Our identity is wrapped up in two essential items, our face and our name. Those two things are attached to all our words and actions, both good and bad. We want others to see us, acknowledge us as fellow travelers who are unique and valuable. A good name earned through word and deed is treasured while a name and face on a wanted poster proclaims the identity of a criminal. What does even the smallest child do to show that an object, a stuffed animal perhaps, is important and valuable? He or she attaches a name to its physical appearance. The point is our identity, the sum total of a human life of word and action, is our face and name.
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, there is social and legal pressure to wear masks, ostensibly to protect us from infection. They do no such thing. Mask wearing is political, not scientific (see articles at the end of this). Early in the pandemic the WHO, the CDC and even the revered Dr. Fauci all said masks were ineffective against the spread of Covid-19 just like any other flu virus, which is why we don't all wear masks during flu season. So why the change? The science hasn't changed so why force the masks, especially when their detrimental effects have been established. It is the social effect of mask wearing that is the reason.
If our identity is wrapped up in our face and name one can destroy individuality and human identity by eliminating those two things. How are you known to officialdom? Your social security number, your credit score? Names become secondary but they always have been. A name without a face to go with it is nebulous, it lacks specific identity, it can be duplicated; it is, after all, a simple label. A face, on the other hand, is singular. Faces can be similar but they are an expression of our unique DNA. A name or number without a face is a sterile label but a face without a name is still an extrodinary human being.
So more than anything else, our face is the unique identifier of our humanity, our value, our special nature. If you want to do something bad to another human being, you don't want to see their face. Put a hood over the criminal about to be executed. Kill from afar with drones or bombs. In Muslim countries an entire class of people-women-have been dehumanized by having to cover themselves completely, no longer human but ghosts in flowing black robes devoid of identity or value. It is so much easier to show a lack of respect to someone when you don't see their expressions of hurt or horror. Break ups are easier on the phone and are even more thoughtless with a text, face to face takes guts. With masks and social distancing our whole world is becoming impersonal. We need to see and touch one another, to share experiences and life events, work and worship side by side. Society will lose its cohesiveness and its essential human element without it.
Masks not only dehumanize the victim, however. They embolden those with nefarious motives who do not want their names and faces associated with evil acts. For too many the anonymity of mask wearing is a green light to engage in criminal activity. The looting and rioting we see in many cities and towns, the lack of respect shown to strangers (especially the elderly) are obvious byproducts. Now elevate that to the state level. Jack booted thugs who no longer see human beings behind their masks, themselves masked so their own humanity is obscured; oppressor and oppressed twirling in a macabre dance in which our once free society becomes regimented and regulated slavery and the few who stubbornly hold onto outdated and politically incorrect ideas like liberty and the equal value of human life are eliminated, faceless numbers who dared defy the all powerful state. All the rest dutifully wearing their objectifying garb at even the most inane times to demonstrate their compliance with the dictates of the state regardless of their lack of evidence or even common sense.
Know the truth. Masks aren't for your protection, they are for your subjugation. Do not allow yourself to be dehumanized.