Greed and the End of Patriotism
Many years ago Disney made a movie called “The Rocketeer” set in Hollywood in the 1930s. The villain was a famous actor who was a Nazi spy. He had hired some local mob thugs to help him. However, at the climax of the film the mobsters find out he's a Nazi and the head thug objects. The villain tells him, who cares, you're being paid well. And the mobster replies that he's a red blooded American first and he's not going to work for some Nazi no matter how much he pays. He then switches sides and fights alongside the FBI and the hero.
Once upon a time, that was the norm. People were proud to be Americans and would never knowingly do things that hurt or betrayed their country. Of course there were exceptions. There was certainly a fascination with fascism and Hitler in the thirties, Hitler himself greatly admired Henry Ford. But once the war started, there was a clear line of demarcation between sides. The same was true for our relationship with the Soviet Union. Again, there was some fascination with Stalin in the thirties, the New York Times is famous for its glowing descriptions of his murderous regime. But during the cold war, most Americans saw them as the enemy and sympathy, much less open collaboration, would have been regarded by most as treasonous. Back then Americans supported America and each other. We supported American companies, American workers, pro-American films. Certainly the cold war years paralleled change in America, we acknowledged our flaws and worked to remedy them. But, by God, we were still the best place to live in the world. President Reagan, and the pride he had in our ideals and optimism he had for America, personified this belief for the vast majority of Americans.
Those days are gone. Of course we are all well aware that since Reagan's time the voices denigrating this country have grown increasingly loud. Government school curriculum emphasized America's flaws and ignored her triumphs. Now every day we hear how horrible, racist, exploitative and evil America is and anyone who dares speak up for her is ridiculed and canceled. But this is much more than the Marxists in education and government trying to destroy our once great nation from within. Such people are traitors and their words and actions clearly identify them as such. Why we put up with them, even electing them to the highest positions in government, is sheer stupidity on our part. But it is even worse than that because while they are the few whose hatred for the country that gave them so much make them obvious villains, there are many who care so little for the country that gave them so much that they are willing to sell her out for an extra dollar.
China is our enemy. They are a communist country ruled by ruthless communist autocrats. They rule their people with an iron fist and brutally suppress any opposition. They have killed tens of millions of their own people and continue acts of persecution and genocide today. They are increasingly aggressive toward their neighbors and their relationship with America has been one of deception and thievery. Recently, they have become outright hostile. Alongside Russia and other nefarious actors, they have hacked into vital systems to steal and disrupt. If the truth is ever told about Covid-19, we will probably find out they released another bio-weapon on the world. The esteemed Dr, Fauci demonstrated the heights of his stupidity when he stated emphatically that the Communist Chinese wouldn't create a virus that would harm their own people in addition to the rest of the world. Really? Mao murdered tens of millions of his own people! Do you think the current communists care any more about a few million deaths among their own when it can cripple the western world?
This is the reality of the Chinese Communists. They may not want to bury us like Khrushchev but they definitely want us subservient. They are well on their way to achieving that goal. I'm not just talking about King Joe's attitude either. I'm talking about all the businesses that have sold out their country for a quick buck. Apple and Nike and thousands of others who use cheap or slave Chinese labor to make their products and will do anything to keep the Chinese happy even at the expense of their own country. John Cena apologizing for calling Taiwan a country is simply emblematic of a Hollywood that has bent over backwards to modify films so as not to offend the Chinese Communists so they can have access to their markets. The stars of the NBA gushing over China so they can keep their exalted status over there. Newsrooms and social media companies serving as the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist party. All done for the almighty dollar.
Now I am a free market guy, I have no problem with people making a buck, or a lot of bucks. But when you compromise your integrity to do so, I do have a problem with that. What kind of journalist bends or ignores the truth because it might offend the murderers in Beijing? What CEO accepts child slave labor to make his products a little cheaper? What celebrity trashes the country that made him what he is to praise an oppressive regime? They have all bought into the lie that America is no different, and certainly no better, than any other country. So the origins of their wealth no longer matter. No one cares if what they must do for their payments harms their country and advances a murderous communist regime. If an American sitting on a park bench in Washington took an envelope full of cash for information, we would call it treason. Yet when these companies and their underlings take money and favors from the Chinese communists in exchange for favors and influence, we call it smart business. All these people have sold out their country for to rake in a little more cash. And it is these businessmen and women at the top of all these companies who buy men like Joe Biden who will bend over for the Chinese Communists and do nothing to thwart their nefarious plans.