Beware Brown's Victory
Today, many in America are breathing a collective sigh of relief over the Republican victory in Massachusetts. To many, it was like pulling the emergency brakes on our collective national train before it headed off into the abyss of totalitarian socialism. Some may believe that this victory is a foretaste of what is coming in November when the Republicans will take back the country and pull us away from the edge of the cliff. At the very least, it will put the kabash on much of President Obama’s agenda, specifically the so-called Health Care Reform. I don’t think we should pop the cork on the champagne just yet.
Has it occurred to anyone that the same game being played by the two parties for decades has been played with this election? We know that the people who have the power will do anything to keep it and see it grow. Beginning with TARP and fueled by the Stimulus Bill and fanned by opposition to Health Care Reform and Cap and Trade, opposition to the Marxist Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda has angered and mobilized the “average” American like never before. They have taken to the streets and marched on Washington. Some are openly calling for a second American Revolution. This makes the people in power very nervous. The engine that is our government is fed by our toil and treasure and is headed toward socialism. The boiler is fed a steady diet of Marxism but President Obama has stoked those fires far beyond the capacity of the people to take it. The boiler was about to explode. The Marxists didn’t want to backtrack and admit they were wrong because their believe they are smarter than the rest of us. If they admitted they were wrong on Health Care, people may begin to wonder if they are wrong on other agenda items. In the middle of this overheated environment, Scott Brown comes out of nowhere to win a seat that had been held by Ted Kennedy for forty years in a state where Republicans are as rare as a tax cut in a Democratic budget. The relief valve has been engaged and the Democrats can save face. They have someone to blame-Republican obstructionists-and the opposition thinks they have been “saved” for the time being.
Isn’t this a little too convenient? For months, this seat was a lock for the Democrats, Brown didn’t have a chance. Then, with two weeks to go, an easy double digit lead evaporated. Brown’s opponent stuck her foot in her mouth so often she nearly choked on her high heels. The Democrats were throwing her under the bus for days before the election. Everyone is calling Brown’s victory a stunning reversal for Obama’s policies. Perhaps even the first battle won in the war to take back our country and restore traditional American values to government. Do we really think that a Republican from a New England state is going to reverse our slide into socialism? Do we think that returning the Republicans to the driver’s seat is going to change anything? Will they not, at best, hold the train in place until the Marxists can take another shot at out total subjugation?
Consider the fact that the Reagan Revolution did not make government any smaller. The Republican Revolution in 1994 led to larger and more intrusive government under George Bush’s “compassionate conservatism” and skyrocketing spending. Can’t we see it is all a game? Every year the government in Washington takes more of our wealth and liberty no matter which party is controlling the train. The arrogance and speed of the Obama administration fueled the fires for liberty like never before. It woke people up from the stupor into which a “benevolent” government had put them. Now we are again in danger of being lulled to sleep by the slow, easy motion of the train, once again becoming oblivious to our collective totalitarian destination. We cannot allow this to happen. The longer we wait to effect the resolution between liberty and tyranny, the more difficult and costly the struggle will become. If we allow our patriotic passions to subside in the mistaken belief that we have averted disaster, the next wave of totalitarian effort may be too great to resist.
“If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and the Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.” Thomas Jefferson
The wolves have set about devouring our liberty, and have for a long time. They are prepared to gulp down the last remaining scraps and have paused for only a moment. As for me and my family, we are not satisfied with the few morsels of freedom still conceded by this government. Are you? If not, will you retain your passion? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to drive the wolves away and once again restore America as the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Has it occurred to anyone that the same game being played by the two parties for decades has been played with this election? We know that the people who have the power will do anything to keep it and see it grow. Beginning with TARP and fueled by the Stimulus Bill and fanned by opposition to Health Care Reform and Cap and Trade, opposition to the Marxist Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda has angered and mobilized the “average” American like never before. They have taken to the streets and marched on Washington. Some are openly calling for a second American Revolution. This makes the people in power very nervous. The engine that is our government is fed by our toil and treasure and is headed toward socialism. The boiler is fed a steady diet of Marxism but President Obama has stoked those fires far beyond the capacity of the people to take it. The boiler was about to explode. The Marxists didn’t want to backtrack and admit they were wrong because their believe they are smarter than the rest of us. If they admitted they were wrong on Health Care, people may begin to wonder if they are wrong on other agenda items. In the middle of this overheated environment, Scott Brown comes out of nowhere to win a seat that had been held by Ted Kennedy for forty years in a state where Republicans are as rare as a tax cut in a Democratic budget. The relief valve has been engaged and the Democrats can save face. They have someone to blame-Republican obstructionists-and the opposition thinks they have been “saved” for the time being.
Isn’t this a little too convenient? For months, this seat was a lock for the Democrats, Brown didn’t have a chance. Then, with two weeks to go, an easy double digit lead evaporated. Brown’s opponent stuck her foot in her mouth so often she nearly choked on her high heels. The Democrats were throwing her under the bus for days before the election. Everyone is calling Brown’s victory a stunning reversal for Obama’s policies. Perhaps even the first battle won in the war to take back our country and restore traditional American values to government. Do we really think that a Republican from a New England state is going to reverse our slide into socialism? Do we think that returning the Republicans to the driver’s seat is going to change anything? Will they not, at best, hold the train in place until the Marxists can take another shot at out total subjugation?
Consider the fact that the Reagan Revolution did not make government any smaller. The Republican Revolution in 1994 led to larger and more intrusive government under George Bush’s “compassionate conservatism” and skyrocketing spending. Can’t we see it is all a game? Every year the government in Washington takes more of our wealth and liberty no matter which party is controlling the train. The arrogance and speed of the Obama administration fueled the fires for liberty like never before. It woke people up from the stupor into which a “benevolent” government had put them. Now we are again in danger of being lulled to sleep by the slow, easy motion of the train, once again becoming oblivious to our collective totalitarian destination. We cannot allow this to happen. The longer we wait to effect the resolution between liberty and tyranny, the more difficult and costly the struggle will become. If we allow our patriotic passions to subside in the mistaken belief that we have averted disaster, the next wave of totalitarian effort may be too great to resist.
“If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and the Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.” Thomas Jefferson
The wolves have set about devouring our liberty, and have for a long time. They are prepared to gulp down the last remaining scraps and have paused for only a moment. As for me and my family, we are not satisfied with the few morsels of freedom still conceded by this government. Are you? If not, will you retain your passion? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to drive the wolves away and once again restore America as the land of the free and the home of the brave?