A Psychopath Digs in His Heels
The State of the Union speech the other night was disturbing, to say the least. Consider all that has happened over the last year. It became very apparent early on in President Obama’s term that many of his proposals were anathema to a large segment of the population. Patriots took to the streets and the "Tea Party" movement was born. Still, he pushed on with the spending, the Cap and Trade bill and Health Care Reform. Members of congress were read the riot act during town hall meetings over the summer. Yet opposition to these final blows against our liberty and economic sanity was derided or ignored. Hundreds of thousands marched on Washington in the fall and the president’s party started losing elections. None of it mattered. He and the congressional leadership were determined to push through their agenda no matter what.
Wednesday night it became obvious that there will be no course correction. There will be no "moving to the center" or attempts at "triangulation". To the president and his progressive/Marxist cohorts, the voices of protest may well have never been raised. It has become clear that if we believed that protests, marches or even elections were going to get the attention of this administration, we were wrong. They are dead set on moving ahead. The government takeover of health care is obviously unconstitutional, will destroy innovation, ration care and be an economic disaster. It doesn’t matter because logic, reason or law don’t deter these people. Cap and Trade, again, unconstitutional regulation, will impoverish the average American, ruin businesses and kill our competitive advantage in the world. The president and his congressional cronies don’t care. Full speed ahead. And of course, there’s the spending. Trillions and trillions of dollars of it. He proposed a freeze. Its a trick, part of the game. Last year and this he will increase the spending he proposes to freeze by twenty to fifty percent and then freeze it at that level. Is that a reduction in government spending? Is it going to reduce the burden placed on our children and grandchildren? And the very thing that is driving our headlong rush into economic oblivion, welfare spending, is exempt! This fixes nothing. In fact, it makes it worse because his "spending freeze" locks in those exorbitant spending levels for three years! These three items, Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade and out of control spending, are the things we have protested most loudly about. This is, of course, not to ignore the other targets of his petulance like the banking industry, the energy industry, insurance companies, and even TV pundits. We have tried to argue our point, we have tried to reason. We have been ignored and, based on the presidents words, will continue to be ignored. They are determined to continue marching us along the path to socialism and totalitarianism whether it is constitutional, legal, moral or right. Like FDR, they are using this present economic downturn, a "crisis" they created, to push through this agenda. If they have to destroy the very foundations of this country in liberty and capitalism to do it, they have declared themselves more than willing.
Beyond the bold retrenchment of his positions, which was to be expected from a Marxist ideologue, there were other parts of the speech that revealed one of two things about the president. One possibility is that he is willing to say or do anything to continue pushing his agenda and he thinks we are too stupid to understand what he is doing or he doesn’t care what we think. To push a program designed to suppress liberty, obliterate economic freedom and reduce us to servitude can only be the work of a despot. The other possibility is he is so out of touch with reality as to be psychotic. No matter which one is true, we are in serious trouble.
First, there were parts of the speech that were simply farcical.
"..it is sowing further division among our citizens and further distrust in our government."
Since the days of FDR the Democrat party has carved up the American people into little groups, playing one group against another and cobbling a coalition of special interests together to ensure their election. Has not this president continually pitted Americans against one another? Blacks against whites, bankers against consumers, employers against employees, just to name a few. And why do we distrust the government? Because this president and most members of congress lie to us constantly.
"I know that all of us love this country."
There are a lot of us out here that doubt that because we believe his actions are meant to destroy it.
"All of us are committed to its defense....all of our men and women in uniform -- in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world – must know that they have our respect, our gratitude, and our full support"
Oh really? And how does he demonstrate these assertions? By treating terrorists better than citizens? By announcing pull out dates that allow our enemies to bide their time before they move? By attacking the work of our intelligence services and prosecuting soldiers who actually kill the enemy? By restricting military operations with absurd rules of engagement that endanger the lives of our brave men and women and give our enemies unwarranted advantages? By refusing to take any real action against countries that openly threaten us and are very close to acquiring the weapons that could do great harm to us all? By continuing a disastrous open border policy that allows our enemies free access to our heartland?
"...I supported the last administration’s efforts to create the financial rescue program. And when we took the program over, we made it more transparent and accountable."
Does anyone know where this money went?
"We are working with Muslim communities around the world to promote science, education and innovation."
What does this mean? Muslim countries are trying to turn the clock back to the seventh century, what is he talking about?
"For America must always stand on the side of freedom and human dignity."
Except here in the United States, apparently.
"...we are all created equal, that no matter who you are or what you look like, if you abide by the law you should be protected by it; that if you adhere to our common values you should be treated no different than anyone else."
Tell that to the policeman in New Haven.
"Washington may think that saying anything about the other side, no matter how false, is just part of the game."
Perhaps Sarah Palin can comment on the actions of the Obama campaign in this area.
Then there are the parts of the speech that can only be described as psychotic.
"I’m also calling on Congress to continue down the path of earmark reform."
Are you kidding?! The bribery engaged in by his party under his leadership to achieve his socialist goals has been blatant and unprecedented. Do the bribes of the senators form Louisiana or Nebraska ring a bell? Do all the earmarks in the Stimulus bill stimulate a little recall?
