The Killing of George Floyd and the Distortions of the Political/media Complex
The death of George Floyd was a horrible and unnecessary event. To the extent the officers involved were responsible they should be charged and punished accordingly. However, the response to his death and the narrative that accompanies it and other recent murders like that of Ahmaud Arbery paints America in a worse light that apartheid South Africa. In response to the Arbery murder, LeBron James tweeted “We’re literally hunted EVERYDAY/EVERYTIME we step foot outside the comfort of our homes!” and the media/political complex jumps to embrace anything that supports this narrative of widespread and systemic racism. With the death of Floyd it is assumed that this is simply the most recent example of police officers hunting black men, revealing how hopelessly racist America is as a country.
Of course, as in all media narratives that have an agenda (like making sure everyone believes this country is the most racist place on the planet) it isn't supported by the facts. Based on FBI statistics, the vast majority (88%) of murders are intraracial-whites kill whites, blacks kill blacks. Where the murders are interracial whites are more that twice as likely to be killed by blacks (500-2016) that blacks by whites (229-2016) While it is true that blacks account for 50% of homicide victims, 88% of the time they are killed by members of their own race. What about police killings? The stats are similar. In the last five years police killed 2385 whites compared to 1252 blacks, 877 hispanics and 214 other. Yet if you listen to the media you would assume that only blacks are gunned down on the streets by white rednecks or police officers all the time. Its just not true. But the media and some political figures do this all the time-create an overreaction through sensationalism and hyperbole (see coronavirus) and if there is a group or groups that see a benefit in embracing it, they will. The overreaction then becomes self-fulfilling as the media and those who benefit feed it.
But what about racism, its everywhere right? First, we have to define it:
Racism noun
1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2.a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
With the exception of the Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, Hebrew Israelites and the Nation of Islam, the vast, vast majority of Americans of all races do not believe in inherent racial superiority. As for number two, America is not apartheid South Africa! The only official policy of discrimination left is affirmative action. That is not to say there is not discrimination by government officials but that discrimination is not exclusively against blacks. The fact that there are so many blacks in positions of power at all levels of government (including a recent president who was elected by a majority of white voters) would testify to the lack of systemic racism in the country. The police chief in Minneapolis where Floyd was killed is black; does he run a racist department? So we're left to explore definition three which deals with individual attitudes toward people of other races.
Until the presidency of Barack Obama, race relations had made great progress in this country. Just think about how far we've come. Interracial relationships/marriages are accepted by the vast majority of Americans; in fact it is hard to find a TV show/movie/advertisement that does not show an interracial couple as the norm (the same could be said of LGBTQ people). Just fifty years ago this was not the case. Blacks have succeeded in business, entertainment and politics, George Jefferson is not an anomaly. Yet when you watch the news you would think that racism is keeping all blacks in the ghetto and those who escape are hunted down--which makes LeBron James' tweet so ridiculous. The only people hunting that multimillionare are those seeking his autograph!
So where do we find the most racist attitudes; is it true that all whites are closet racists? A Rassmusen poll in 2013 found that both white AND black Americans think that blacks are the most racist. Our politically correct culture bears this out-black pride, the black congressional caucus, the NAACP, Black Youth Project, Black Lives Matter. Substitute 'white' for 'black' in any one of those titles and just imagine the outcry! In fact while only 15% of white people see their race as important to their identity, 74% of blacks do. Now there is nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestry, but it should not overshadow your identity as a human being. Racist attitudes need to be eliminated on ALL sides. It should not be controversial, and it certainly shouldn't get people attacked and fired, to say 'all lives matter'. How can that be controversial?! If you can only say 'black lives matter' and not 'all lives matter' is not that the very definition of racism? Asserting the superiority and value of some lives over others based only on skin color?
There are forces, however, that are creating racial tension any way they can (mostly among the elites in government and their allies in the media-most often democrats/socialists but not exclusively). While most Americans believe blacks and whites are of equal intelligence and capability, these elites do not. To them blacks are helpless to succeed without government help (apparently too stupid, lazy or incompetent in the eyes of the elites) and whites, due to white privilege, simply have everything handed to them, no effort or intelligence required. In other words, “nobody builds that”, everyone but those in government are incompetent and helpless. These elites have a vested interest in keeping this narrative of pervasive racism alive, nothing else explains their behavior in contrast to the facts and the attitudes of most regular Americans. The media only sensationalizes white on black crime even though it comprises a small minority of all crime. It ignores their own deeply ingrained racism that results in refusing to agree to common sense solutions supported by the black communities themselves (like school choice) or acknowledge the racial genocide promoted by their own people (like Margret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and Democrats like Robert Byrd who was a member of the KKK, the militant wing of the democrat party). The fact is the inhumanity of socialism is on grand display in all these major cities with large black populations. They are absolute hell holes and the elites in charge keep dishing out more of the same. And if there is any way to create resentment among the majority white population, not prosecuting rioters and criminals is one way. Pushing for prosecuting the officer who sat on Floyd's neck for the unprovable charge of first degree murder is another way-when he is acquitted, there will be a whole new set of riots. Pushing reparations is another. The only purpose for reparations is to create discord and resentment. Taking money from people who have never owned slaves and most of whose ancestors never owned slaves and giving it to people who have never been slaves is only going to create bitterness and animosity where none existed before.
The truth is this. What happened to George Floyd was horrible and should be investigated and the guilty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But it is not an incident that illustrates anything normal about America, the only nation in the world that has accomplished the assimilation of a melting pot with any degree of success; I would argue a lot of success. This event is an aberration, it does not happen every day (9 unarmed blacks were killed by police in all of 2019-nine too many but nine, not 365 or 1000 or 10000), it is not every police officer, every white person is not out there hunting blacks; it is absurd to claim otherwise. But the elites are trying to destroy our common humanity. White guilt, white privilege, only black lives matter, being 'woke'; it is all meant to divide instead of trying to unite us all against injustice. We've got to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated and bullied by the divisive forces among us and ignore the voices of those simply looking for a reason to be offended. We need to realize the evil of the speech police, the race baiters, the destructive nature of the malevolent forces who cherry pick injustices to foster a narrative meant to pit us against one another. We need to stand up for the victims of those who fail to follow the party line (send a message of support to Drew Brees) through even the most innocuous statements that a few years ago would have been seen as good and patriotic (patriotism is now politically incorrect!). We are rapidly approaching the fervor, and the horrors, of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. We are losing the ability to speak the truth, to voice unpopular opinions and in so doing we lose all objectivity and will descend into the chaos of relativism in which 'might is right' becomes the tribal mantra for those seeking to destroy the humanity of those not of their group.
What happened to George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery should offend our sense of justice and morality no matter what race they or we are. The closer we get to realizing the full potential of our founding documents for all-all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights-the more we will realize that not only don't we need the elites to guide and help us but that they have created most of the problems and obstacles to our success. If we were no longer divided, we would unite against the destructive schemes of the political elites, their allies and dupes, unite in affirmation of the worth and value of every human life, unite in the belief that every man, unfettered from coercion, can succeed on his own terms according to his own abilities and hard work. Then we would see the elites, the race baiters, and the speech police all relegated to the irrelevancy of the lunatic screaming on the side of the road and finally fulfill the promise of this country. A goal each previous generation has taken halting steps or strides toward, often shedding blood, sweat and tears in the process. We cannot, must not, let the forces of discord force us back. If we will set aside the categories and identities the elites want us to embrace to the exclusion of all others and embrace one another with respect, looking only at our common humanity, we will finally reach that goal.