Are We Losing Our Democracy? God, I Hope So!

Assailing democracy, have I lost my mind?

“Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”  James Madison
“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”  Thomas Jefferson
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.”  John Adams
"our real disease is DEMOCRACY."  Alexander Hamilton

Let’s get one thing straight first, we abandoned the republic a long time ago.  A republic is a nation ruled by law and in our case, that law severely limited government power, reach and influence and recognized individual rights.  Our nation has devolved into some combination of oligarchy and mob rule clothed in the rags of the Constitution.  Abandoning the republic the founder’s intended, the one that was to protect natural rights, has had several detrimental effects (not an exhaustive list).
1.  In the twenty-first century everything is political, every issue, every word, every thought is judged according to political ideology because government is involved in every issue, every word and every thought.  2.  By embracing socialism we have destroyed the family and community, replacing them with groups of common political ideology whose aim it is to destroy opposing groups and ideologies.
3.  Because government is based on the idea that its job is to steal from or punish one group in order to sustain or reward others, everyone is groveling before it seeking its favors.
4.  Entitlements have become rights and rights reduced to privileges.
We got to this point because we, as a people, began electing scoundrels to office who promised not to protect our rights, government’s only legitimate function, but to give us things.  So when we abandon the rule of law and the majority, and in some cases the minority, can impose their will on all, we end up with everyone seeking to use the stick of government to benefit themselves.  No matter what the cause-onerous taxation on some, gender neutrality, racial or religious discrimination, eugenics, a loud enough group can get the attention of elected officials who will do their bidding in exchange for their support regardless of the fact that their actions will infringe on the rights of others.  
So when people claim “we are losing our democracy” they usually mean “my voice is not getting heard so I can’t get the government to steal or punish on my behalf.”  I only hope such democracy will die and remain buried and we can return to the rule of law and respect for the rights and property of all.
