Glenn Beck is Wrong: President Trump Needs to Return to the White House Now.


Listening to Glenn Beck the other day, he repeated a contention he has made several times. If, or when, the various audits, lawsuits and recounts of the 2020 election demonstrate not only the massive fraud we all know existed but that the fraud changed the outcome of the election, King Joe will remain president. Beck's contention is that there is no mechanism in the Constitution to correct such a fraud. A majority of Americans believe there was considerable fraud and if that fraud changed the outcome, if Trump really won (landslide or not) then the Democrat party perpetrated a massive criminal act on all of us. Think about what that means. Biden and Harris stole an election to take the presidency, the most powerful office in the free world, and we are supposed to not only let them do as they please with it but that we treat everything done in that office as if they were legitimate representatives of a majority of the American people. That is absolutely absurd!!!

The first analogy that comes to mind is leaving a bank robber spend his loot in peace without even charging him with a crime. But it is so much worse than that. A better analogy would be a man who broke into a couple's home, raped the wife and killed the husband, and was never charged regardless of the overwhelming evidence. Horrible things that cannot be undone and have lasting consequences. Biden and Co. are doing rapid, irreversible damage to the country. Pipelines can be restarted but tens of millions of illegal immigrants in the country will not be removed. Iran getting a nuclear weapon cannot be undone. China taking Taiwan cannot. The trillions of dollars spent cannot. Children mentally damaged CRT and mask wearing cannot. The economic destruction from massive inflation cannot. This is only six months worth of destruction. Four years? What will we have left?

We should call this what it is, a coup. Whether by force or fraud a coup is a coup. We have an illegitimate president and nothing he does should have the stamp of legitimacy. Now, what will happen when confronted with the evidence or faced with a supreme court decision? Is Biden a man of honor? Do we believe he was ignorant of the fraud perpetrated on his behalf? No and no. Biden has been a corrupt, nasty partisan who has cut corners his whole life. He did practically nothing to campaign probably because he knew the fix was in. He is not going to give up and my fear is that with men like General Millie a coup by fraud will become a coup by force. This will not be a constitutional crisis, it will be an American crisis. The Founders were very clear, the American system assumes men and women of virtue and it is unsuitable for any other. The people currently in charge have no virtue, no integrity. They have no respect for the rule of law, the Constitution or the American people. They are bullies who have demonstrated they will do or say anything to attain and hold onto power. They are openly censoring opposition, they are making lists of regular citizens they are labeling terrorists for even questioning their fraud, they have locked people in solitary confinement for a half a year for the mere act of trespassing. No, this fraud puts us between a rock and a hard place. We either let Biden and Co. destroy the country for the next four years or enter into a civil war to remove him when he refuses to go. But accepting him as legitimate cannot be an option. That will simply reward the lawbreaking and fraud. Free and fair election will be a thing of the past and the republic will be over.


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