The True Goal of Top Down Control
people at the top in a socialist hierarchy, the ones who want control
of everything, the ones who want to micromanage your life and
macromanage the nation must have some goal for all this. The
question is, what is that goal? They will say they want to make life
better for everyone, to promote the general welfare, to make us all
safe, prosperous and happy. If that is so then the policies they
push should produce that result, should they not?
not ever say that the desire to 'do good' by force is a good motive.
Neither power-lust nor stupidity are good motives.” Ayn Rand
it is reasonable to ask then, do their policies produce the results
they claim. Does the theft of more money make us prosperous? It
would seem logical that if your paycheck gets smaller, you will have
less, not more. Does disarming us make us safer? It would seem
logical that if we are unarmed in the face of criminal activity, we
are less safe. Do open borders make us safe? It would seem logical
that if we do not screen who is coming in it is very likely that we
will find criminals and the diseased among us and we are less safe.
Does treating people unequally make us happy? It would seem logical
that if some are given preferential treatment for any reason other
than merit, it will breed resentment and make us less happy. Does
forced charity make us charitable? It would seem logical that if our
stolen money is given to people whose personal choices have made them
destitute or sick and there is no accountability attached to the
plunder, we will feel less compassion for our fellows.
Government touches turns to crap.” Ringo Starr
could go on but you get the point. None of these policies in any way
shape or form promote the general welfare. So what is the real goal?
Simple. The accumulation of money and power. Oh sure, the socialist
will proclaim the purest of motives but it is all a lie. They care
only about accumulating power for themselves for their own enrichment
and that of their connected friends. They are paying off
constituencies, receiving bribes from friends for whom they do
favors, they punish perceived enemies all the while caring nothing
for the people who suffer the consequences of their dictates. Be
fooled no longer. Anything government gives it has taken from
someone else and the only ones who benefit are the government and
those who hold the reins of power.