What is America?

Take a moment and I will tell you what it is and what it is not. America is the loftiest ideals of man; liberty, justice, equality. America is not its government for the state is is the coldest and most unfeeling of monsters. America is a people who believe in the principles of freedom, who believe fulfilling the unfettered dreams of the individual will benefit the world. The state places shackles on all and proclaims them free. Americans speak and respect the truth. The state's natural language is a lie, it twists and corrupts all that is good to support its deceptions. Americans work hard for what they have. The state steals the works of the inventors, the sages and even the children. The state is a thief, a robber, and it draws copious amounts of blood with its stolen teeth. The state proclaims it is inseparable from the people, it is the people; just another lie. It is merely an invention of the lazy, wicked and deceitful.

The founders were right, the state is at best a tolerable evil. Yet its siren song tickles the ears of many, perhaps even you. It will promise you the moon if you will adore it, it will purchase your soul with its plunder. It surrounds itself with heroes and honorable men, whispering dark lies to them so their worship will deceive others into embracing the idolatry. The state is where all drink poison, the good and the evil, the intelligent and the stupid. They all lose themselves in a slow suicide and proclaim it to be “life”.

The state emits the foulest of odors, it is the most putrid of sewage yet in its midst are those eager to ascend its pile of dung and sit upon a throne of feces. They clamber over one another, dragging all into the depth of the swamp, gathering riches and power. But in their quest they have become rotten, they appear mad and foolish, they are paupers in soul and mind. Adorned in filth, unable to smell or see their own corruption they proclaim themselves members of a new Parthenon and demand obedience.

Do you want to suffocate in the fumes of their corruption, dulled and dying from their poisoned breath? You need not be the sacrifice they demand, your blood and sweat need not feed their voracious appetites. Freedom begins where the state ends. America begins where the state ends. So it was in the beginning. America became great because of all the free souls who followed their dreams, great men and women who strove mightily to reach their potential while singing the song of liberty. But steadily the beast has grown and now the foul monster is teetering under the oppressive weight of its own filth and corruption and it will take all those who shelter in its embrace to the gates of hell. Reject the lies, the filth, the corruption! Do not allow your cowardice or willful ignorance to lead you any longer. You were made for so much more. Break free from the illusion of your gilded cage, breath the fresh air of freedom, live for yourself and not for the servants of the beast who demand your sacrifice. Be an American worthy of the label and the heritage of ideals it represents.