"To close that credibility gap we must take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to end the outsized influence of lobbyists; to do our work openly; and to give our people the government they deserve."
If these were the rantings of a nut in a padded room, they might be funny. His administration is populated with lobbyists even though he said he would not hire even one. His bills are written by lobbyists and then discussed behind closed doors. His party reconciles bills in secret, drops them on the congress in the middle of the night and pushes them through before anyone can even read them!
"That’s why – for the first time in history – my Administration posts our White House visitors online."
Only after FOX News fought for a freedom if information act request for months.
"The confirmation of well-qualified public servants should not be held hostage to the pet projects or grudges of a few individual Senators."
Has he forgotten how the senate of which he was a part held up hundreds of judges and other appointees during the Bush administration? The fact that during the Bush years the filibuster rule was applied to these judicial appointees for the first time? Is his memory really so short?
"One year ago, I took office amid two wars, an economy rocked by severe recession, a financial system on the verge of collapse, and a government deeply in debt...By the time I took office, we had a one year deficit of over $1 trillion....we will still face the massive deficit we had when I took office...The problem is, that’s what we did for eight years..."
He continues to blame others for his problems to deflect criticism and dodge responsibility for his own failures.
Finally, there were other parts of the speech that were more than a bit frightening.
"Yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission (bipartisan fiscal commission). So I will issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward..."
So if he cannot get the congress to do what he wants, he will just do it through fiat. Isn’t that what dictators do?
"Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections. Well I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that’s why I’m urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong."
The Supreme Court finally getting some cahones and standing up for the people’s first amendment rights isn’t to his majesty’s liking? Weren’t the Clinton and Gore campaigns financed by China, a "foreign government"? Prhaps he’s afraid "special interests" other than his union buddies or ACORN might get to have a say? So he calls on the congress to correct it. If they don’t, can we expect another executive order?
"...if the Republican leadership is going to insist that sixty votes in the Senate are required to do any business at all in this town, then the responsibility to govern is now yours as well."
So whose responsibility was it to govern before? His alone? Perhaps his and his czars. So the people whom he told six months ago to "sit down and shut up" are now supposed to partner with him? And how does this square with his assertion that the democrats still have a historic majority and now is the time to use it, not "run for the hills"?
Do you see what what has happened? Do you see what we have done? We have allowed this government to become so large, so powerful, so all pervasive over time and now we have turned it over to a bunch of Marxist psychopaths! Is there any way this ends well for any of us? A final quote from the State of the Union speech. "We don’t quit. I don’t quit." Please quit, Mr. President. Quit shoving your unconstitutional/Marxist/totalitarian/huge government program down our throats. Unfortunately, if he hasn’t listened yet, I don’t think he will. It is time to take a new and different tack in the face of this unprecedented and determined push for tyranny.
Wednesday night it became obvious that there will be no course correction. There will be no "moving to the center" or attempts at "triangulation". To the president and his progressive/Marxist cohorts, the voices of protest may well have never been raised. It has become clear that if we believed that protests, marches or even elections were going to get the attention of this administration, we were wrong. They are dead set on moving ahead. The government takeover of health care is obviously unconstitutional, will destroy innovation, ration care and be an economic disaster. It doesn’t matter because logic, reason or law don’t deter these people. Cap and Trade, again, unconstitutional regulation, will impoverish the average American, ruin businesses and kill our competitive advantage in the world. The president and his congressional cronies don’t care. Full speed ahead. And of course, there’s the spending. Trillions and trillions of dollars of it. He proposed a freeze. Its a trick, part of the game. Last year and this he will increase the spending he proposes to freeze by twenty to fifty percent and then freeze it at that level. Is that a reduction in government spending? Is it going to reduce the burden placed on our children and grandchildren? And the very thing that is driving our headlong rush into economic oblivion, welfare spending, is exempt! This fixes nothing. In fact, it makes it worse because his "spending freeze" locks in those exorbitant spending levels for three years! These three items, Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade and out of control spending, are the things we have protested most loudly about. This is, of course, not to ignore the other targets of his petulance like the banking industry, the energy industry, insurance companies, and even TV pundits. We have tried to argue our point, we have tried to reason. We have been ignored and, based on the presidents words, will continue to be ignored. They are determined to continue marching us along the path to socialism and totalitarianism whether it is constitutional, legal, moral or right. Like FDR, they are using this present economic downturn, a "crisis" they created, to push through this agenda. If they have to destroy the very foundations of this country in liberty and capitalism to do it, they have declared themselves more than willing.
Beyond the bold retrenchment of his positions, which was to be expected from a Marxist ideologue, there were other parts of the speech that revealed one of two things about the president. One possibility is that he is willing to say or do anything to continue pushing his agenda and he thinks we are too stupid to understand what he is doing or he doesn’t care what we think. To push a program designed to suppress liberty, obliterate economic freedom and reduce us to servitude can only be the work of a despot. The other possibility is he is so out of touch with reality as to be psychotic. No matter which one is true, we are in serious trouble.
