Voting for Slavery
"If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of almighty God, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave." Samuel Adams
There can be no question as we gaze over the expansive history of man that tyranny and slavery has been the lot of most. Too often men have been forced to give up their natural rights through fear, the sword of the tyrant being the method of persuasion. Of course other charlatans, promising a utopian vision if only the men under their spell would give up their rights to the collective or to the charlatan and his cohorts, have convinced many others to follow the road to slavery, convinced that their bondage is for their own good. Yet deep within the heart of man, even after the beatings and years of deception, the essence of every individual yearns to be free, to sit under his own roof, enjoy the fruits of his own labor and raise his own children in peace and safety.
The deception can bury that desire very deeply, however. We can look at the grandiose hopes dashed in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya to see how quickly a desire for democracy and freedom can devolve into tyranny. Safe in our living rooms, blindly adhering to a belief in our own liberty, we wonder how people, when liberty is within their reach, can freely vote to place themselves under oppression. How could the Egyptians and Tunesians, so long oppressed under dictatorships, vote to place themselves under the brutality of sharia? If the choice is freedom or a Taliban style theocracy run by the Muslim Brotherhood, how could they choose the latter? How could they reject the gift of God and submit to slavery? It seems beyond our comprehension.
Yet the American people remain under a delusion that results in their own slavery. Not only have the charlatans of the Democrat and Republican parties convinced us that they, and not individual initiative, will solve all the problems that plague our society and nation if we will only give up more of our wealth and freedom, they also try to convince us that they are the only ones qualified to do so. Because we voluntarily vote for the choices we are presented with in a rigged game, we are expected to accept our growing bonds without protest. If I tell you that you can choose to have anything to eat you want and then give you a choice only between a candy bar and a twinkie, are you really free to choose anything you want? If you continue to take that choice, will you not soon die of scurvy and malnutrition? Isn’t that our situation today? Over the last twenty years we have seen Democrats in complete control, Republicans in complete control and a "split" government yet every year spending goes up, the debt gets bigger, government expands, corruption becomes more widespread, and our liberty and wealth shrink. Our "choices" are killing our nation.
Why? Because both Democrats and Republicans want to use government to achieve their ends. They both believe in government solutions to problems. Even when they say that they want "free market solutions", those solutions are still regulated and implemented by government.
"Good intentions will always be pleaded for in any assumption of power. The constitution was made to guard people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men of all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." Daniel Webster
Every election we are presented with a false choice. Democrats and Republicans attack and demonize one another giving the illusion that there is actually a difference between them. Sure, they may differ in how they are going to use government power but there is no disagreement on whether or not they are going to use that government power. We are presented with a choice of "who should rule", who will be our masters for the next few years. Will the burden they impose be light or heavy? For one hundred years the American people have been beasts of burden supporting the weight of our rulers and all their baggage. The weight was not heavy in the beginning and any extra baggage was usually added incrementally and in small doses; yet it always grew. The Obama administration, however, has sought to place a burden upon us we were not prepared for.
"There are two distinct classes of men. Those who pay taxes and those who receive and live upon taxes." Thomas Paine
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you will have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them." Frederick Douglass
"Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." William Pitt
Often we were distracted by crisis when the burden was imposed, or guilted into accepting more baggage, but every year, no matter who was in control, the burden grew. Now, in the last decade, we have seen the government heap burdens upon us with no regard or compassion. Corruption and thievery are now openly practiced and excused. Yet the political class, the parties who colluded to construct this edifice of plunder, will now try to convince the serfs that they are the ones to "fix’ the problem. The fix they implement, however, will simply be another way to rape and pillage the American people for their own benefit.
There is only one way this is going to end peacefully and that is to stop participating in the game. This game has cost us trillions of dollars and an ever growing list of essential freedoms. While the edifice of lies, regulation and an invincible perception is certainly formidable, it still depends of our willing participation. We need only withdrawal it to bring the whole monstrosity crashing down. Only our voluntary submission and acceptance allows it to continue. Our chains are locked by a key we alone possess. If we shake the fog of lies from the recesses of our minds and muster the courage within each one of us as a free person, we can shake off the chains and stand once again as the free people we were meant to be. Stop throwing your freedom away by voting for the two parties playing games with our lives and vote your conscience, vote for your liberation, vote to save America for our posterity.
