Biden Is No Longer the Leader of the Free World and the United States Is No Longer the Good Guy

Once upon a time the government of the United States was on the right side of things. The government of the United States of America publicly supported freedom, justice, democracy, human rights and human life and in doing so represented the traditional Judaeo-Christian values of its people. Sure, we made mistakes, sometimes we had to temporarily get into bed with bad people for a greater good; like supporting Stalin against Hitler. But we knew Stalin was bad, horrible really, and once Hitler was defeated, we turned on him and communism because they too were antithetical to our ideals. But the days of clear demarcation between good and evil are long gone. The days of excusing evil and ignoring evil are gone. The current administration is now supporting evil and acting as those we once called evil acted.

Oh, but evil is such a strong word. Yes it is. But the Biden regime and the democrat party deserve the moniker. Here is the evidence. Number one is their support for infanticide. They fanatically support abortion not only up until the moment of birth but as the comments of Governor Northam of Virginia made clear a few years ago, even after birth. This is really where it starts, where the evil grabs the soul. If the killing of children, the picture of innocence, becomes not only acceptable but the most fervently held policy position of government, then the light has gone out, human life means nothing and every other monstrous act seems almost trivial.

Number two. Nancy Pelosi, probably the second most powerful person in government, recently stated that although the government of the United States knew that the communist Chinese were engaging in a long standing genocide against the Uyghurs, the United States government believes that working with China on climate change is more important. So the enslavement and murder of an entire group of people due to their ethnicity and religion takes a back seat to the Green New Deal. Really? Perhaps this administration would have felt entirely at ease working with the Nazis while Jews were being led into the gas chambers! Too much? I don't think so, it is no different. Genocide is genocide and stopping it cannot take a back seat to anything. But this administration, our government, has trivialized it because just like they don't see all the babies being killed, they don't see the Uyghurs being enslaved for the benefit of their corporate donors or murdered at the whim of a totalitarian government.

Number three. This administration, our government, is not only turning a blind eye to human trafficking but is enabling it, supporting it and participating in it. Their open border policy enriches and empowers the Mexican drug cartels as they prey upon desperate people from all over the world. Women and children are abused and raped at the hands of these criminals and once across the border they are shipped to sweat-houses and prostitution rings to work off their debts. Among the refugees from Afghanistan the administration flew out were a number of men with child brides. But pedophilia is becoming more and more mainstream in the democrat party.

Number four. This government has repudiated one of the most long standing traditions not only in the American military but generally-leave no man behind. Not only has this administration left hundreds, if not thousands, of blue passport holding American citizens behind, your fellow countrymen and women, but they are actively thwarting efforts by private citizens to help them escape. Worst of all, they are giving lists of these people to the terrorists now in charge! They are condemning American men, women and children to death not through ineptness or even callous disregard but active participation with a murderous regime. These people are not some unknown minority or desperate refugees from some third world hell hole. These are American citizens, people our government is supposed to serve and protect and they are murdering them!

Number five. Those left behind in Afghanistan are not he only American murder victims. The Biden Administration has decided to punish Florida and Texas and other “red” states by rationing monoclonal antibodies, one of the most effective treatments for Covid-19. There is no shortage but Biden has decided to make the distribution of this treatment more “equitable.” But this is what government does, it allocates resources not according to need but politics. So this government, the government that is supposed to serve all the people, is going to condemn tens of thousands of Americans to unnecessary suffering and even death because they happen to live in a state whose majority don't support all the policies outlined above? Is this any different than Uncle Joe Stalin starving millions of Ukrainians in the thirties? Too much? No, I don't think so.

The mark of the worst authoritarian regimes is their callous attitude toward individual human life, even the lives of its own citizens. We look with horror upon what the Nazis did. We condemn Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein and others (but not China). But this regime, the Democrat party and the deep state have not only cultivated an anti-human attitude, they have begun to act on it. They are killing American citizens. They are holding American citizens as political prisoners and denying them constitutional rights. They have and are implementing policies that will deny basic rights like speech, assembly, worship, defense. They are spying on all of us. The military and the deep state have now admitted that they are free to operate independently of elected officials and even collude with the enemies of the United States.

We have lived under a post constitutional system for some time but most of those I charge of that “new” system embraced basic American values and respected human rights. That is no longer the case. Not only is this government with its mandates and executive orders completely ignoring the Constitutional system but it has become an active enemy of the American people. If the words of the Declaration of Independence do not apply to this situation, when will they? Are you going to wait until you end up in some camp or before a firing squad? That is where all these things have gone when the people refused to stand up and say NO! Emphatically and with the power of resistance. Now is the time not to comply. And if that doesn't work, well, that is why the founders put the second amendment in the Constitution.

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