The Myth of the Republican Establishment
As the Republican primary grinds on, it appears as though the four currently running will be in it for a while. The race, since before the first caucus, was set up as a race between Mitt Romney and everyone else. Who was going to be the anti-Romney candidate? The reason for this is because Mitt Romney is seen as the "establishment" candidate and the rest of the field, with the exception of John Huntsman, were the "conservative" opposition attempting to move the Republican party to the "right". In 2010 it was the upstart "TEA party" candidates like Christine O’Donnel and Sharon Engle who tried to take on the "establishment" in the Republican party. In 2008 conservatives were disappointed in John McCain as a moderate, "establishment" candidate, and before him in 1996, Bob Dole.
Of course, this tension goes back much farther, to Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater. Every election conservatives evaluate Republican candidates on a set of criteria involving fiscal and social issues and more often than not, find them wanting. When Republicans had total control during the first six years of the Bush administration, these voters wondered why they spent so much and did so little for the causes conservatives cared about. People who love America, understand its founding principles, revere the constitution and cherish freedom are constantly disappointed by the party that is supposed to reflect these values. They vent their frustration on what they term "The Republican Establishment", the "Country Club Republicans", the "Moderates" or the "R.I.N.O.s" in the party who aren’t willing to go to the mat for America and stand against the tax and spend socialist Democrats.
The Republican Establishment is a myth. Just look at the "anti-establishment" presidential candidates. The only one who hasn’t spent years in Washington DC is the "establishment" candidate and every one of them has compromised their supposed "conservative" values. They have all played the games the supposed "establishment" requires. Romney believes in government intervention resulting in Romneycare. Gingrich sits on the couch with Nancy Pelosi to support government intervention in climate change. Santorum works for one of the past poster boys of the Republican establishment, Arlen Specter, and supported much of the Bush spending. Ron Paul brings home more bacon to his district than most other member of congress. They all understand how the game is played and they have all played the game.
That is why there is no Republican Establishment as opposed to the rest of the Republican party. There are no R.I.N.O.s (Republicans in name only) because that assumes that all Republicans are supposed to be "conservative", a nebulous definition itself, and the R.I.N.O.s are the exception. There is simply the Republican party, it is what it is, no different than the Democrat Party. After all, you never hear about the "Democrat Establishment". Sometimes you hear about the Democrat "machine" in places like Chicago which is another way of saying that the corruption has become so entrenched that a family or small group can hand out favors or threats without fear of reprisal to maintain control. The fact is there is no true ideological conflict within the Democrat party. They are all socialists and communists. Sure, some of them put on moderate clothing, occasionally they wrap themselves in the flag and give lip service to American values and freedom but they will vote for bigger government, redistributive justice and wealth and centralized control every time. It doesn’t matter if they are avowed socialists like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi or supposed Reagan Democrats, they will take money and freedom from us and enrich themselves at every opportunity. The only conflict within the Democrat Party is over strategy, never over goals or ideology.
In the Republican Party, things are supposed to be different. The rhetoric says that the Republican party is the party of smaller government, conservative values, strong defense, lower taxes, and apple pie. For those who reject the obvious communism of the Democrats, the Republicans are the only other place to go. This is because although there are other political parties, our winner take all system is conducive to a two party system. For one hundred and fifty years, those parties have been Democrats and Republicans. Since Wilson and FDR, the Democrats have embraced the ideology of centralized control and redistribution-communism. For those to whom that doesn’t appeal, there is only one other option.
In theory, the other party in a two party system is supposed to be the opposition party. Therefore, the expectation of those who believe in the founding principles and ideals of America is for the Republican party to thwart the designs of the communists and, when in control, reverse the trends toward state control. That has not happened since the 1920’s. The best the Republicans have done since FDR is slow the growth and reach of government and under George W. Bush even that went out the window. The Republicans realized that bigger government benefits all politicians and their friends. As the opposition party, they couldn’t come out in favor of bigger government or more and newer programs (until the Bush years) for that would alienate all those who expected them to represent the opposite. So for the last sixty years they have allowed the Democrats to grow the government and increase government power and while they voiced their disapproval, never doing anything substantial to change it because they enjoyed the growing perks.
