Why Do We Act Like Sheep? The Few Controlling the Many
Klaus Schwab, you may have heard of him by now. He is the founder and leader of the World Economic Forum and the organizer of the Davos conference every year. For decades he has provided the leadership and organization for the cabal of rich elites who want to rule the world after the Great Reset. No longer a conspiracy theory, it is all out in the open. Build Back Better did not originate with Joe Biden. Canada's prime minister is looking forward to the Great Reset. This idea of world government as a way to 'solve' the invented crisis of Covid and the deliberate destruction of Western economies that is its handmaiden is here for all to see. It is being advertised, big tech and corporate media are behind it, world political leaders are all in, the UN is smiling with glee.
For those of you with your head in the sand who haven't heard of the Great Reset, here it is in a nutshell. It is a marriage of communist ideology and radical environmentalism in which all private property is banned and a chip is implanted in your brain to make you part of the AI hive. Your life will have no more meaning than that of a worker bee. Who is going to go along with this? You say, 'no way' with confidence and bluster. But will you really? Are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to maintain even the little liberty you have left? If 2020 was any indication, it is unlikely.
The vast, vast majority of people all over the world have gone along with the most egregious assaults on our most sacred rights. Why? Why have people who proclaim their love and fidelity to their rights by and large acquiesced to this obvious tyranny? Two reasons; training and fear. We are trained from our youth to obey authority. It starts in government schools where we are trained to conform to the norms propagated by the teachers unions and education tsars. We are trained to accept the goodness of government, we are taught that government has our best interests at heart, that without all the programs and spending we would be poor and sickly; death would be just around the corner. Conformity and compliance are bred into us. So when they say “Coronavirus will kill us all unless we do all these things” we do all these things. Even though “all these things” don't seem to work and have actually been shown to be destructive they will just do more of the same. Some are waking up and that's good but most will keep complying because that is their first instinct. That attitude is what feeds tyranny, the subject's desire to obey coupled with the desire of the tyrant to control. The more obedience shown, the greater the tyranny. We see it all around us today.
The second motivation for compliance is fear. No one wants to be fined or go to jail for say, opening their business in defiance of some lockdown edict. The sign says “By Order of the Governor you are required to wear a facemask” so you go out and get a facemask because you don't want to cause trouble. Do you want to find out what happens if you are out and about after curfew? Of course no one wants to go though the ringer the IRS, the most powerful collection agency in the world, has created to make sure you keep paying for your chains. We fear loss, we acquiesce because we want to keep what we have. We desperately want to hold onto what is left of normal and will not engage in any behavior that might put that at risk.
But this is how the very few can control the many. They have control of education and media to the extent that resistance and rebellion do not even occur to most. And they leave just enough stuff or liberty to the remainder so they will not rebel out of fear of losing the little they have. So we acquiesce because we want to hold on to what we have. Ironically, if we get to the point where we have nothing to lose, then fear is gone. You no longer fear loss for there is nothing to lose. It is attachments that result in fear. If we make things like truth, justice and liberty our priority and consider our things of little consequence in comparison, our fear will fade.
Tyranny grows through lies and fear and will be defeated with truth and courage. There are very few of them, top down control by definition means the very few are controlling the many and they only do so with our compliance and cooperation, however reluctant. When we reject their dictates, disobey their rules, refuse to allow their plunder and demonstrate our power to defend ourselves against the imposition of their malevolent will, then we will be free once again.