Insurrection and the Fight Against Tyranny: Real and Imagined. How to Really Topple Washington

 The events at the Capitol on January sixth are being mislabeled, used and abused by various nefarious parties. For example, the story perpetuated by the Democrats and their media propagandists is that President Trump personally led his sycophant followers to the Capitol with torches and pitchforks to round up congressional leaders and execute them on the spot. Alexandria Acasio Cortez accused Senator Ted Cruz of her attempted murder that day. Nancy Pelosi must have had impeachment articles ready to go for that event. You would think she had a file folder full of them and just needed to pull out the right one. The result of this narrative has been to label every individual who supported, voted for or even had a positive thought of President Trump a real or potential domestic terrorist, all of whom are white supremacists and neo-nazis, who need to be rounded up and put in reeducation camps for deprogramming.

That narrative is very dangerous and based on what has happened with the cancel culture, the overt discrimination against Trump supporters, and the rhetoric from democrat political leaders, it is not some conspiracy theory. Gina Carano, the latest high profile cancel victim, was right. Turning neighbors against each other, labeling businesses and individuals as tainted, dangerous and responsible for all the ills of the country, this is how persecution started in Nazi Germany; and we all know where that led. We cannot let this be our Reichstag fire moment, as much as the communist tyrants in power would like to make it so. We need to look at the truth of what happened, learn from it and make a plan for real action to restore our liberty. What happened on January sixth was not anything that was going to reestablish freedom.

What did happen is complicated. There were actors who planned the assault days or weeks in advance for various reasons. The best of them wanted to stop, or at least delay, the certification of a fraudulent election, a noble goal and gesture. There were a few who apparently wanted to inflict violence on several of our political leaders for treason, a charge that could be made against many of them as they have consistently and egregiously violated their oath of office. I have no doubt that some were there, BLM and Antifa subversives, who coordinated with high level government officials to create a false flag event to bring about the very results we now see. And some were just caught up in the moment, expressing pent up anger or just having a good time in the riot. The one thing it was not was an attempt to take over the United States Government. Insurrection it may have been, a coup it was not, nor could it ever be.

Such a coup is impossible. Merely occupying the Capitol or the White House will never put the revolutionaries in charge of the government. At least not libertarian revolutionaries. Look at it this way. What if what the democrats and the media have charged really happened. What if armed militia occupied the Capitol building and then took over the White House and put President Trump back in the Oval Office behind the Resolute desk. Would they run the government? Would the liberal sycophants in high positions in the military follow Trumps orders? Would the millions of government minions who make up the swamp do his bidding? Of course not! This is not Myanmar where a small government can be occupied by a loyal military who can take over the civil and financial institutions with relative ease. The Federal government is an amorphous and caustic blob that cannot be held in the hands of a few occupiers.

Think about this. What do the people who initiate a coup promise civil servants who accept their rule? Privilege and wealth, simple as that. Perhaps a few are ideologues but for your average government drone, those are the incentives. All those millions of federal government employees out there already have the wealth and privilege and the fact is President Trump with his drain the swamp rhetoric, his deregulation, his illumination of corruption, was a threat to that gravy train. That is why he needed to be destroyed. Do you see why a traditional coup by a freedom group will never succeed? The swamp will never give up the regulatory and financial institutions of government because it is not in their personal interests to do so. Appeals to liberty and justice and the founding principles of this nation do not appeal to them. If that has not been made crystal clear over the last several years, I don't know what else it would take to open your eyes.

So is the fight to restore our liberty hopeless? Is nothing short of dropping a nuclear bomb on the nest of vipers in Washington doomed to fail? Not at all. The tyranny and looting of the despots only succeeds with our cooperation. In fact, they have shown us the way in one of their responses to the attack. They have fenced themselves in, surrounded themselves with wire and guards, ostensibly to protect themselves from all of us. They have cut themselves off from us. Fine, we should cut ourselves off from them. Let them have their political theater, let them do what they will but don't let their putrid corruption breach the wire. We don't have to lay siege to the Capitol, we don't have to surround it with torches and guns, we simply have to ignore it and starve it en mass. If they no longer receive our tribute or our obedience they will become irrelevant and eventually, just like the poor, starving souls in some ancient besieged city, they will capitulate.