There can be no question as we gaze over the expansive history of man that tyranny and slavery has been the lot of most. Too often men have been forced to give up their natural rights through fear, the sword of the tyrant being the method of persuasion. Of course other charlatans, promising a utopian vision if only the men under their spell would give up their rights to the collective or to the charlatan and his cohorts, have convinced many others to follow the road to slavery, convinced that their bondage is for their own good. Yet deep within the heart of man, even after the beatings and years of deception, the essence of every individual yearns to be free, to sit under his own roof, enjoy the fruits of his own labor and raise his own children in peace and safety.
The deception can bury that desire very deeply, however. We can look at the grandiose hopes dashed in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya to see how quickly a desire for democracy and freedom can devolve into tyranny. Safe in our living rooms, blindly adhering to a belief in our own liberty, we wonder how people, when liberty is within their reach, can freely vote to place themselves under oppression. How could the Egyptians and Tunesians, so long oppressed under dictatorships, vote to place themselves under the brutality of sharia? If the choice is freedom or a Taliban style theocracy run by the Muslim Brotherhood, how could they choose the latter? How could they reject the gift of God and submit to slavery? It seems beyond our comprehension.
Yet the American people remain under a delusion that results in their own slavery. Not only have the charlatans of the Democrat and Republican parties convinced us that they, and not individual initiative, will solve all the problems that plague our society and nation if we will only give up more of our wealth and freedom, they also try to convince us that they are the only ones qualified to do so. Because we voluntarily vote for the choices we are presented with in a rigged game, we are expected to accept our growing bonds without protest. If I tell you that you can choose to have anything to eat you want and then give you a choice only between a candy bar and a twinkie, are you really free to choose anything you want? If you continue to take that choice, will you not soon die of scurvy and malnutrition? Isn’t that our situation today? Over the last twenty years we have seen Democrats in complete control, Republicans in complete control and a "split" government yet every year spending goes up, the debt gets bigger, government expands, corruption becomes more widespread, and our liberty and wealth shrink. Our "choices" are killing our nation.
Why? Because both Democrats and Republicans want to use government to achieve their ends. They both believe in government solutions to problems. Even when they say that they want "free market solutions", those solutions are still regulated and implemented by government.
"Good intentions will always be pleaded for in any assumption of power. The constitution was made to guard people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men of all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." Daniel Webster
Every election we are presented with a false choice. Democrats and Republicans attack and demonize one another giving the illusion that there is actually a difference between them. Sure, they may differ in how they are going to use government power but there is no disagreement on whether or not they are going to use that government power. We are presented with a choice of "who should rule", who will be our masters for the next few years. Will the burden they impose be light or heavy? For one hundred years the American people have been beasts of burden supporting the weight of our rulers and all their baggage. The weight was not heavy in the beginning and any extra baggage was usually added incrementally and in small doses; yet it always grew. The Obama administration, however, has sought to place a burden upon us we were not prepared for.
"There are two distinct classes of men. Those who pay taxes and those who receive and live upon taxes." Thomas Paine
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you will have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them." Frederick Douglass
"Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." William Pitt
Often we were distracted by crisis when the burden was imposed, or guilted into accepting more baggage, but every year, no matter who was in control, the burden grew. Now, in the last decade, we have seen the government heap burdens upon us with no regard or compassion. Corruption and thievery are now openly practiced and excused. Yet the political class, the parties who colluded to construct this edifice of plunder, will now try to convince the serfs that they are the ones to "fix’ the problem. The fix they implement, however, will simply be another way to rape and pillage the American people for their own benefit.
There is only one way this is going to end peacefully and that is to stop participating in the game. This game has cost us trillions of dollars and an ever growing list of essential freedoms. While the edifice of lies, regulation and an invincible perception is certainly formidable, it still depends of our willing participation. We need only withdrawal it to bring the whole monstrosity crashing down. Only our voluntary submission and acceptance allows it to continue. Our chains are locked by a key we alone possess. If we shake the fog of lies from the recesses of our minds and muster the courage within each one of us as a free person, we can shake off the chains and stand once again as the free people we were meant to be. Stop throwing your freedom away by voting for the two parties playing games with our lives and vote your conscience, vote for your liberation, vote to save America for our posterity.