American Dictatorship
The idea that the United States of American, the “land of the free and the home of the brave..” would ever fall under a dictatorship seems far fetched to most people. While the executive branch of our government has grown exponentially for decades and its bureaucracy has appropriated what can only be described as dictatorial power, most Americans are loathe to think of their elected government as autocratic. Not only has the executive, with the complicity of congress and the courts, expanded its power in relation to those other branches, it has expanded its power over all of us through the bureaucracy and their myriad regulations. Its law enforcement and domestic spying organizations, the FBI, NSA and Homeland Security, are compiling mountains of information on us, monitoring us, and with the Patriot Act and Defense Authorization Act have the ability to snatch us off the street and incarcerate or kill us without charges, hearings, or trials.
We have allowed all recent presidents to exercise this illegitimate and unconstitutional authority and it is not surprising that eventually someone would be elected to office who was not steeped in American culture and ideals who would not show respect to even the veneer of our myth of limited government. President Obama has been very clear in his contempt for the Constitution and its limitations. He has stated that he will circumvent and ignore congress to advance his agenda. His statist cohorts in that body will twist and break the rules to get their way. This has resulted in pushback from many Americans, notably the TEA party.
The problem is that those whose entire focus is on obtaining and exercising power do not obey the rules. Elections and legal limitations are nuisances to be circumvented. At some point, when push comes to shove, the statists who have been content to see their agenda implemented piece by piece over time will no longer be satisfied exercising power piecemeal. They will decide to consolidate authority within the executive and the bureaucracy and blatantly exert totalitarian control over all our lives. The specific framework for establishing such a state has already been established through a series of executive orders issued during the Kennedy administration and continuing through the present. The executive need only pull the trigger to implement its protocols.
What is the trigger? It is found in Executive Order 11051 signed by President Kennedy on September 27, 1962.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis
It goes on to say;
WHEREAS national preparedness must be achieved and maintained to support such varying degrees of mobilization as may be required to deal with increases in international tension, with limited war, or with general war including attack upon the United States;
While many of these executive orders were in response to to the very real threat of nuclear attack and all out war with the Soviet Union, look at the vague language of the “triggers.” All executive orders can be put into effect “in times of increased international tensions,” “economic or financial crisis,” “limited war,” or “general war including an attack on the United States.” Consider each one of these. We are currently in a state of severe international tensions. Muslims the world over are attacking our embassies and violently lashing out at anything non-Muslim. Iran and Israel are close to war. Tensions with China and Russia are growing. Any of these could presently or with little escalation be a pretense for pulling the trigger.
The next is economic or financial crisis. Are we not facing an economic crisis of unprecedented scope? The Federal Reserve is destroying our currency. The government is taking on unsustainable debt. There is “Taxmaggedon,” the cuts and tax increases that are designed to happen at the end of the year. The imminent collapse of the Euro and the European Union. Any one of these could easily be a trigger.
Finally we have war, limited or general. We are currently engaged in the “war on terror.” We have experienced attacks on the United States with the promise by our enemies that there will be more. Those could include nuclear, EMP, chemical or biological attacks in addition to the low tech terrorism we have been subject to for the last two decades. We have already seen this war with Islam result in constitutional protections being thrown out the window. It would take very little for such events to serve as a trigger.
An even more important consideration is who pulls the trigger, who determines when the criteria have been met? Section 105 states “Plans so developed may be effectuated only in the event that authority for such effectuation is provided by a law enacted by the Congress or by an order or directive issued by the President pursuant to statutes or the Constitution of the United States.” It can be congress or the president pursuant to statutes or the Constitution. The Constitution can be ignored and the president can issue a directive or order to put all this into effect. Dictatorial powers can be appropriated by one man based on his perception of the vague threats that constitute the trigger.
Why haven’t the executive orders been implemented yet? My guess is that during the Obama administration there has not been a singular event like 9/11 that would provide a crisis of a magnitude necessary to make such actions palatable to a large percentage of the population. There is plenty of potential for that to happen and if reelected, its likelihood over the next four years is almost certain.