There is no ideological commitment in the Republican party. Ooo..that’s harsh, you say. But look at the evidence. When was the last time the Republican party really fought for liberty and against Democrat proposals to advance their communist agenda? When the Democrats want something, health care being a recent example, they will do anything to get it...anything. They are willing to sacrifice short term electoral success because they know, as Ronald Reagan pointed out, a government program is the closest thing to eternal life there is on earth. Once in place, it stays. Therefore, they will use every legislative trick, change the rules, lie, cheat and steal to accomplish their goals. I am not advocating illegal or immoral behavior but the Republicans have not even used the tools at their disposal. All spending emanates from the House of Representatives, now supposedly controlled by conservative Republicans, yet they have folded in every fiscal fight since the 2010 election. They have raised the debt ceiling twice, they have gotten no spending cuts, we are still borrowing almost one and a half trillion dollars a year. They could just say "no more", they could cut off funding for out of control departments, yet amidst all the posturing the spending and its associated government expansion goes on and on and on.
The senate Republicans could block anything with the filibuster and while the Democrats will use it at the drop of a hat, the Republicans rarely do. Even when they do, like with some of Obama’s recent more radical appointments, the Obama administration simply ignored them and did recess appointments anyway. What did the Republicans do? Nothing. The best position the Republicans were in was during the first two years of the Obama administration. They were powerless. That meant they could cry and howl all they wanted without having to do anything about the naked power grab of the communists. Their worst position was during the first six years of the Bush administration where they actually had to govern and revealed themselves as no different than Democrats when it came to the expansion of government. The prescription drug benefit, the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, the complete lack of fiscal responsibility and actions to reform entitlements or even eliminate one department, the perennially mentioned Department of Education, for example, all demonstrate that Republicans are very comfortable with big government spending and power.
The Republicans are a lousy opposition party because they oppose only the speed at which the communists want to impose their agenda, their consistent lack of action demonstrates their agreement with the goals. This dearth of action is a direct result of their lack of ideological commitment. They operate best a foils for the Democrat agenda, providing token resistance and opposition rhetoric but doing nothing substantial to counter it. The Democrats believe in big government because they think its right. The Republicans, whose ideological commitment resembles milk toast, enjoy the perks and go along for the ride. They are the very definition of the "good ‘ol boys" who enjoy sharing the benefits of power without having to do the work or take the heat.
There have always been people dissatisfied with this situation. Self described "conservatives", libertarians, patriots who believe in freedom and refuse to be bought off with stolen goods and want to see a real fight for liberty, they want to see representatives who actually believe the rhetoric of freedom. In fact, men and women of character who articulate American principles are very appealing to a lot of Americans. Occasionally, the people actually elect some of these individuals. Real ideological "conservatives" and libertarians scare Republicans because they expose the lie and actually expect action to match rhetoric. So the small government, less spending oratory heats up for a while, a few token actions may be taken to placate this minority but when it comes to the growth and scope of government, the inexorable march to total state control has always continued. The apple cart has occasionally been shaken but never tipped or overturned. It withstood Reagan. The Gingrich revolutionaries tinkered around the edges and became the big spenders of the Bush years. The TEA party caucus of 2010 has done nothing to reduce the exorbitant spending of president Obama nor have they held him or his cronies accountable for their blatant corruption, unconstitutional acts or criminal behavior. The cooperation between the two parties as instigator and foil continues to this day and America moves farther and father from its roots and into the arms of totalitarianism.
