How to save America 2

Welcome to the second installment of “How to Save America.”  First of all, who am I to 
be putting this together?  No one in particular.   I’m just a regular American like you, 
struggling to make ends meet, raise good kids and trying to enjoy life a little bit along the 
way.   And like many of you, I am frustrated, actually really pissed off, as I look around 
and see what the country I love has become.  

Second, what is the ultimate goal?  It is not enough to be angry at something, we need to 
have a positive goal, something we desire to achieve.  To me, the goal is the restoration of 
the republic as it was envisioned and intended, not because of some romantic vision of 
history but because this nation as it was conceived was the closest thing to a moral social 
and governmental structure the world has seen since the time of Moses. 
     America is based on a set of ideals like liberty, justice and freedom.  It was the first 
nation founded on the idea that individuals have unalienable rights and government exists 
solely to protect them. These principles, based on Judeo-Christian values, are enshrined in 
our founding documents.   Our unique experiment in individual freedom made us the 
strongest, wealthiest nation the world has ever seen.  And after 240 years, we are morally 
and fiscally bankrupt and our government has devolved into corruption and tyranny.   
     Now President Obama and Mrs. Clinton think America is still pretty great.  Well, I 
suppose if I could sell my influence for $200,000 a speech and if I could use my pen and 
phone to do anything I wanted, I’d think America was pretty great too.  But for the rest of 
us who have our money and freedom stolen from us as the result, things aren’t so great.  

But we have a solid foundation.  We have an inspired constitution based upon the eternal 
principles found in the Declaration of Independence and we have you and I, the American 
people.  I know that you may feel its hopeless, you feel powerless, I have those feelings 
too.  Maybe you’ve tired to work within the system only to be betrayed.  So have I.  But 
that is because the system the powerful and connected have built for themselves is for their 
benefit, not yours, not mine.  But here's the dirty little secret that they hope few 
understand and even fewer act on.  It only works if we participate.  The powerful have 
always relied on fear and ignorance to get the serfs to capitulate, to coerce their consent 
and compliance  But America was grounded on the principle that the consent of the 
governed is paramount.  As our government becomes more and more tyrannical, it is time 
we withdrawal that consent and we stop complying with the dictates of an immoral and 
unjust government. 
     My purpose in putting out this series is to show how to reclaim our rights and liberties 
as Americans, to empower you as an individual so you can live the life of freedom and 
opportunity God and the founders of our nation intended, show how solutions to our 
problems are not complicated but merely require the courage to live a life in which the 
powerful and connected are irrelevant.   
     The great men and women who founded our nation took on the most powerful nation 
of their age.  They pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to realizing the ideals of 
liberty, justice and individual rights for themselves and their posterity.  They believed that 
not even death was worse than slavery.  Your freedom is only worth the price you are 
willing to pay for it.  Many of our countrymen have sold it for pennies, easily being bought 
off with bread and circuses.  You need to ask yourself, what is your liberty worth?    
     Next time I will encourage you to take the first step in the first step toward America’s 
restoration.  It is perhaps the only one that entails no personal risk whatsoever but could 
have the most profound implications.  
Until then may God be with us and may we always act with honor and justice.  
