The tenth installment of “How to Save America”
Welcome to the tenth installment of “How to Save America”
This time we are going to wrap up privacy, the fourth amendment and the Internet. Much of what I talk about today will be even more disturbing and if you want to protect your privacy to any degree, you need to pay close attention. Because the fact that the government is watching you and collecting data is one thing, understudying what they do with that data is another.
As I mentioned previously, there is no question that we are being spied on by the government and through several bills like the”Protecting Cyber Networks Act” and the creation of the National Center of Cybersecurity and Communications they have the authority to get any information they want. In 2002 there was the famous “Total Information Awareness” action by the government in which the NSA captured every
digital item. Now what is the purpose for all this information gathering and what is basically collusion between the big Internet companies like Facebook and Google and the government? There is no question that totalitarian control is one goal. The combination of innumerable laws and regulations and a total lack of privacy makes for a a nation of ready to be convicted criminals.
But things are much more sinister, if you think that’s possible. Consider the “Media Monitoring Initiative.” This government program is designed to collect personal information of journalists, media people, spokespeople and people on social media-in other words..everyone. Consider the abuses available. If you can control journalists and media you can determine the flow of information and shape public opinion-control the masses. Pravda anyone? If there is no free press there is no public accountability and
government can do anything and get away with it.
Then there is perhaps the most sinister of all. In Facebook’s user agreement is this section. “We may also access, preserve or share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to detect, prevent and address fraud and other illegal activity; to protect ourselves, you and others...or to prevent death or other bodily harm.” AT&T has a similar clause in which they can use data to “investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities.” “Prevent” is the key word here. Sure, we think of terrorist collusion in
cyberspace but what you need to think of is “Minority Report.” Artificial intelligence programs are already being developed that are taking all this data on us and using it to predict behavior. We already know that key words and phrases used in any communication will bring a visit from homeland security, even grade schoolers have be innocently harassed by inadvertently phrasing something the wrong way. Is it possible that a paranoid, corrupt, totalitarian government that already treats citizens like suspects will use such programs to snatch people off the street they have determined are likely to be a threat and lock them up without trial? We are already there folks.
So, what should you do? First, use cash and buy local. Most of us who work for a living have no choice but to receive our paychecks electronically. When you do, go to the ATM and take it out. Buy anything you can with cash. There is no reason to give big data or big government all the information on your buying habits, its none of their business.
Second, be careful with your phone. Unless you are using it, disable your GPS. Don’t provide a running commentary on your life. Use it sparingly and here’s a thought, actually talk to people face to face.
Third, reduce your online profile. Delete the majority of your personal data on Facebook, Google and the other major players. Use anonymous and secure search engines that do not store data like
Neither Big Data or Government needs to know what you are doing and where you are at every moment. Don’t make it easy for them and God, forbid, if it ever comes time to round us up, I don’t want my patterns or whereabouts or purchases I made for that eventuality to be easily available, do you?
Until next time, may God be with us and may we always act with justice and honor.
This time we are going to wrap up privacy, the fourth amendment and the Internet. Much of what I talk about today will be even more disturbing and if you want to protect your privacy to any degree, you need to pay close attention. Because the fact that the government is watching you and collecting data is one thing, understudying what they do with that data is another.
As I mentioned previously, there is no question that we are being spied on by the government and through several bills like the”Protecting Cyber Networks Act” and the creation of the National Center of Cybersecurity and Communications they have the authority to get any information they want. In 2002 there was the famous “Total Information Awareness” action by the government in which the NSA captured every
digital item. Now what is the purpose for all this information gathering and what is basically collusion between the big Internet companies like Facebook and Google and the government? There is no question that totalitarian control is one goal. The combination of innumerable laws and regulations and a total lack of privacy makes for a a nation of ready to be convicted criminals.
But things are much more sinister, if you think that’s possible. Consider the “Media Monitoring Initiative.” This government program is designed to collect personal information of journalists, media people, spokespeople and people on social media-in other words..everyone. Consider the abuses available. If you can control journalists and media you can determine the flow of information and shape public opinion-control the masses. Pravda anyone? If there is no free press there is no public accountability and
government can do anything and get away with it.
Then there is perhaps the most sinister of all. In Facebook’s user agreement is this section. “We may also access, preserve or share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to detect, prevent and address fraud and other illegal activity; to protect ourselves, you and others...or to prevent death or other bodily harm.” AT&T has a similar clause in which they can use data to “investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities.” “Prevent” is the key word here. Sure, we think of terrorist collusion in
cyberspace but what you need to think of is “Minority Report.” Artificial intelligence programs are already being developed that are taking all this data on us and using it to predict behavior. We already know that key words and phrases used in any communication will bring a visit from homeland security, even grade schoolers have be innocently harassed by inadvertently phrasing something the wrong way. Is it possible that a paranoid, corrupt, totalitarian government that already treats citizens like suspects will use such programs to snatch people off the street they have determined are likely to be a threat and lock them up without trial? We are already there folks.
So, what should you do? First, use cash and buy local. Most of us who work for a living have no choice but to receive our paychecks electronically. When you do, go to the ATM and take it out. Buy anything you can with cash. There is no reason to give big data or big government all the information on your buying habits, its none of their business.
Second, be careful with your phone. Unless you are using it, disable your GPS. Don’t provide a running commentary on your life. Use it sparingly and here’s a thought, actually talk to people face to face.
Third, reduce your online profile. Delete the majority of your personal data on Facebook, Google and the other major players. Use anonymous and secure search engines that do not store data like
Neither Big Data or Government needs to know what you are doing and where you are at every moment. Don’t make it easy for them and God, forbid, if it ever comes time to round us up, I don’t want my patterns or whereabouts or purchases I made for that eventuality to be easily available, do you?
Until next time, may God be with us and may we always act with justice and honor.