Injustice, the Establishment of Tyranny and the Rise of the Vigilante

 We are all more than familiar with the level of corruption in government at all levels. In school we learned about the Teapot Dome scandal, Tammany Hall and Watergate. In those days the perception at least was that these events were the exception rather than the rule, that corruption was not endemic to our system of government. As I said, that is the perception, I believe corruption is the natural order of things in government and will become endemic if it goes unpunished.

We have obviously arrived at that point and did so some time ago. But before we go on, what am I talking about when I say there is rampant corruption in government? I would say there are two kinds of corruption practiced among those in power. The first kind is the corruption exemplified by Joe Biden. He used his position and influence to enrich himself, his family and his friends. He is a common thief using the power with which he was entrusted to steal millions of dollars from us and other peoples around the world. To do so he not only encouraged corruption here and abroad but sold out our country, its technology and interests to the highest bidder. He used and abused our trust for the almighty dollar.

The second form of corruption is to gain or consolidate power. This is the corruption of Barack Obama. This is the use of power to crush opposition. The weaponization of agencies like the IRS and EPA, the use of the justice department to harm political opponents and journalists and eventually initiate a coup. This is the form of corruption that leads to the theft of property and liberty, silences opposition and eventually results in camps and mass graves.

The real problem is not that there are corrupt people in government. There will always be charlatans for whom public service is merely a tool for self aggrandizement. When money and power are so concentrated, such people are inevitable. What is not inevitable is the lack of punishment when they are caught. When violations of the law and abuses of power are not prosecuted, when there is a two tiered system of justice where those in the deep state and establishment are excused or even rewarded for behavior that would land the ordinary person in prison, then it becomes a serious problem.

Think about the examples from the very top to the bottom. We may soon have a president whose corruption is on a massive scale. We have a secretary of state that destroyed evidence-Hillary Clinton. An FBI director and his minions who manufactured evidence and lied to the court to initiate a coup! Lois Learner abused taxpayers under Obama. How many rioters or looters have been prosecuted? We know that during this election there was fraud on a massive scale. Poll workers who physically kept observers out of counting areas, tampering with ballots, postal workers backdating ballots, all felonious activities. We have people on facebook boasting that they voted more than once, video evidence of candidates and poll workers filling out ballots for voters, pictures of people displaying Trump signs they stole or destroyed. These are all illegal activities evidence for which is irrefutable. But what do we get? Usually not even an investigation. Certainly no one goes to jail. There is no accountability.

We each have an innate sense of justice, the idea that people should get what they deserve. If people work hard and play by the basic rules of morality, they should reap the rewards. If people break the law and abuse our trust they should be punished. Protecting that ideal is the primary function of government. Here is our real problem. If the connected are never even investigated, if the politically correct are excused due to race, gender, political ideology or any other reason, when justice is no longer blind but makes her decisions based on any other standard, then justice no longer exists and government has failed in its fundamental duty.

There are two important consequences to this failure. One, it emboldens the reprobates to engage in more blatant illegal and immoral behavior. Corruption is so endemic to our government at all levels that not only are the corrupt rewarded, the good are persecuted and pushed out. If voter fraud is rewarded and the participants are never prosecuted, every election will be stolen. Those on the winning side, from the president to your neighbor who stole your yard sign, will be emboldened to more malevolent behavior. This results in the kind of tyranny of organized communist regimes like the old Soviet Union or banana republic dictatorships. The second consequence is that the average person loses all faith in the system. Elections are frauds, the justice department is a joke, the whole system is a sham. There is no hope for the average person to find justice in such a place. Therefore, if you are the victim of injustice and know the system will not help you, you have two choices. You can deny your basic dignity as a human being and suffer the evil of others or you can satisfy the requirements of justice on your own. When tyranny becomes law, when justice is denied, when the system protects the evil and punishes the good then resistance becomes our duty, the righteous become outlaws and justice is fulfilled in the actions of the vigilante.
