Who Are Our Oppressors? Understanding the Motivations of the Deep State

We live in an age in which governments, even those ostensibly by the people and for the people, seek ever more control and, by definition, become more oppressive.  Control is the opposite of freedom, that condition which is the desire of every man’s soul.  Oppression is the use of force, or at least its threat, to establish that control.  While our manacles may seem light and made of velvet, you will find them cold, heavy and strong should the powers in government decide you are a menace to their control.
This dance requires two sides.  On one side are those who seek to exercise their natural rights for speech, religion, trade, protection.  They may hold unorthodox beliefs like what they earn through the efforts of their hands or mind belongs to them or that the sharing of information is a good thing or that they should have unrestricted access to the means of protecting themselves and their families.  Perhaps this describes you.
On the other side is the government, not as an abstract idea but as a collection of people desirous of perpetuating the apparatus of control.  People behind desks, elected people, people in black masks and body armor with guns.  They are not foreigners or machines, they are our countrymen, our neighbors.  They live off our production, usually much better than we do.  The government, and by extension, every one of these people, view the rest of us with suspicion, every one of us a potential criminal.  Since they are our neighbors, we must ask the question, what motivates our countrymen to become our enthusiastic oppressors?
Some are among those who look upon government as the solution to all problems, as a beneficent parent to ignorant children.  Such people, as a part of this noble effort of shaping man into his better self, have apparently acquired a wisdom far beyond the average that enable them ascertain what is most beneficial for all.  As a democratic institution supposedly representative of all, government embodies the hopes and desires of all citizens.  Therefore any attack on government is an attack on America, on its goodness and virtue.  And it is also personal, it is an insult to them as integral parts of this crusade of altruism.  Such assailants are subversives, rebels and terrorists and all methods of surveillance are necessary to discover and punish them.  
For others government gives the cloak of legality to their thievery.  Admitting, recognizing or actually allowing the people any power over them would make them accountable, reveal the extent of their corruption and expose the artifice of their malevolence.  For these, some call them the deep state, the entrenched power, any threat to their position must be crushed, destroyed.  First, they send the jack booted thugs hidden behind their baklavas to raid the homes of dissidents, storming the house on the cul-de-sac and holding wives and children at gunpoint.  These thugs are followed by the bullies in suits, the lawyers and prosecutors.  Reputations ruined, bankrupted, thrown in prison, they will be vilified in the state media as a dire warning to any who consider rising up against the behemoth.
Finally, there are those who desire to exercise power for its own sake.  It is they who believe in their own destiny and infallibility.  All exist to serve them in their exalted status.  Those who refuse to bow the knee are traitors to be exterminated.   This combination of villians, thieves and tyrants should create patriots and heroes and as the former plot and conspire to destroy the republic and enslave all under an absolute despotism, the latter ought to form a compact for opposition, a band of vengeance!
Yet we have not.  The fact is this, in every society there is an effort of some to seek the heights of power and thus reduce all others to weakness and misery.  By enabling or neglecting this process, a people abandon the most important concerns of a civil society, its values and virtues.  Soon those who would rise to power degrade the best ideals and people in society, placing them below the worst and most unprofitable of our people.  This is where we find ourselves for our vigilance against every step in this process of enslavement has been sorely wanting.
The breaking of our bonds and the re-establishment of our freedom and natural rights will not be of easy acquisition.  The worst passions of the heart and the most subtle and malevolent projects of the human mind are arrayed against us.  Therefore, trials and conflict we must endure; jeopardy of life and fortunes will accompany the struggle.  But such is the fate of all noble exertions for liberty and happiness.  Do not enter the fray timidly or without firm resolution, let nothing discourage your vigor or dissipate your perseverance.  After all, the yoke of bondage, under which you already suffer, is the worst that can befall a people after a fierce but unsuccessful resistance.
For my part, I am resolved to contend for the liberty delivered to me by our forefathers but whether such a struggle shall be effective depends on you, my countrymen.  The voices of our forefathers and our children cry out for our action.  May the cowardice that restrains a servile people not be fixed upon us and our generation but may our posterity gaze upon us with gratitude for our sacrifice.