Both Democrats and Republicans want to use power, they both operate under the same assumptions. There will always be individual exceptions but they will never have enough numbers or influence within the parties to change the momentum towards bigger government. Both parties have become adept at maintaining the status quo. They have used gerrymandering to ensure continuity of leadership, they have doled out favors to maintain their monetary base, they have played a shell game with the taxpayer’s money to buy votes. Both parties use the system to "groom" candidates who will support the status quo and they wield the "whip" to keep independent minded party members in line. Even among Republicans, what is right takes a back seat to the political calculus. No matter how much you "conservative" and libertarian leaning Republicans may wish or hope things are going to change, they will not. There are not two wings of the Republican party, there is the Republican party with a few "conservatives" and an occasional libertarian in it. They are not going to fight for liberty, they are not going to dismantle the communist edifice the Democrats are building, they are not going to slay the beast on the Potomac.
However, hope springs eternal. This time it will be different. They had better learn their lesson this time. Sean Hannity recently remarked that the biggest challenge will not be electing Republicans but actually getting them to stay faithful to "conservative" values and fulfill their promises. Do we really expect substantial change even if Republicans are put in charge of it all? Will the repeal of Obamacare become another perennial goal like the elimination of the Department of Education? Will they actually cut the budget the more than 40% necessary to balance it? Will they take on the entitlements that are rapidly dragging us to fiscal ruin? Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? How many times must the patriots in this country be duped, how many times will their hopes be dashed before they learn, before you learn? How many "this times" must there be? How far do the Democrats and Republicans have to take this country down the road of fiscal and cultural ruin before we realize that we have bet on the wrong horse?
So what’s a patriot to do? Can’t vote for a communist Democrat. Don’t believe the Republicans will actually fight for America. Do I vote for a third party? No! Such a thing is anathema. It will just result in the election of Democrat communists! This is not the time, this election is too important! It would be throwing your vote away! It is never the "right time" for a third party, a sentiment vocalized by Republicans and swallowed by "conservatives", patriots and libertarians along with their empty promises and it simply ensures that the game of see-saw between two big government parties persists and we continue to march inexorably toward the darkness of totalitarianism. The rhetoric in support of the status quo, the screams that the crisis to too grave to abandon the Grand ‘Ol Party are heating up as they always do when they fear a popular patriotic uprising.
You know what; this is not the time for a third party. It is time the Republican party went the way of the Whigs and Federalists as a useless appendage to our political system. It is time to replace the Republican party with a party that does more than give lip service to liberty. A party that does not have to be poked, prodded, scolded and threatened to do what is right. A party that will show real fortitude in opposing the totalitarian agenda and when in power, actually dismantle it. A party that understands, believes in and will implement the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence and govern within the constraints of the Constitution. A party that believes that stealing the hard earned money of one person to give it to another is always wrong and that problems are best solved through individual freedom and not government intervention.
Far from being an election too important to make such a dramatic change, this is exactly the election in which we need to make a drastic exchange. We have come to the logical conclusion of our embrace of statism. We have allowed both parties to expand government to the point where no area of life is unregulated and no amount of spending is too much. That apparatus has now been turned over to a radical Marxist and his band of crooks and we wonder what has happened. The problem is not as much who is in charge but what they are in charge of. It was only a matter of time before someone nefarious conned their way into a position to use all the power the two parties have accumulated over the last hundred years. Electing a Democrat or a Republican is only going to change who wields the power, not the amount of power they wield. Neither party is going to relinquish that power, they will simply keep fighting over who will exercise it.
It is time for patriots who love this country to stop settling for the lesser of two evils. It is time to stop thinking about what can’t be done and believe in what can. We still have the vote in this country. If enough of us are willing to break out of the mold the two parties have forced us into, if we refuse to have our votes purchased with the hard earned money of our fellow citizens, if we do our homework and think for ourselves, we can prevail. There has been a growing trend among Americans to register to vote as independent or third party, because more and more people are realizing they are not represented by either major party. It is time for people to take the next step and stop giving their votes to the parties they have rejected. There are enough districts in this country that are competitive that a handful of patriots could win. That is the key, the belief that a candidate running independently of the two major parties can win. That happens when enough people stop throwing their freedom away by voting for Republicrats and Demacins.
