Is Our Liberty a Fading Anomaly?
Out of all the times to live in the history of man, we are truly blessed to be in the here and now. To live in an era when a man or woman is free to do or be anything, where their ambitions are limited only by the amount of work and thought they are willing to put into them. A time when the idea that man is a sovereign individual with rights that are inseparable from his existence and his life has an innate worth and value. It may not seem that way all the time but that is the foundation of these United States, an idea exported to many parts of the world with varying degrees of success.
This is not normal. Throughout the millennia man has walked the earth, the normal state of most was to live under oppression. The rights of most men and women were not even acknowledged, much less respected, and they were forced to live for the benefit of others. Master-slave, Lord-serf, King-subject, Ruler-peasant, these were the various roles men and women have been subject to through the centuries all around the globe. Then a bunch of English guys in the New World said to hell with that, all men are equal, all have unalienable rights and that is the way it should be. The establishment of the United States of America as a place of individual human freedom where liberty was respected and celebrated, where government was subject to the people whose rights superseded said government was a completely unique event in human history.
But as the saying goes, “Freedom ain't free.” Being a sovereign individual requires work, protecting liberty demands vigilance. One of Ronald Reagan's most famous sayings was that freedom is only ever one generation away from extinction. That is so very true and at no time since our founding have we been so close to losing freedom completely. We have let it wane for generations but it is this generation that may see that flickering flame extinguished. Everything that has happened this year alone should be the loudest of wake up calls. From the bold tyranny of so many politicians and bureaucrats to the silencing of opposing voices to the tearing down of statues; they are all attempts to erase this idea that man is, or ever has been, a free and sovereign individual who is meant to live free of coercion. If a stolen election is allowed to stand, we will have lost. We will have betrayed the founders vision, we will have spit on the graves of all who bled and died to protect this ideal, we will condemn our children and the rest of the world to the norm of tyranny and history will look back on us and think us foolish for trying; for it is the despots writing that history who will laugh at us for our cowardice.
I believe all this is a result of us forgetting who we are and that all hierarchical structures are inventions of our minds exist only with our consent. Today we are born into them and because they are familiar we accept them as an integral part of life. But they are not, they are artificial. They only exist because at some point one man said to another, you owe me your obedience and property, and that other man consented. The first master and slave. It is all a fraud. But because it is the norm and has been for most of our history, we accept it. This just goes to show you how much wisdom and courage that founding generation had to break with such long standing ideology and tradition.
Who are our masters, these men and women who have put themselves in positions of authority? They are in these positions not because of their superior wisdom or character but because they have elevated themselves above their fellows by inventing a rank that enables them to live at the expense of others. Not because any such status confers a benefit to others that outweighs the harm they do to their lives, liberty and property but because they have convinced others through force or fraud they are worthy of such an exalted station.
Think of that next time you see Biden or Pelosi or Maxine Waters or one of these tyrannical governors or mayors or even some supposed expert bureaucrat open their pie hole. Do you really think any of these people are smarter than you?! Do they deserve our respect or admiration, is there anything about them that makes them proper custodians of our trust, confidence and dependence? Obviously not. No man or woman is worthy of my respect if they have no respect for my rights, life, liberty and property. They have nothing of value to exchange for my admiration or loyalty, their lives are worthy only of contempt. They are no more than common thieves looking for ways to acquire the property of others through fraud of force. In fact they are worse than common thieves who may find themselves in desperate situations that make thievery the only option they see. No, the men and women of government could do something productive with their hands and minds but instead they choose to demand the work of others for no other reason than they believe they can, that they are entitled to it. This was the case back when the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews and made them build treasure cities and it is no different than the politicians and bureaucrats of today who steal our money and liberty, enslaving us in a system that benefits only them. The whip has been replaced by taxes and regulations but the few living at the expense of the many has not changed.
We have got to reject this worldview of master-slave, king-subject, it is not inevitable and it only exists with our consent. Our founders mustered the courage not to consent and if we are to salvage anything they built, we have got to find some courage as well. The smiling benevolent masks of our rulers have been removed, the corruption and theft are obvious, their lies and evil can no longer be hidden behind flowery words and appeals to tradition, their naked play for power is all out in the open and the destructive nature of its exercise surrounds us. Too many are duped into accepting compensation for the loss of their livelihood and freedom with a stimulus check. Don't you see they are just paying you not to revolt against their tyranny? Don't be pacified with bread and circuses! Rise up against these impostors, withdraw your consent from being governed this way, muster the courage to change the course of history and expand the scope of liberty for yourself, your children and for the hope of those all around the world.
“There is one thing in the world more wicked than the desire to command... and that is the will to obey.”
William Clifford