The Capitol Occupation. Patriotic or Perverse? The Moral Case for Violence.

 Last week a group of frustrated and angry patriots descended on the Capitol Building. They were angry about a fraudulent election, angry no one in power seemed to care, angry the rule of law was constantly ignored, angry that a pretender and his cohorts were preparing to make good on their promise to destroy the last vestiges of the American ideal. It was not entirely peaceful although based on what Antifa and BLM engaged in in 2020, it wasn't particularly violent either. A patriot was killed by police. Tragic, absolutely tragic.

As is was happening and in the days that followed, there was a loud cacophony of condemnation for the protester's actions. This isn't how we act, remember Martin Luther King and Gandhi, we need to let our better angels prevail. And I'm not just talking about the propaganda media either, I'm talking about voices on the right as well. No no no, they say. This is not how we do things, we must remain peaceful, we must accept this fraud and continue to work to take the house and senate in two years, write your representatives, continue to speak the truth but never, ever, ever, do something like this again. Be good little slaves, stop whining, and do as your masters say.

The question we must ask is whether such action was not only understandable but justifiable. Some may agree with the first but I have heard no one proclaim the second. Lets look at this and try to be objective. Why were those protesters there in the first place. It was a “Stop the Steal” rally. They were there to voice there objections to a fraudulent election. These were people who supported President Trump because he represented their love for America and her ideals. They were angry because for years they have been vilified, dismissed, insulted and used by those who hold political power. They, we, have seen the nation we love systematically destroyed, we have seen our liberty assaulted, we have been force fed lies, we have been ridiculed for believing facts. No one listened to us when we protested against the growing tyranny. Our representatives constantly let us down, the media has become mere statist propaganda, our voice was being systematically silenced. Trump represented us like no one since Reagan.

President Trump gave us a voice, he stood for us, for America as it was meant to be. We finally had someone to champion our interests, our liberty. And they, the powerful, the Democrats of course but the entire political class, elected and unelected, did everything they could to destroy him and those who supported them. We were called deplorable, uneducated, gullible, stupid and worse. We were attacked verbally and physically, we lost friends, family and jobs, we were 'cancelled' for our support of the idea that America was once, and could again, be great. When no one else would listen, Trump did. After electing worthless politicians for so long we finally voted in a man who was not a politician, who was not bought and paid for, who would actually represent us. Our vote was the only voice we had left, our vote for the man who proved his love for this country and its ideals, who actually did what he said he would to make America great again.

They stole that from us, they negated our voice, our vote. For years the democrats have attacked election integrity, expanding the time to vote, fighting voter ID at every turn, championing mail in ballots. Now with Covid as the excuse, they changed all the rules illegally at the last minute and ramped up the tried and true methods of cheating to a degree that would make any tin pot dictator proud. They wanted their unchecked power back and they did it through force and fraud. We lost our voice. No, we didn't lose it, we had it taken, stolen from us. With all of our institutions corrupted, it was our last hope for redress.

So what do people who have been denied any political power, any voice, any justice within the system do? They protest. But what happened on January sixth was not just a protest. It was a final effort to stop the fraud, to foil the coup. The people taking power have promised to destroy what is left of the American ideal and to seek revenge on all who supported President Trump. They are communists. The certification by Congress was the last step in their ascent to power. While a few courageous representatives objected, the vast majority were going to make sure the coup was complete, place their rubber stamp on the fraud and install an illegitimate president and his cronies in the most powerful office in the land. Complaining was not going to stop it. In the face of evil we must act and those who would gain power through force and fraud and then wield that power to destroy our rights are evil. It is our duty to do what we can to stop it. It is moral to stand up against evil. Those men and women who entered the capitol and stopped that vote, even if it was only for a little while, are heroes, patriots.