In 2009 millions of Americans woke up to what had happened to our country. The TEA party was born of frustration and desperation. They organized and with time short, embraced the political apparatus at hand, the Republican party. That has, by every objective measure, been a great disappointment to all except those of us who knew the history of the party and had expected little. If you believe we are in grave danger of seeing the American experiment in liberty abandoned for good, that the totalitarians are on the cusp of final victory, that financial and cultural disaster looms over us and a radical change of course is the only thing that will save us, it is time to make a radical choice. It is time to think differently, it is time to abandon the status quo and believe in real change.
There is only one place for freedom loving Americans to go at this point, only one other party has the nation wide reach and apparatus to provide a viable alternative at this time-the Libertarian Party. I can hear some of you groan now. They are disorganized, there are some real nuts in the party, they just want to get stoned. Perhaps they are a little disorganized and there are a few nuts that just want to get stoned. Those people are not going to get elected. You are smart enough to evaluate a candidate on character and principle. Libertarians need to ensure they nominate candidates of consistent character who can articulate liberty, have demonstrated commitment to our founding principles and service to their fellow citizens. It is unrealistic to expect to replace the Republican party in one election. In reality, it only takes a handful, or even one. One election, one Libertarian in one district will demonstrate that another party can win and when the next election comes around, more people will be willing to back what has become a realistic possibility instead of a long, long shot.
For one hundred years we have been abandoning our founding principles, losing our freedom, growing government power and reach. Both Democrats and Republicans have contributed to it and even as the disastrous consequences that inevitably accompany statism are laid bare before us all, the two parties are ill equipped to deal with them. Why? Because all they know is big government and big government solutions. More control, more tinkering to solve the never ending stream of problems created by government control and tinkering. They have taken us off the fiscal and cultural cliff with their insanity, all the while still playing the game and hoping we don’t notice the rapid drop in elevation.
We have played the game long enough and I, for one, am tired of being cheated out of my money, my liberty and my future. Are you? If so what are you willing to do about it? Can you break out of the straightjacket the "establishment", the political class has created, are you willing to abandon the idea that there is no alternative? If not, we will soon find out what happens when the unsustainable actually ceases to be sustained, when the "it can’t go one like this" actually doesn’t. I don’t want to see such an ignoble end to our experiment in liberty that has yielded such wonderful fruit for us and the world. But change only comes through you and I making the hard choices and taking the difficult steps off the beaten path. Every election is an opportunity to restore human freedom and we have squandered those opportunities, one after another. How many more chances will we have to reverse the tide of totalitarianism? It all comes down to this. Do you have the courage to do what is necessary to preserve liberty not only for yourself, not only for the next generation of Americans, your children and grandchildren, but for the world?
Of course, this tension goes back much farther, to Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater. Every election conservatives evaluate Republican candidates on a set of criteria involving fiscal and social issues and more often than not, find them wanting. When Republicans had total control during the first six years of the Bush administration, these voters wondered why they spent so much and did so little for the causes conservatives cared about. People who love America, understand its founding principles, revere the constitution and cherish freedom are constantly disappointed by the party that is supposed to reflect these values. They vent their frustration on what they term "The Republican Establishment", the "Country Club Republicans", the "Moderates" or the "R.I.N.O.s" in the party who aren’t willing to go to the mat for America and stand against the tax and spend socialist Democrats.
The Republican Establishment is a myth. Just look at the "anti-establishment" presidential candidates. The only one who hasn’t spent years in Washington DC is the "establishment" candidate and every one of them has compromised their supposed "conservative" values. They have all played the games the supposed "establishment" requires. Romney believes in government intervention resulting in Romneycare. Gingrich sits on the couch with Nancy Pelosi to support government intervention in climate change. Santorum works for one of the past poster boys of the Republican establishment, Arlen Specter, and supported much of the Bush spending. Ron Paul brings home more bacon to his district than most other member of congress. They all understand how the game is played and they have all played the game.
