Never Accept a Digital Currency-The End of All Freedom
The war on cash has been going on for a long time and has accelerated as technology has made digital transactions more secure, acceptable and convenient. We all know that those transactions are part of our digital footprint, the information they provide to merchants and search engines give them the ability to target advertising and their algorithms are able to anticipate our needs even before we are aware of them. Those transactions are also available to the government should they desire to look into your spending habits. Are you buying ammunition or junk food, how much gas does it take to fill up your planet killing SUV? Did you donate to some politically incorrect group or, worst of all, the Trump campaign? You know the communists are working on a list for such people.
Some of us still like to use cash whenever possible. Not just because it keeps purchases anonymous but also because the transaction is more tangible when you actually hand over money, you can see it actually leave your hand and it provides a little psychological check on frivolous overspending. It is becoming more difficult however. With Covid there are more and more businesses that don't want to take cash as if it is more infectious than the act of passing the bag containing the item you bought. I have been at too many Wal Marts where the self checkouts don't take cash. Does that make any sense? If you are really worried about the virus, why you are going to steer me away from a machine and force an actual person to handle my cash? Anyway, the point is that many businesses are becoming unwitting or active accomplices in the elimination of cash.
You need to understand that the right to trade is the totality of your life. Here is what I mean by that. Our founders understood fundamental rights as life, liberty and property and your life and liberty are inseparable from your ability to acquire and dispose of property as you see fit. If you no longer have the ability to trade without those transactions being subject to scrutiny by the government you have lost all freedom. There is nothing you can do that will be outside their knowledge. What you eat, where you live, your hobbies and activities, your forms of entertainment will all be known by the technocrats who will subject those purchases to the filter of political correctness. You will not even be able to buy a knick knack at a yard sale without them knowing.
Ultimately, how you spend your money is a reflection of what makes you happy as an individual. What makes you happy is not the same as what makes anyone else happy, it is a function of your individuality. If you knew that everything you did was being observed, would it change your behavior? Would your deny yourself some measure of happiness because some anonymous bureaucrat may disapprove? Or if some leftist group might docx you and show up on your front lawn?
However, we all know where this is really headed. The ability to know and control the flow of all money is to have control of everything, all businesses and every individual. Our individual ability to do anything will be subject to approval. The car you drive, the food you eat, the work you do will all be under their control, the ability to choose will be limited to the choices they decide to make available. Transactions for certain items or with certain businesses will be easily prohibited. There will be no ability to protest. A business will not be able to stay open in defiance of some lockdown order because their accounts can be frozen and their ability to make transactions will be prohibited all with the stroke of a key. If you as an individual voice a politically incorrect opinion you can be fined, a fine you cannot ignore because the money will be taken from your account without your permission or consent. For anyone like myself who has seen the government in action, confiscating money from bank accounts or paychecks, we know the government already exercises this option when it chooses irregardless of the law or natural rights. Without cash, there will be no asset beyond their reach.
These political hunts have already begun and it has been a corporate/government partnership. The use of the justice system and other government agencies to harass political opposition to the established deep state has been well established. The use of corporate permission to do business has also gained traction. Social media giants demonetizing sites and businesses due to political views or the publishing of inconvenient facts that do not support the establishment narrative is now routine. Amazon has refused politically incorrect businesses use of its platform and financial institutions have denied those same businesses the ability to use their services. The corporate media has demonized individuals or made government and corporate corruption disappear through their willful choice to remain silent. The big players have been coordinating to make life difficult for freedom lovers for a while and it is only getting worse. But there are still cracks in their tyrannical monolith where freedom yet survives. When all trade is monitored and controlled, that will be impossible. Uncovering and eliminating opposition will be as easy as a keystroke.
The goal is to make anyone who does not tow the line a non person. In the old days of communist oppression, to make a non person you put a bullet in their head. Now all you need is a keystroke to erase someone, to separate them from society, to make it impossible for them to live modern life even at its most basic level. You will have no voice, social media will see to that. You will have no business opportunities, the large corporations will take care of that. And you will have no assets, the government will take care of that. You will be unable to purchase even the basic necessities, access any services, and you will have no voice to complain. You will be cut off from the world.
We cannot let this happen. There is no question that the dollar and other fiat currencies are going to fail by design. But a digital currency controlled by government or the world bank or whoever is not and cannot be the answer. That amount of control is despotic and immoral and we cannot allow it. We need to make plans for an alternative, another medium of exchange, I would prefer precious metals, but it must be beyond the ability of government to manipulate and control. That is how we have gotten into this mess. With courage and ingenuity we will solve it in a way that will restore freedom, not eliminate it.
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.