If this had happened in some small oppressive dictatorship, we would be applauding these freedom fighters for their courage. But it happens here now, even after all the blatant tyranny of the past year and they say these patriots are threat to democracy, that their actions are unconstitutional and immoral. Are you kidding me? The greatest threat to democracy has come from the despotic looters in congress who will now exercise absolute and unchecked power. Unconstitutional?! Everything they do is unconstitutional and a violation of our rights. Immoral? 5000 page bills that loot the American people to enrich themselves and their cronies, that is immoral. That it has taken this long to actually push back against this evil it a shame upon us all. But now it has finally happened and the cacophony of condemnation by the powerful demonstrates their fear. No longer can they assume that they can go about their looting and lying and we will simply buckle under. No, this act showed that there are still men and women of great courage who will not back down in the face of evil and they will be remembered by patriots as such.

Their condemnation by so many who support liberty is born of ignorance of what it means to actually stand up to evil. Bullies, mobsters, and criminals will do what they will until they are stopped, until their intended victim instills enough fear in them that they stop. Bullies, mobsters and criminals intimidate by threatening violence, or actually engaging it, and they do so only because they think they will win. If the victim no longer wants to be victimized, they must either make the criminal believe they will win a violent contest, or actually win one. The first is why in states with liberal gun laws and concealed carry, crime drops. The second is what removes tyrants. Evil is violent because its aims cannot be achieved through reason or morality. The only way to stop evil is to not only be more powerful but to be willing to demonstrate that power in a way that makes the evil back down.

Are you starting to get it now? Government is violence. Let me say that again and let it sink in. Government, every government, is violence. Do you think that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and all their minions just sit up there and make laws and rules and pass 5000 page bills for their own satisfaction? They expect those rules and regulations to be obeyed, they expect you to fork over your dough to pay for gender studies in Pakistan. And if you don't what is the result? Force, violence. They will take your money, they will not tolerate disobedience. My God, have the lockdowns shown you all nothing?! They will arrest you for too many people in your house, for leaving your home against orders, they will fine and arrest your for opening your business when all you are doing is trying to feed your family and keep a roof over their head. We have seen government force, government violence, on full display. And it is only going to get worse now that these communists are in control of the most powerful government in the world. Look at China, that's where we're going.

People, this is what an absolute despotism looks like. One party rule, fixed elections, rubber stamp courts, no rule of law, a Constitution treated like toilet paper. What do you do when the system meant to keep this from happening has been ignored, rigged or systematically destroyed? What do you do when they demand your property, your means of self defense, your loyalty and obedience? Do you follow the propagandists on both sides and just give in, bow before your new gods, be good little slaves who remain meek and quiet, slaves who would never actually rise up against those who have enslaved them?

You have got to change your thinking. The government of the United States has been occupied by a hostile power foreign to its values and traditions. This fraudulent election has put an exclamation point on that fact but it has been the case for some time. We need to start looking at these people like the criminals they are. Most of us would not have a problem defending our home and families from individual criminals who desire to harm us and take our property. We need to transfer that thinking to our government which is no more that a criminal enterprise cloaked in legality, a legality they create to benefit themselves and insulate themselves from repercussions. They have no moral, or legal under our Constitution, right to reduce our liberty or take our property. When that IRS official demands tribute so these people can enrich themselves and their cronies, they are no different than a mob enforcer demanding protection money. When that state official shows up to close your business he is no different than a mob enforcer pushing you out of a neighborhood so the mob can swoop in and take over for their own enrichment. Do you get it? These people are criminals...evil. I mean what kind of person makes their living taking our property and liberty, participating in a fraudulent election, lying about the innocent to neutralize them?

At some point in time, if you desire any liberty at all, tyranny must be resisted. Not just with words or information. Tyrants don't care about that, if they did they wouldn't be tyrants, they wouldn't have to gain and exercise power through force and fraud. They expect their will to be obeyed and force, violence, is they way they do it, government knows no other way. When it is a question of the tyrant's will or our liberty and property, we have a right, a duty, to resist that will and that will mean violence. Go read the Declaration of Independence, accept your duty, muster some courage! Otherwise, just give it all up now, put out your hands to accept your manacles and bow your knee to your masters.
