal absolute state tyranny envisioned by the Marxists, we are in a whole heap of trouble. Neither group has any respect for individual rights...or life itself. Mass murder to achieve their ends is not a philosophical or moral problem for them-it is for the greater good however they define it. Perhaps this “vaccine” is part of that plan, perhaps not. I think the evidence for it is pretty substantial.

However, we all know compliance has been a problem. Not everyone is going to take it. That is why both groups need each other. The Marxists need the Davos scientists to give them cover for their takeover; the health crisis of the virus is a great excuse to implement tyranny, as we have all seen and experienced. But the Davos people need the Marxists as well. Simple demographics. If the “vaccine” really is a tool for population reduction on a mass scale, the Davos people will have killed or sterilized all the sheep. Soon, the only ones left will be the lions, the free thinkers who reason and are distrustful of government authority. If any form of democracy is left, sheer numbers will put these lions in power. That cannot happen. That is where the brutal oppression, the hallmark of every Marxist regime, comes in. Totalitarian control of the remaining population first through the passports, mass surveillance and the coming digital currency. Then those who refuse to bend the knee will be put in camps and worked to death as they are in North Korea or simply starved or exterminated as they were in Soviet Russia or China.

Of course these are not two distinct camps, there is plenty of overlap, particularly among the government bureaucracy in the West who have been educated to believe the climate crisis and adopted Marxism in college or government. I don't know that the dainties of Davos would go for lining people up and shooting them and the CCP has shown no inclination for the climate hysteria but they will work together to crush any group or nation that shows an inclination toward liberty and individual rights. That is why the Marxists are consolidating power in the United States. A strong America that still holds the principles of decentralized government power, individual rights and a Judaeo-Christian morality will thwart their plans. That is why President Trump and his America first policy, his disdain for the deep state and corporate media as well as his advocacy for traditional American values had to go. That is why everything that is happening in America, the anti-Americanism that is becoming rampant among the ruling elite and their accomplices in media and education are tearing this country down. Who would have thought that in America in the twenty-first century the government would brand a race of people irredeemably evil and responsible for all the suffering and woes of the nation. Who would have thought that the government would erase one of the defining characteristics of any nation, its borders. Who would have thought the government would be actively trying to destroy all the foundational traditions of civilization; family, marriage, the simple definitions of men and women and religious faith and substituting the most absurd perversions. Who would have thought that the government would be populated with people who hate the traditions and history of the nation they ostensibly serve, some equating it with the worst and most murderous regimes. Who would have thought that the flag and national anthem would be branded symbols of hate not only by athletes representing the country at the Olympics but by many who have taken an oath to the Constitution of the country they now despise.

They are making their final moves with speed and audacity. The Biden administration is strengthening our traditional adversaries, China and Russia. He has bought wholeheartedly into the Great Reset. He is consolidating power, rigging the system of electoral politics. The bureaucracy has always been behind him. Now the non woke; i.e. conservative, traditional Americans are being drummed out of the military and police forces are being decimated. They need Marxist drones with guns to implement their totalitarian agenda.

If America falls there will not be a world government run by the United Nations. There will be a struggle for the depopulated earth between Communist China, the Islamists and the Davos/UN group represented by the Western nations. That is not a world any of us want to live in. Time is running out. If liberty is to be preserved anywhere we need to resist and that goes far beyond not getting the “vaccine”. It may be too late for too many but the lions who are left must refuse to be caged. Non-compliance combined with active resistance is the answer. I detail this plan in “Hashticharot's Revolution” which I will send you for free in digital form if you send an e-mail request to

Don't give up, liberty for ourselves and future generations is worth the struggle.


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