That is why there is no Republican Establishment as opposed to the rest of the Republican party. There are no R.I.N.O.s (Republicans in name only) because that assumes that all Republicans are supposed to be "conservative", a nebulous definition itself, and the R.I.N.O.s are the exception. There is simply the Republican party, it is what it is, no different than the Democrat Party. After all, you never hear about the "Democrat Establishment". Sometimes you hear about the Democrat "machine" in places like Chicago which is another way of saying that the corruption has become so entrenched that a family or small group can hand out favors or threats without fear of reprisal to maintain control. The fact is there is no true ideological conflict within the Democrat party. They are all socialists and communists. Sure, some of them put on moderate clothing, occasionally they wrap themselves in the flag and give lip service to American values and freedom but they will vote for bigger government, redistributive justice and wealth and centralized control every time. It doesn’t matter if they are avowed socialists like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi or supposed Reagan Democrats, they will take money and freedom from us and enrich themselves at every opportunity. The only conflict within the Democrat Party is over strategy, never over goals or ideology.
In the Republican Party, things are supposed to be different. The rhetoric says that the Republican party is the party of smaller government, conservative values, strong defense, lower taxes, and apple pie. For those who reject the obvious communism of the Democrats, the Republicans are the only other place to go. This is because although there are other political parties, our winner take all system is conducive to a two party system. For one hundred and fifty years, those parties have been Democrats and Republicans. Since Wilson and FDR, the Democrats have embraced the ideology of centralized control and redistribution-communism. For those to whom that doesn’t appeal, there is only one other option.
In theory, the other party in a two party system is supposed to be the opposition party. Therefore, the expectation of those who believe in the founding principles and ideals of America is for the Republican party to thwart the designs of the communists and, when in control, reverse the trends toward state control. That has not happened since the 1920’s. The best the Republicans have done since FDR is slow the growth and reach of government and under George W. Bush even that went out the window. The Republicans realized that bigger government benefits all politicians and their friends. As the opposition party, they couldn’t come out in favor of bigger government or more and newer programs (until the Bush years) for that would alienate all those who expected them to represent the opposite. So for the last sixty years they have allowed the Democrats to grow the government and increase government power and while they voiced their disapproval, never doing anything substantial to change it because they enjoyed the growing perks.
There is no ideological commitment in the Republican party. Ooo..that’s harsh, you say. But look at the evidence. When was the last time the Republican party really fought for liberty and against Democrat proposals to advance their communist agenda? When the Democrats want something, health care being a recent example, they will do anything to get it...anything. They are willing to sacrifice short term electoral success because they know, as Ronald Reagan pointed out, a government program is the closest thing to eternal life there is on earth. Once in place, it stays. Therefore, they will use every legislative trick, change the rules, lie, cheat and steal to accomplish their goals. I am not advocating illegal or immoral behavior but the Republicans have not even used the tools at their disposal. All spending emanates from the House of Representatives, now supposedly controlled by conservative Republicans, yet they have folded in every fiscal fight since the 2010 election. They have raised the debt ceiling twice, they have gotten no spending cuts, we are still borrowing almost one and a half trillion dollars a year. They could just say "no more", they could cut off funding for out of control departments, yet amidst all the posturing the spending and its associated government expansion goes on and on and on.
The senate Republicans could block anything with the filibuster and while the Democrats will use it at the drop of a hat, the Republicans rarely do. Even when they do, like with some of Obama’s recent more radical appointments, the Obama administration simply ignored them and did recess appointments anyway. What did the Republicans do? Nothing. The best position the Republicans were in was during the first two years of the Obama administration. They were powerless. That meant they could cry and howl all they wanted without having to do anything about the naked power grab of the communists. Their worst position was during the first six years of the Bush administration where they actually had to govern and revealed themselves as no different than Democrats when it came to the expansion of government. The prescription drug benefit, the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, the complete lack of fiscal responsibility and actions to reform entitlements or even eliminate one department, the perennially mentioned Department of Education, for example, all demonstrate that Republicans are very comfortable with big government spending and power.
