The Perfect Virus
what happens first? You must scare the begibies out of the people.
With an unknown virus that is easy. Within our popular consciousness
is a vague awareness of the plagues that killed millions in the
middle ages reinforced by current scenarios played out in popular
movies and television, the unseen bug striking people down
indiscriminately is absolutely frightening. To elevate a virus from
a concern to apocalypse just takes media and government hype. Put
the words “pandemic”, “highly contagious”, and “deadly”
together and put them out there all the time and you can't help but
create panic. Everyone thinks this is the big one, the virus from
“Contagion” or “I Am Legend” and people will be dropping in
the streets, bodies will be burnt in piles outside of town and life
as we know it will cease to exist. So when they tell you to “shelter
in place” because your neighbors can inadvertently throw the virus
at you from less than six feet away just by standing there, you'll do
hype requires a few things. A death count that keeps people scared.
A rapidly mounting number of cases to reinforce the idea that it is
highly contagious. Daily or hourly reminders that all the experts
agree that the course of action taken is the only one that will keep
everyone from dying. But before we address the hype, we must
consider the whys; why this virus now and why this unprecedented
response. The question of why this virus now is an interesting one
and perhaps will not be answered for a long time. Is COVID-19
actually new? Was is created in a lab or is it naturally occurring?
Does it exist at all? The last question may seem absurd but think
about it. How many of us understand the science behind identifying
and testing for a new virus? Very, very few. I would say that the
vast majority of physicians wouldn't know the first thing about
developing a test for such things. That remains in the realm of
laboratories and specialized equipment, not the average joe with a
microscope. So if the “experts” in the WHO(UN/pro world
government) and the CDC(deep state/big pharma funded organization)
decided to make up a virus and a test for it, would we know it?
there is the 'why now?' The opposite of authoritarianism is liberty
and there is no question that this response, basically requiring
house arrest for the people of the world, is an assault on liberty.
There can be no question that President Trump, love him or hate him,
had taken a wrecking ball to cherished big government institutions.
He has little appreciation for the United Nations and the WHO, his
fights with the entrenched bureaucracy, i.e. the deep state, are well
documented. His attacks on China has been ongoing. After eight
years of anti-American rhetoric, diminishing American power and
influence, the selling out of vital American interests to China and
others, President Trump comes along and tries his best to reverse
that trend. He has made a lot of enemies within and without who want
to see him gone. But with a roaring economy and an inept field of
opponents, his re-election seemed assured. Since Russian collusion
and impeachment didn't bring him down, it was time to enact another,
much more radical and destructive contingency, the one the great Dr.
Fauci himself predicted just before Trump's inauguration. “No
doubt” said the good doctor, “Donald J. Trump will be confronted
with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.”
So was a made up or actual virus released purposefully to take down
President Trump or are nefarious people just taking advantage of an
opportunity? Hard to say right now. The only difference is whether
the people involved are part of a premeditated criminal conspiracy or
just criminal opportunists. But if it looks like a duck and walks
like a duck.....
virus, if it is real, is perfect for the job. It isn't particularly
deadly, no worse than the flu. Oh, but there have been tens of
thousands of people dying form Covid-19. Have there? Read the
documents. There are two medical codes for Covid-19 reporting, U07.1
and U07.2. U07.1 is for death by coronavirus infection and U07.2 is
for “for
clinical or epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 where a laboratory
confirmation is inconclusive or not available.” The CDC guidance
further states “The underlying cause depends upon what and where
conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules
for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are
expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often
than not.” And the famous Dr. Brix in her daily briefing has said
a Covid death is a death that happened WITH, NOT DUE TO, Covid-19.
Fear people! Unless there is enough death and destruction to keep
people scared, its not going to be effective. We all have no trouble
believing China fudged Covid-19 statistics for their own political
benefit, do we really put it past our own deep state people to do the
same? Why has the US death count 'skyrocketed' compared to other
nations? And look at them, the politicians and bureaucrats. They
are not personally behaving like this is as serious as they want us
to believe it is. Notice
how government drones are still hard at work, they haven't been
divided into essential and non-essential as they are during
snowstorms and government shutdowns. No, if this virus was really as
deadly serious as they say, people might actually be dying horrible
deaths in the streets causing real panic, and it might actually kill
some of them. Can't have that. And out common sense tells us this.
Even if the numbers are right, chances are we don't know someone who
has Covid-19 much less someone who has died from it. But we do what
we are told, some of us out of real fear but most of us out of our
desire to protect our fellow citizens. We don't think its going to
kill us but if the 'experts' say this is necessary to keep others
from dying, we do it; Americans are that kind of people.