First, there were parts of the speech that were simply farcical.
"..it is sowing further division among our citizens and further distrust in our government."
Since the days of FDR the Democrat party has carved up the American people into little groups, playing one group against another and cobbling a coalition of special interests together to ensure their election. Has not this president continually pitted Americans against one another? Blacks against whites, bankers against consumers, employers against employees, just to name a few. And why do we distrust the government? Because this president and most members of congress lie to us constantly.
"I know that all of us love this country."
There are a lot of us out here that doubt that because we believe his actions are meant to destroy it.
"All of us are committed to its defense....all of our men and women in uniform -- in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world – must know that they have our respect, our gratitude, and our full support"
Oh really? And how does he demonstrate these assertions? By treating terrorists better than citizens? By announcing pull out dates that allow our enemies to bide their time before they move? By attacking the work of our intelligence services and prosecuting soldiers who actually kill the enemy? By restricting military operations with absurd rules of engagement that endanger the lives of our brave men and women and give our enemies unwarranted advantages? By refusing to take any real action against countries that openly threaten us and are very close to acquiring the weapons that could do great harm to us all? By continuing a disastrous open border policy that allows our enemies free access to our heartland?
"...I supported the last administration’s efforts to create the financial rescue program. And when we took the program over, we made it more transparent and accountable."
Does anyone know where this money went?
"We are working with Muslim communities around the world to promote science, education and innovation."
What does this mean? Muslim countries are trying to turn the clock back to the seventh century, what is he talking about?
"For America must always stand on the side of freedom and human dignity."
Except here in the United States, apparently.
"...we are all created equal, that no matter who you are or what you look like, if you abide by the law you should be protected by it; that if you adhere to our common values you should be treated no different than anyone else."
Tell that to the policeman in New Haven.
"Washington may think that saying anything about the other side, no matter how false, is just part of the game."
Perhaps Sarah Palin can comment on the actions of the Obama campaign in this area.
Then there are the parts of the speech that can only be described as psychotic.
"I’m also calling on Congress to continue down the path of earmark reform."
Are you kidding?! The bribery engaged in by his party under his leadership to achieve his socialist goals has been blatant and unprecedented. Do the bribes of the senators form Louisiana or Nebraska ring a bell? Do all the earmarks in the Stimulus bill stimulate a little recall?
"To close that credibility gap we must take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to end the outsized influence of lobbyists; to do our work openly; and to give our people the government they deserve."
If these were the rantings of a nut in a padded room, they might be funny. His administration is populated with lobbyists even though he said he would not hire even one. His bills are written by lobbyists and then discussed behind closed doors. His party reconciles bills in secret, drops them on the congress in the middle of the night and pushes them through before anyone can even read them!
"That’s why – for the first time in history – my Administration posts our White House visitors online."
Only after FOX News fought for a freedom if information act request for months.
"The confirmation of well-qualified public servants should not be held hostage to the pet projects or grudges of a few individual Senators."
Has he forgotten how the senate of which he was a part held up hundreds of judges and other appointees during the Bush administration? The fact that during the Bush years the filibuster rule was applied to these judicial appointees for the first time? Is his memory really so short?
"One year ago, I took office amid two wars, an economy rocked by severe recession, a financial system on the verge of collapse, and a government deeply in debt...By the time I took office, we had a one year deficit of over $1 trillion....we will still face the massive deficit we had when I took office...The problem is, that’s what we did for eight years..."
He continues to blame others for his problems to deflect criticism and dodge responsibility for his own failures.
Finally, there were other parts of the speech that were more than a bit frightening.
"Yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission (bipartisan fiscal commission). So I will issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward..."
So if he cannot get the congress to do what he wants, he will just do it through fiat. Isn’t that what dictators do?
"Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections. Well I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that’s why I’m urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong."
The Supreme Court finally getting some cahones and standing up for the people’s first amendment rights isn’t to his majesty’s liking? Weren’t the Clinton and Gore campaigns financed by China, a "foreign government"? Prhaps he’s afraid "special interests" other than his union buddies or ACORN might get to have a say? So he calls on the congress to correct it. If they don’t, can we expect another executive order?
"...if the Republican leadership is going to insist that sixty votes in the Senate are required to do any business at all in this town, then the responsibility to govern is now yours as well."
So whose responsibility was it to govern before? His alone? Perhaps his and his czars. So the people whom he told six months ago to "sit down and shut up" are now supposed to partner with him? And how does this square with his assertion that the democrats still have a historic majority and now is the time to use it, not "run for the hills"?
Do you see what what has happened? Do you see what we have done? We have allowed this government to become so large, so powerful, so all pervasive over time and now we have turned it over to a bunch of Marxist psychopaths! Is there any way this ends well for any of us? A final quote from the State of the Union speech. "We don’t quit. I don’t quit." Please quit, Mr. President. Quit shoving your unconstitutional/Marxist/totalitarian/huge government program down our throats. Unfortunately, if he hasn’t listened yet, I don’t think he will. It is time to take a new and different tack in the face of this unprecedented and determined push for tyranny.