Do You Live in a Banana Republic?

So the vaunted FBI is being investigated for bias.  After the obvious bias in the justice department, malfeasance in the IRS, Fast and Furious, deliberate manipulation at the Veterans Administration, to name just a few, did we really think that any government agency is immune to corruption?  Government by its very nature is corrupt because it is made up of people who have bias and the power to support their biases.
Some FBI agents dislike President Trump and want to thwart his election.  They have access to the tools and information to make that possible.  Some IRS agents dislike the TEA Party because it is specifically aimed at them (T.E.A.-Taxed Enough Already!) and they have the tools and information to harass (or worse) their targets.  The justice department can choose to pursue or not pursue investigations and indictments based on bias and choice, so the Clintons go free while other lives are ruined for misstatements.       They engage in this malevolent behavior with impunity and usually, anonymity.  Millions of faceless bureaucrats choosing to act in ways that ruin the lives of average people with the full backing of the mighty United States Federal Government (and many state and local ones).  Those on the receiving end have little recourse, they have neither the time, knowledge or resources to fight the injustice.
This is all the result of government rejecting its legitimate role of protecting rights in favor of distributing gifts with stolen money.  It cannot do both.  A government that steals has rejected the natural rights of the victims.  A government that distributes favors does so according to the whims and biases of those in control and reduces the governed to beggars seeking charity.  And a government that promulgates reams of paper filled with rules, regulations and laws which cannot be enforced on everyone all the time will choose
whom it prosecutes based on bias.  It will protect its own and concentrate its power on those it deems a threat.
Justice served with partiality, favors or punishments granted by bureaucrats with impunity, a menagerie of incomprehensible laws and regulations and a vile, relentless system of plunder to support it all are anathema to a free people.  This is what we and our forefathers have allowed through our cowardice.  We live in a banana republic clothed in the rags of our founder’s ideals.  Every time we submit to the immoral exercise of power we embolden our wicked and corrupt rulers and the eager but faceless minions who implement and enforce their perversion.  It is our cowardly compliance that gives them power.  Liberty is not the gift or tyrants, it is the possession of the courageous.  Stop begging with your hands spread out in supplication, stop bending your back like a slave.
        Act like a man, a free man, a real man!
