Social Media, Civil War and the End of Liberty (Part 3 The Coup Has Already Happened)
Donald J. Trump is not, can not, and will not be our savior. For all his supporters out there, and I am one, we need to accept this hard truth. He is only one man and he will only be in office for eight years at most. The swamp preceded him, it will outlast him. That is the sad truth. If we pin all our hopes for the restoration of the republic on him we will be sorely disappointed because it is beyond his power to accomplish.
The fact is this; the administrative state, the permanent bureaucracy, the “deep state”, is made up of petty tyrants at all levels who will do what they want regardless of who sits in the oval office, who is in control of congress, what the constitution may say or the people desire. This has been true for a long time but with Trump, it has become obvious, he has exposed their arrogant malfeasance. He gives an order to stop teaching critical race theory and Marxism to federal employees, the administrate state ignores him. Trump considers using federal troops to quell riots and looting under the Insurrection Act and his own generals publicly oppose him. Information has come out over the last few years of what amounts to a coup attempt by the justice department yet there have been no prosecutions. Can there be any question that President Trump does not have control of the bureaucracy? Without firings and prosecutions he will not, and those do not seem to be forthcoming. But this is nothing new, it is so very rare for any government employee to be fired or prosecuted for corruption or abuse of power so they are free to continue their illegal, treasonous, malicious behavior with impunity. Why worry about a military coup? The bureaucracy as supported by the establishment has already effected one. The president, congress, they are all irrelevant to the exercise of real power, the power the bureaucrats wield over us as individuals. This long established fact in now becoming obvious only because President Trump has pulled back the curtain.
As the light has revealed the true nature of the beast, we have got to learn to accept the lessons of the revelation. Government does not consist of public servants but of a multitude of big and little despots and activists whose job is to take your money and freedom and protect their own power and privilege. Public servants would have our best interests in mind and would defend our liberty. Nothing government has done in recent memory remotely resembles an attempt to fulfill that objective. In fact, everything that has happened in the last few years has demonstrated that it is the protection of the criminal enterprise of government at all levels, but particularly the federal one, that is their objective. This election has laid bare that fact as the establishment has pulled out all the stops to protect and cement its totalitarian gains.
This election is not about Trump vs Biden. Look at Biden; an old, senile, racist, pervert with a running mate who got where she is on her back. If Biden is elected, he's not going to be the one running things. The radical women of the establishment will be-Harris, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein, Warren, Cortez, Omar. They will empower and embolden the bureaucracy to implement their totalitarian goals. The tools and players are in place, only Trump stands in the way. Apparently either Trump is an even bigger threat to them than even we realize or in their hatred they have lost any patience they have for waiting him out but it is clear they are now willing to destroy the last vestiges of our constitutional and electoral system to remove him.
It is becoming clear that Trump will not be allowed to win this election. Hillary Clinton, among others, has told Biden never to concede. In his mental state, it would be an easy thing to convince him he won no matter what. That means there will be no clear winner on election day. The charges of disenfranchisement, already a constant refrain from democrats, will reach levels never before heard. Gaggles of lawyers will descend upon polling places and activists will riot in the streets. And Democrat operatives will start finding votes, a tactic they are well known for made so much easier with mail in ballots.
Aside from all the other consequences of the coronovirus pandemic response, the push for mail in ballots is one of the most nefarious. Scare people out of voting in person and push this new form of voting just in time for one of the most contentious elections ever and you have a recipe for disaster. Do not confuse mail in ballots with absentee ballots. Absentee ballots must be requested, mail in ballots are just sent to everyone on the voter rolls. Democrats have previously fought attempts to purge or update voter rolls ensuring they have extra ballots when needed. If every voter gets a ballot (or two or three or...) and many states have same day registration and require no ID, how long is it going to take to sort through those ballots to determine which ones are legitimate? Add to that the many ways even political insiders admit are easy methods to accumulate fraudulent ballots, techniques that have been used for years. And add to that the fact that some states are allowing votes to be postmarked up to three days AFTER the election and it will be even easier to stuff the ballot box. Don't forget the democrats are already assembling a swarm of lawyers to be on hand to make sure no democrat vote from any source is tossed, crying 'racism' or 'disenfranchisement' at every turn.
So what will happen on election day? No winner will be announced as we anxiously await the tabulation of millions of mail in ballots. Even if the actual polls from that day show Trump to be a clear winner, any attempt to declare him so will be labeled fake news. Trump's social media accounts will be suspended and any of his supporters who try to get news out there will find themselves in Facebook Jail or banned on Twitter and Youtube. Both social media and mainstream media will show Biden gaining with the excuse that most Democrats will have voted by mail (an assertion supported by polling) because they took the pandemic seriously. State election officials supported by the establishment after the fiasco of 2000 will mandate selective recounts in close red states. Blue states will pad their numbers with illegal ballots to push the popular vote numbers up. This is so the fifteen states that have already decided to give their electors to the popular vote winner will be able to do so regardless of what their voters actually decided. The point of all this is that while a Biden win is certainly the desired outcome (because it is the outcome, not the integrity of the process that matters to the statists), if Trump does get a second term his election will be labeled illegitimate and will give cover for the openly treasonous behavior from the establishment that will follow. No matter what the outcome, no one will trust the electoral system any more and that will result in even more division and chaos, a situation ripe for an authoritarian crackdown.
The 'deep state', the establishment, the entrenched bureaucracy, the fourth branch of government, has already supplanted the other three branches, a silent coup a century in the making. They operate independently, sometimes cooperating with enablers in elected office, other times in opposition to those leaders, all the while exercising real power over all our lives and tightening their totalitarian grip. Their existence and growth is supported by powerful and wealthy individuals who profit from government favors and a fawning media gives them cover at every turn. President Trump has exposed this situation, he has forced them out into the open but he cannot defeat them singlehandedly. It is wrong for us to expect it of him, or anyone for that matter. We cannot think that we can simply work for an election and once it is over, our work is done. Nor can we afford to accept this 'winner take all' mentality we have attached to our electoral system in which 'elections have consequences' which is code for the winners can do whatever they want. Elections should not determine the extent of our liberty, they should not dictate the rights we are entitled to exercise. But we are being groomed to accept almost anything in the next few months. The belief that a majority of Americans actually chose a senile old pervert and his whore. That their election is carte blance for the elimination of individual liberty. That the new normal is one where authoritarian dictates that ignore the legislative process rule our lives. The coup is over, the 'civil war' is a distraction, a sham. The question is, what are we going to do about it and do we have the courage to do anything? That will be the next and final installment.