Hillary, Not Bernie, is the Future of America

While a dozen contenders on the Republican side vie for the presidential nomination, on
the Democratic side the contest has devolved to two contenders (Martin O’Malley is
inconsequential).  On the one hand there is Hillary Clinton, the presumed nominee,
frontrunner and criminal.  On the other is Bernie Sanders, the “avowed socialist” from
Vermont.  Much has been made of the fact that Bernie is an “avowed socialist”.  Some
may say that in a country founded on free market capitalism and liberty, someone openly
advocating socialism is an affront to our values.  Others may admire him as honest,
admitting that our mixed economy has been heading toward a socialist end for a while and
it is time that enlightened people embrace it as the only moral way to organize a society.
There appear to be a lot of these since Bernie’s crowds are second only to Trump’s.
     I believe socialism is a mischaracterization of where we are heading.  Our problem lies
with a lack of proper definition of terms.  Do most people know what socialism,
communism, fascism, or capitalism are?  Is Bernie a socialist?  A socialist is one who
advocates state ownership of the means of production.  “Nationalization” of all industries
is a consequence of socialism.  I don’t think Bernie has advocated the wholesale takeover
of all industries in America by the government although he may believe in it in his heart, I
don’t know.  Socialism is often seen as the last step before communism where the people
as a whole own everything, there is no private property at all.  There are those on the
“left”, particularly academia, who believe this but few in government do.
     This is not where we are headed.  The government may nationalize some industries.  It
may eventually finish its takeover of the health care industry but few in government have
plans to nationalize the airlines, for example, or the energy industry, or Apple.  No nation
has ever embraced true communism, nor will we.  We left capitalism a long time ago.
What does that leave us?  Fascism.  Welcome to the Fascist States of America.
     Now “fascism” and “fascist” are terms thrown around all the time in our political
discourse as if the politician that makes the accusation is any less fascist than the one
about whom it is made.  So we need to define the term in order to see its proper
application.  Fascism is where the means of production remain privately owned but the
state controls its use and its profits.  For the government, this is the best of both worlds.
Only true communists and socialists believe that the government can run anything
efficiently and effectively.  By leaving business in the hands of private individuals, the state
preserves the motivation for profit and the innovation and efficiency it produces.  Through
regulation and taxation, the state gets to direct and profit from those same businesses.
They have the satisfaction of control and a share of the profits without having to do
     So why is Hillary the future?  Because a fascist government is run no differently than a
criminal racket.  Businesses are run for the benefit of the criminal and they pay what
amounts to protection money.  Businesses (and individuals) pay to receive the good graces
of the criminal/state or keep the criminal/state from punishing them.  The politicians in a
fascist state don’t need a specific set of values because their primary motivation is money
and power.  They will say and do whatever they need in order to put themselves in a
position to profit and control.  The law is immaterial and getting caught is merely
inconvenient because the other thieves sometimes make a show of indignation for the
servant’s consumption.  Once in a position of power, they will sell their influence and
beneficence to the highest bidder.  They will reward their friends with government largess
or cushy jobs.  The long term health of the host-the nation-takes second place to the
parasite’s accumulation of money and power.  The Clintons, more than anyone else,
embody this ideal.  The Clintons are not ideologues like Obama.  They have a general
political philosophy but it is superficial.  The only thing that matters is money and power.
Selling influence, encouraging fear.  The Clintons are the logical outcome of a fascist