What is the scope of these executive orders? There are many but most related to our topic were consolidated by President Nixon in order 11490 on October 28, 1969. If you read through this and other execrative orders, some of them seem reasonable in response to a disaster or the disruption caused by a great war on our soil. For example, compiling a register of all people with the purpose of reuniting families is a good idea. However, it is not hard to conceive of using a register of all people for sinister purposes by an executive whose main aim is total control over the population. That is the problem with government power. When originally expanded or co-opted it may be done for good reasons or with good intentions by good people. However, that power can one day be exercised by people with evil intentions. Consider that as I highlight some of the powers authorized by these executive orders.
The Department of State will have the authority to control all people entering and leaving the United States. (201-11)
The Department of the Treasury will have control over monetary, credit and Federal payment programs. They will determine who gets what and how much. (302)
The Department of Defense has the authority to confiscate “production facilities, production equipment, petroleum, natural gas, solid fuels, electric power, food, transportation, and other services” it needs for mobilization. It is authorized to take whatever measures necessary to overcome deficiencies in production, manpower and the appropriation of non-industrial facilities. In other words the military can take what it wants, when it wants. It will control all military and civilian air traffic. It is also authorized to enforce the “National Censorship Agreement” and control all devices capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation. In other words, it will control the content of information and the means of its dissemination (Radio and Television) (401-2, 9. 16, 20, 22, 26, 27)
The Department of Justice will make every effort to give all this the veneer of legality and will appropriate for the Federal Government local law enforcement and prisons, making provision for “mass feeding and housing.” Why are we appropriating prisons for mass feeding and housing unless they are assuming the people being fed and housed are a mass of prisoners? (501-2, 502-1, 2)
The Post office is authorized to implement a program of registering all people and censor the mail. (601-1,2)
The Department of the Interior has control over “all usable waters, from all sources.” (as amended in EO 11921)
The Department of Agriculture will exercise control over the production, processing, storage and distribution of all food, control of all farm equipment.and the management of the land itself. (803-1,3)
The Department of Commerce has a blanket authority to control “the production and distribution of all materials, the use of all production facilities, the control of all construction materials, and the furnishing of basic industrial services” except for those under the specific authority of another agency, like the military. It has authority over all scientific and technological development. (901-1, 3) As amended in EO 11921 “Claimancy for resources shall include materials, manpower, equipment, supplies services and water.” This amendment also gives it total control over the fishing industry. Such blanket claims are found throughout the executive orders.
The Department of Labor has the authority to ensure the maximum utilization of the civilian manpower population as well as the ability to control the wages and benefits of those workers. (1002-1, 2)
The Department of Health, Education and Welfare has authority over all health services, both facilities and personnel including their direct operation by the government and compensation for service. It is in charge of all welfare services including those administered in the private sector. It has the authority to determine Social Security benefits and control of credit unions. It is also put in charge of all education, public and private. The water supply is also under its control as well as all food and drugs. It has the authority to direct a program of training emergency welfare workers-we need to make sure redistribution never stops. (1102-1 through 7, 1103-2, 5, 1104-2)
The Department of Housing and Urban Development, in addition to building new housing, has the authority to determine which areas should be redeveloped and the authority to transfer people to temporary or permanent housing. (1202-1, 1204-2, 1205-1)
The Department of Transportation has total control over all civilian transportation and the nation’s roads and highways. (1301-3, 1303-3)
The Import-Export Bank has the authority to control all imports. (1601-a)
The Federal Bank Supervisory agencies (which includes the Fed) has the authority to regulate money and credit including the distribution of currency. It also has the authority to regulate cash withdrawals and credit transfers. (1701-1, 4)
The Federal Communications Commission exercises total control of the broadcast industry, including the regulation of its business, the shutting down of stations and utilization of its personnel. It also has the authority to close any radio station capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation which is aimed at HAM radio operators. (1802-1a, 5)
The General Services Administration has a lot of responsibilities including determining access to survival stockpiles which includes the requisitioning of private property. In other words, your private emergency stash is considered part of the government’s emergency stockpile and can be appropriated for its use. (2001-8, 12, 2002-7, 8, 10)
The National Science Foundation has the ability to conscript scientific personnel. (2301-1)
The Securities and Exchange Commission has total control over the stock market including closing it, suspending redemption rights, freezing stock and bond prices, and controlling the flow of capital inside and outside the country. (2501-1 through 5)
Section 3006 establishes direct economic controls including “price, rent, wage and salary stabilization, and consumer rationing programs.”