its destroying the economy, why would they want to do that if its
wasn't really serious? Socialists walk a fine line. They want to
steal enough to keep their own power and luxury but not too much that
the people rebel or give up. Don't want to run out of other people's
money too fast. In this case, if the objective is to get rid of
President Trump, you don't want to kill the golden goose, you just
want it sick enough so the vet gets fired. On the other hand, there
are those who think the United States has been illegitimate from its
founding, built on racism and theft, that its wealth and power are
immoral and unfair. Or, more recently, the main contributor to the
destruction of the planet. Notice all the stories about reduced
emissions and cleaner air and water due to the lack of economic
activity. These people would love to see the US completely collapse
so they could rebuild it in their image. The neanderthal President
Trump is just incidental to this restructuring. Shutting down large
swaths of the economy, loading us with unsustainable debt and
destroying the dollar through massive money printing, a perfect storm
to wreak this great nation. And of course you cannot leave out the
fact that beside those deep state/one worlders within, there are our
enemies without, China and, to a lesser extent Russia, who are
contributing to the fear and chaos. China practically owns much of
the media who are its apologists and propaganda outlets. And
Russia's willingness and ability to influence social media has been
well known for years. So we have traitors within and enemies without
who have a vested interest in seeing the economic collapse of the
United States and its subsequent fall from lone superpower status.
sound absurd, too much? A conspiracy to take down President Trump
and/or America as a whole? Use your common sense. Our response to
this supposed pandemic doesn't even make medical sense but this is
what we are being told to do by the medical “experts” with
constant reinforcement by the media who label people who question
such guidelines from foolish to dangerous. We
are being told to do everything that is unhealthy in order to combat
the virus. We are told to stay indoors, all the parks and open
spaces are closed. But the sun itself is an anit-microbial and is
necessary for the production of vitamin D, a necessary component of a
healthy immune system. We are told this disease is highly contagious
yet we are funneling everyone into a limited number of stores with
limited hours. Social isolation leads to depression which opens up a
whole other can of worms. Think of the losses people have suffered,
loses they can do nothing about but sit around and stew over. The
celebration of life events that cannot be redone-graduations,
birthdays, anniversaries, bar mitzvahs and weddings. People who have
spent their lives training for sporting events like the college
basketball tournaments or the Olympics. People who have finally
taken the huge step and started their own restaurant, investing their
entire life's savings only to have it forced closed before it opens.
This has destroyed the hopes and dreams of millions, a recipe for
mass depression. Finally, add to that all the stress caused by the
fear mongering, stress known to lower immune function and increase a
whole list of other killers like high blood pressure. Forget the
economic cure being worse than the disease, the medical prescription
is much more deadly.
consider the political prescription. If this isn't proof of a
conspiracy, I don't know what is. One death in California and its a
state of emergency, same thing in New York except there was a state
of emergency and no deaths. Businesses, sporting events, closed; any
gatherings of more than a handful of people banned. Two weeks later,
total legal lockdown which, with legal ramifications, amounts to
house arrest. Banned church services. Restricted gun sales. The
list of unconstitutional actions is long and frightening. This has
never been done before even in wartime yet every statist democrat and
some republican governors jumped on this quickly and without
question, knowing the damage it would do to their state's economies
and to their own treasuries. What politician in his or her right
mind would cut his or her own throat? And then there are the
absolutely inane decrees by some politicians. Why are we letting
prisoners out in response to a highly contagious disease? They can
be easily isolated in prison; after all that's what prisons are for!
And in order to 'protect' them you are letting people out that one,
are probably going to commit more crimes and two, are unlikely to
respect the state's orders to stay home. On top of that some idiots
decided they are not going to prosecute 'minor' crimes! Therefore,
the only rational reason for these policies is to spread both disease
and fear. And then there are the rules some mayors or governors are
making that seem to be just seeing what they can get away with, how
far they can push before the people push back.
Now let's consider some other implications for society. By closing
down restaurants, sporting events, bars, concerts and prohibiting any
gatherings of more than ten people, they are removing all the things
that enable us as Americans to enjoy collectively American
experiences. Whether its a sporting event where millions can cheer
or boo together or an intimate gathering in a restaurant or bar, we
are unable to personally connect with other people. We are social
creatures, we require it psychologically. Now consider what has
taken its place. Social media, our phones. First, this is
artificial. We know it and no one really wants to live in a virtual
world devoid of actual human contact. Second, now almost all our
interactions are available for spying, corporate or government.
Third, as a side note, by making people scared to touch others or
things they have touched, it makes a cashless society more appealing
which means all our economic activity is now subject to observation
and control. Then there is the fact that our information,
conversations and opinions are going to be subject to the censors at
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other media platforms and our
information choices subject to the skewed algorithms of Google. Now
that local retailers are closed we are relying more on Amazon which
can, and does, pick and choose who may use its platform so our
economic choices will become more limited as well.
what are the results of this pandemic? Maybe a few hundred thousand
people in the whole world die. Unfortunate for them and their
families, certainly, but most of them were going to meet their Maker
soon enough anyway, so the statistics say. We have accepted the fact
that the government at any time it chooses can destroy our livelihood
and prohibit us from that most basic right, the right to provide what
is necessary for our own life. The government can prohibit our right
to assemble and travel, and our right to the free exercise of our
religion any time it chooses. It can further restrict our right to
protect ourselves. By pushing us further into a virtual world it has
made spying on and controlling us much easier. It has enabled
certain huge businesses to have an inordinate influence and impact on
our lives. It has separated us, isolated us and made us wary of one
another, making organized resistance to all these actions much more
difficult. This pandemic, real or imagined, created or simply used,
has, without a doubt, pushed us a long way toward a real, tangible
totalitarianism. The question is, will we accept this new normal,
become comfortable with the additional weight of our chains or will
we stop complying with our own subjugation?