How the COVID-19 Crisis Demonstrates the Perversion of Legal Authority
are surely seeing government power used in ways we could never have
conceived of. For those with eyes to see, the perversion of the law
as an instrument of plunder and control has been laid bare. Our
government has gone from illegitimate prohibitive law to permissible
law to compellant law. Let me explain. Prohibitive law is the only
moral law in that it prohibits specific actions that violate rights.
For example, laws that prohibit murder, rape, theft, fraud and
robbery. In this conception of the law, it affects just a small area
of human activity and the scope of liberty is vast. Individual
rights are freely exercised. When prohibitive law moves beyond the
protection of individual rights, it becomes immoral. Within this
conception of the law, the law prohibits actions for the purpose of
benefit. That benefit can be economic in that it distorts the free
market by giving a competitive edge to one by hamstringing a
competitor, or to plunder one group to enrich another. Or the law
may confer a personal moral benefit, giving the force of law to a
personal opinion, like Prohibition. Sometimes it is a mix of both.
Once law is released from its proper moral sphere, the only limit on
its subjects is the imagination of the lawmaker. This we have seen.
There are so many things prohibited now that the sphere of liberty is
small and rapidly getting smaller. Under this doctrine one can still
exercise individual rights but the opportunity to do so is limited.
this crisis, we have increased the oppressive nature of prohibitive
law without the benefit of the legislative process. You may not
leave your house or engage in business. Free movement and the
ability to provide for oneself are fundamental rights. Here we slide
into the realm of permissive law. Within this understanding of the
law, you must obtain permission from the authority to exercise your
fundamental rights. This is not the first time this has happened,
obviously. All the restrictions on our right to self protection,
i.e. gun control, are permissive laws. Under various lockdowns, you
must now prove you are engaged in approved activities, you must
justify the exercise of rights. If the authority has the right to
reject your justification, it no longer respects rights at all. We
are entering the realm of “Let me see your papers!” The
authority issues documents or some other form under which the
individual engages in almost any activity. Registrations and
licenses proliferate as the authority exercises totalitarian control
over the movements and activities of all the people within its
we have seen the attempt to normalize compellant law. This is law
under which you are forced to act without exception or prior
obligation. One of the main objections to Obamacare was that it
forced us to purchase something. This is different from car
insurance, for example. You can exercise your right to freely move
about without a car and its obligatory insurance. Obamacare forced
you to buy insurance because you existed. Compulsory work, the
draft, the order of the governor of Pennsylvania to force people to
wear masks, these are examples of compellant law. Compellant law
rejects any concept of individual rights. Once we enter a society
which accepts compellant law, there is nothing the state cannot
require of us. Your body, your person, is not your own, it belongs
to the state and the state can demand anything of you or dispose of
you as it sees fit. We have entered very dangerous territory if we
accept this as the norm. Compulsory vaccinations do not respect the
integrity of our person. Will we then accede to compulsory genetic
testing to determine our health insurance or treatment, or compulsory
abortions for those who show any defect? Will we soon be required
to cooperate with our surveillance, allowing the government to track
us? States are requiring some of its citizens to wear ankle monitors
to enforce their stay at home order. Will mandatory testing choose
our vocations or our fitness as parents? No, you say, that would
never happen in America? Really? If someone told you six months ago
that the state would close your business and force you to stay at
home on pain of fine and imprisonment would you have believed it?
has made this even more dangerous is that all this has bypassed the
legislative process essential in a representative democracy. It has
all been done by executive fiat. It is done quickly and without
warning and no judge has issued an injunction, no legislator has led
the charge to curb this executive power. It is as if all this is
acceptable! We have now set precedents that merely await a tyrant.
We have lived the slippery slope for decades but that slope has
turned into a cliff we are now careening over. We cannot accept this
as the norm, we cannot recognize this as a legitimate exercise of
government power, we cannot just roll over and relinquish our natural
and God-given individual rights. It is wrong, it is un-American, it
is inhumane. Where is our courage?