The other executive order that is relevant here is 11051 which established the Office of Emergency Management in 1962. It includes the provision for rationing consumer goods. (204) It is the director’s responsibility to push legislation to ensure that these orders can be implemented (303) and he has the authority to develop whatever rules and regulations he deems necessary to implement these directives. (501)
Are you prepared to live under a government that exercises total control like this? Over everything? Food, water, money, transportation, wages, prices, information, the workplace, technology, consumer goods, and housing, along with appropriating to itself the authority to make any rules necessary to ensure compliance. With modern technology such a place will be worse than Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Germany. Freedom will have been extinguished in one fell swoop based on the decision of one man (or woman) who will then have total control. This control should never be exercized by any government or any man. It doesn’t matter who is elected in November, we should not, we must not, acquiesce to this total consolidation of power for any reason by anyone. Even in response to a massive attack or natural disaster, the Federal Government has shown itself in the past to be inept, inefficient, corrupt and often does more harm that good. It is local communities and neighbors that are best able to assist and defend themselves and each other if they are allowed the latitude of action and the means to achieve it. The Federal Government’s job is to defend us from enemies abroad and if they attack us, rain hellfire upon them. It should have no role whatsoever in conducting our affairs in response to an attack (unless it is an invading army) or disaster on our soil.
In response to this information we need to prepare to assert our rights and individual sovereignty against a government that respects neither. That government, our government, will appropriate by force everything we need to survive. It will show no respect to private property, the concept will cease to exist in their minds. If we expect to see our founding ideals and the very concept of unalienable rights survive here and in the world, we must be prepared, mentally and physically, to defend them with any and all means at our disposal.
We have allowed all recent presidents to exercise this illegitimate and unconstitutional authority and it is not surprising that eventually someone would be elected to office who was not steeped in American culture and ideals who would not show respect to even the veneer of our myth of limited government. President Obama has been very clear in his contempt for the Constitution and its limitations. He has stated that he will circumvent and ignore congress to advance his agenda. His statist cohorts in that body will twist and break the rules to get their way. This has resulted in pushback from many Americans, notably the TEA party.
The problem is that those whose entire focus is on obtaining and exercising power do not obey the rules. Elections and legal limitations are nuisances to be circumvented. At some point, when push comes to shove, the statists who have been content to see their agenda implemented piece by piece over time will no longer be satisfied exercising power piecemeal. They will decide to consolidate authority within the executive and the bureaucracy and blatantly exert totalitarian control over all our lives. The specific framework for establishing such a state has already been established through a series of executive orders issued during the Kennedy administration and continuing through the present. The executive need only pull the trigger to implement its protocols.
What is the trigger? It is found in Executive Order 11051 signed by President Kennedy on September 27, 1962.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis
It goes on to say;
WHEREAS national preparedness must be achieved and maintained to support such varying degrees of mobilization as may be required to deal with increases in international tension, with limited war, or with general war including attack upon the United States;
While many of these executive orders were in response to to the very real threat of nuclear attack and all out war with the Soviet Union, look at the vague language of the “triggers.” All executive orders can be put into effect “in times of increased international tensions,” “economic or financial crisis,” “limited war,” or “general war including an attack on the United States.” Consider each one of these. We are currently in a state of severe international tensions. Muslims the world over are attacking our embassies and violently lashing out at anything non-Muslim. Iran and Israel are close to war. Tensions with China and Russia are growing. Any of these could presently or with little escalation be a pretense for pulling the trigger.
