Inauguration Day, Despotism Enthroned. The Question Is Not 'What Do We Do Now?' But 'What Are You Willing To Do?'

Inauguration Day. If we have the courage, perhaps only among our families and friends, we voice the words describing our situation. We have an illegitimate president in charge of an unaccountable bureaucracy that has finally succeeded in its coup. The legislative branch is controlled by Marxists and the judicial branch couldn't find justice if you hit them in the head with it. Our government is completely and totally occupied by a force foreign to its foundation and intent. Now that they have achieved power through the most nefarious means they will hold onto and consolidate that power. Do you really think there will be another fair election? Do you really think our voices will be heard? Do you really think they will govern with our best interests in mind? Are you kidding? They gained power by fraud because that is the only way they could, we would have never chosen them. Their ideas, their intentions, their anti-American, anti-liberty agenda does not fly with the majority of us. So they nullified our our voice, our final check, our vote. They will govern as they please, implement their agenda and they will not care a whit about us and what we think. Why do you think that there is a concerted effort to silence the opposition and the installation of this regime needs to be protected by 25000 troops? Because they know they don't have the support of the people and they are afraid of the very people they are planning on plundering and terrorizing.

So what do we do? I was recently talking to some friends about it. We went thorough our list of gripes and complaints, we recounted all the examples of fraud and deceit, we gave voice to our fears. Recognizing that we are now subject to an illegitimate government with a Marxist agenda I asked them, I ask you, now what? What do we do? Rallies and marches and memes will do nothing to sway these communists. Just getting out the information about what they are doing, documenting their abuses, will not change the fact that they will abuse us. These are people who think we, the people who believe in the American Ideal, in freedom, the one's who support President Trump and the concept of American greatness, we are the enemy-deluded, sick perhaps, ignorant. They will not listen to us because to them there is no validity to our worldview. We don't have the right to speak; to some, the right to exist.

So I ask you, what do you do when totalitarianism and tyranny stare you in the face? My friend looked at me with desperation in her eyes and said, that is the problem, we don't know what to do. The old methods of dissent and protest only work if both sides respect the rules, if they care about people, or if, ultimately, they believe they will have something to lose, like an election. But if they have fixed the system so they are totally unaccountable for anything they do, if they have corrupted every institution meant to check their power and cowed any possible opposition to their actions; What do we do?

If we, if you, truly believe that this administration is the result of a coup, an illegitimate fraud, and if it is allowed to stand it will be the final nail in the coffin for Liberty and all the things that made America great, then it is time to muster a level of courage we have not needed for two hundred and fifty years. Most of you have not taken real risks against power, risks that may result in actual loss, the risks our founders took when they pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to the cause of liberty.

If this administration and the deep state that stands behind it are impostors, thieves and cheats who will wield the power of the most powerful nation on earth in an unconstitutional manner for nefarious purposes, if the anti-american Marxists now in charge are an occupying force in our once free land, then it is time we stopped giving it our loyalty or any emotional or material support. Legitimate government only exists and operates with our free consent, this government does not have it and it is time we stopped behaving as if it does. We should not comply with any of its dictates and we've got to stop paying for our own chains. If we all stop following their orders and stop giving them money the whole thing will come crashing down. But we have to stop, we have to actually resist, not with simple words but with consequential action.

I am not naive, this will be neither quick nor easy. It was not for our founders and it will not be for us. We have allowed the government an inordinate amount of control and power and resisting that will be hard. We need to disentangle ourselves from it, protect ourselves and our assets, and most importantly, support one another. As the courageous have found during the covid lockdowns, non-compliance can lead to fines and arrests. If you stop supporting the state monetarily, they will come after you and try to take it, I know all about that. Don't think they won't. If you are holding out hope that the police and military will take their oath to the constitution more seriously than orders from a tyrannical power, think again. Remember New Orleans after Katrina when both the local police and the National Guard went door to door confiscating guns from law abiding citizens? All the abuses we have seen by law enforcement over the last year during lockdowns? Enthusiastic or reluctant, people in the government machine follow orders while our rights and their oath take a back seat. Not for all, there have been some courageous men and women who have refused to violate the rights of their fellow citizens, but I hold out little hope it is the majority.

Ultimately, all the edicts and dictates from the tyrants need to be enforced by bureaucrats issuing fines or police making arrests. This is where resistance is hardest, where the exercise of our second amendment right to defend all our other rights becomes very real. This is where the real conflict exists. Tyrannical dictates mean nothing without enforcement and that is at the point of a gun. The defense of rights means nothing if those rights are surrendered without a fight and that means meeting the force of the tyrant with the force of liberty.

So the real question is not, what can we do, but, what are you willing to do? We have acquiesced to tyranny for too long, we have surrendered our rights to majority rule in the mistaken belief that elections have unlimited consequences including consequences that result in the violation of our sacred rights. But this is not even that anymore. The majority did not choose this, we did not choose this. It was a coup, a fraud, and the result is an occupation foreign to our ideals and institutions of liberty. Resistance to it is not even a choice. As the Declaration of Independence says, it is a duty. The time for whining and platitudes is long past. If we are to have any hope of restoring our liberty, if our children and grandchildren are to know America as a unique place of freedom to which the whole world looks for inspiration, then we must act, we must resist, we must once again show bravery so we can be free.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" Patrick Henry