The next is economic or financial crisis. Are we not facing an economic crisis of unprecedented scope? The Federal Reserve is destroying our currency. The government is taking on unsustainable debt. There is “Taxmaggedon,” the cuts and tax increases that are designed to happen at the end of the year. The imminent collapse of the Euro and the European Union. Any one of these could easily be a trigger.
Finally we have war, limited or general. We are currently engaged in the “war on terror.” We have experienced attacks on the United States with the promise by our enemies that there will be more. Those could include nuclear, EMP, chemical or biological attacks in addition to the low tech terrorism we have been subject to for the last two decades. We have already seen this war with Islam result in constitutional protections being thrown out the window. It would take very little for such events to serve as a trigger.
An even more important consideration is who pulls the trigger, who determines when the criteria have been met? Section 105 states “Plans so developed may be effectuated only in the event that authority for such effectuation is provided by a law enacted by the Congress or by an order or directive issued by the President pursuant to statutes or the Constitution of the United States.” It can be congress or the president pursuant to statutes or the Constitution. The Constitution can be ignored and the president can issue a directive or order to put all this into effect. Dictatorial powers can be appropriated by one man based on his perception of the vague threats that constitute the trigger.
Why haven’t the executive orders been implemented yet? My guess is that during the Obama administration there has not been a singular event like 9/11 that would provide a crisis of a magnitude necessary to make such actions palatable to a large percentage of the population. There is plenty of potential for that to happen and if reelected, its likelihood over the next four years is almost certain.
What is the scope of these executive orders? There are many but most related to our topic were consolidated by President Nixon in order 11490 on October 28, 1969. If you read through this and other execrative orders, some of them seem reasonable in response to a disaster or the disruption caused by a great war on our soil. For example, compiling a register of all people with the purpose of reuniting families is a good idea. However, it is not hard to conceive of using a register of all people for sinister purposes by an executive whose main aim is total control over the population. That is the problem with government power. When originally expanded or co-opted it may be done for good reasons or with good intentions by good people. However, that power can one day be exercised by people with evil intentions. Consider that as I highlight some of the powers authorized by these executive orders.
The Department of State will have the authority to control all people entering and leaving the United States. (201-11)
The Department of the Treasury will have control over monetary, credit and Federal payment programs. They will determine who gets what and how much. (302)
The Department of Defense has the authority to confiscate “production facilities, production equipment, petroleum, natural gas, solid fuels, electric power, food, transportation, and other services” it needs for mobilization. It is authorized to take whatever measures necessary to overcome deficiencies in production, manpower and the appropriation of non-industrial facilities. In other words the military can take what it wants, when it wants. It will control all military and civilian air traffic. It is also authorized to enforce the “National Censorship Agreement” and control all devices capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation. In other words, it will control the content of information and the means of its dissemination (Radio and Television) (401-2, 9. 16, 20, 22, 26, 27)
The Department of Justice will make every effort to give all this the veneer of legality and will appropriate for the Federal Government local law enforcement and prisons, making provision for “mass feeding and housing.” Why are we appropriating prisons for mass feeding and housing unless they are assuming the people being fed and housed are a mass of prisoners? (501-2, 502-1, 2)
The Post office is authorized to implement a program of registering all people and censor the mail. (601-1,2)
The Department of the Interior has control over “all usable waters, from all sources.” (as amended in EO 11921)
The Department of Agriculture will exercise control over the production, processing, storage and distribution of all food, control of all farm equipment.and the management of the land itself. (803-1,3)
The Department of Commerce has a blanket authority to control “the production and distribution of all materials, the use of all production facilities, the control of all construction materials, and the furnishing of basic industrial services” except for those under the specific authority of another agency, like the military. It has authority over all scientific and technological development. (901-1, 3) As amended in EO 11921 “Claimancy for resources shall include materials, manpower, equipment, supplies services and water.” This amendment also gives it total control over the fishing industry. Such blanket claims are found throughout the executive orders.
The Department of Labor has the authority to ensure the maximum utilization of the civilian manpower population as well as the ability to control the wages and benefits of those workers. (1002-1, 2)
The Department of Health, Education and Welfare has authority over all health services, both facilities and personnel including their direct operation by the government and compensation for service. It is in charge of all welfare services including those administered in the private sector. It has the authority to determine Social Security benefits and control of credit unions. It is also put in charge of all education, public and private. The water supply is also under its control as well as all food and drugs. It has the authority to direct a program of training emergency welfare workers-we need to make sure redistribution never stops. (1102-1 through 7, 1103-2, 5, 1104-2)
The Department of Housing and Urban Development, in addition to building new housing, has the authority to determine which areas should be redeveloped and the authority to transfer people to temporary or permanent housing. (1202-1, 1204-2, 1205-1)
The Department of Transportation has total control over all civilian transportation and the nation’s roads and highways. (1301-3, 1303-3)
The Import-Export Bank has the authority to control all imports. (1601-a)
The Federal Bank Supervisory agencies (which includes the Fed) has the authority to regulate money and credit including the distribution of currency. It also has the authority to regulate cash withdrawals and credit transfers. (1701-1, 4)
The Federal Communications Commission exercises total control of the broadcast industry, including the regulation of its business, the shutting down of stations and utilization of its personnel. It also has the authority to close any radio station capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation which is aimed at HAM radio operators. (1802-1a, 5)
The General Services Administration has a lot of responsibilities including determining access to survival stockpiles which includes the requisitioning of private property. In other words, your private emergency stash is considered part of the government’s emergency stockpile and can be appropriated for its use. (2001-8, 12, 2002-7, 8, 10)
The National Science Foundation has the ability to conscript scientific personnel. (2301-1)
The Securities and Exchange Commission has total control over the stock market including closing it, suspending redemption rights, freezing stock and bond prices, and controlling the flow of capital inside and outside the country. (2501-1 through 5)
Section 3006 establishes direct economic controls including “price, rent, wage and salary stabilization, and consumer rationing programs.”
The other executive order that is relevant here is 11051 which established the Office of Emergency Management in 1962. It includes the provision for rationing consumer goods. (204) It is the director’s responsibility to push legislation to ensure that these orders can be implemented (303) and he has the authority to develop whatever rules and regulations he deems necessary to implement these directives. (501)
Are you prepared to live under a government that exercises total control like this? Over everything? Food, water, money, transportation, wages, prices, information, the workplace, technology, consumer goods, and housing, along with appropriating to itself the authority to make any rules necessary to ensure compliance. With modern technology such a place will be worse than Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Germany. Freedom will have been extinguished in one fell swoop based on the decision of one man (or woman) who will then have total control. This control should never be exercized by any government or any man. It doesn’t matter who is elected in November, we should not, we must not, acquiesce to this total consolidation of power for any reason by anyone. Even in response to a massive attack or natural disaster, the Federal Government has shown itself in the past to be inept, inefficient, corrupt and often does more harm that good. It is local communities and neighbors that are best able to assist and defend themselves and each other if they are allowed the latitude of action and the means to achieve it. The Federal Government’s job is to defend us from enemies abroad and if they attack us, rain hellfire upon them. It should have no role whatsoever in conducting our affairs in response to an attack (unless it is an invading army) or disaster on our soil.
In response to this information we need to prepare to assert our rights and individual sovereignty against a government that respects neither. That government, our government, will appropriate by force everything we need to survive. It will show no respect to private property, the concept will cease to exist in their minds. If we expect to see our founding ideals and the very concept of unalienable rights survive here and in the world, we must be prepared, mentally and physically, to defend them with any and all means at our disposal.