The Republicans are a lousy opposition party because they oppose only the speed at which the communists want to impose their agenda, their consistent lack of action demonstrates their agreement with the goals. This dearth of action is a direct result of their lack of ideological commitment. They operate best a foils for the Democrat agenda, providing token resistance and opposition rhetoric but doing nothing substantial to counter it. The Democrats believe in big government because they think its right. The Republicans, whose ideological commitment resembles milk toast, enjoy the perks and go along for the ride. They are the very definition of the "good ‘ol boys" who enjoy sharing the benefits of power without having to do the work or take the heat.
There have always been people dissatisfied with this situation. Self described "conservatives", libertarians, patriots who believe in freedom and refuse to be bought off with stolen goods and want to see a real fight for liberty, they want to see representatives who actually believe the rhetoric of freedom. In fact, men and women of character who articulate American principles are very appealing to a lot of Americans. Occasionally, the people actually elect some of these individuals. Real ideological "conservatives" and libertarians scare Republicans because they expose the lie and actually expect action to match rhetoric. So the small government, less spending oratory heats up for a while, a few token actions may be taken to placate this minority but when it comes to the growth and scope of government, the inexorable march to total state control has always continued. The apple cart has occasionally been shaken but never tipped or overturned. It withstood Reagan. The Gingrich revolutionaries tinkered around the edges and became the big spenders of the Bush years. The TEA party caucus of 2010 has done nothing to reduce the exorbitant spending of president Obama nor have they held him or his cronies accountable for their blatant corruption, unconstitutional acts or criminal behavior. The cooperation between the two parties as instigator and foil continues to this day and America moves farther and father from its roots and into the arms of totalitarianism.
Both Democrats and Republicans want to use power, they both operate under the same assumptions. There will always be individual exceptions but they will never have enough numbers or influence within the parties to change the momentum towards bigger government. Both parties have become adept at maintaining the status quo. They have used gerrymandering to ensure continuity of leadership, they have doled out favors to maintain their monetary base, they have played a shell game with the taxpayer’s money to buy votes. Both parties use the system to "groom" candidates who will support the status quo and they wield the "whip" to keep independent minded party members in line. Even among Republicans, what is right takes a back seat to the political calculus. No matter how much you "conservative" and libertarian leaning Republicans may wish or hope things are going to change, they will not. There are not two wings of the Republican party, there is the Republican party with a few "conservatives" and an occasional libertarian in it. They are not going to fight for liberty, they are not going to dismantle the communist edifice the Democrats are building, they are not going to slay the beast on the Potomac.
However, hope springs eternal. This time it will be different. They had better learn their lesson this time. Sean Hannity recently remarked that the biggest challenge will not be electing Republicans but actually getting them to stay faithful to "conservative" values and fulfill their promises. Do we really expect substantial change even if Republicans are put in charge of it all? Will the repeal of Obamacare become another perennial goal like the elimination of the Department of Education? Will they actually cut the budget the more than 40% necessary to balance it? Will they take on the entitlements that are rapidly dragging us to fiscal ruin? Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? How many times must the patriots in this country be duped, how many times will their hopes be dashed before they learn, before you learn? How many "this times" must there be? How far do the Democrats and Republicans have to take this country down the road of fiscal and cultural ruin before we realize that we have bet on the wrong horse?
So what’s a patriot to do? Can’t vote for a communist Democrat. Don’t believe the Republicans will actually fight for America. Do I vote for a third party? No! Such a thing is anathema. It will just result in the election of Democrat communists! This is not the time, this election is too important! It would be throwing your vote away! It is never the "right time" for a third party, a sentiment vocalized by Republicans and swallowed by "conservatives", patriots and libertarians along with their empty promises and it simply ensures that the game of see-saw between two big government parties persists and we continue to march inexorably toward the darkness of totalitarianism. The rhetoric in support of the status quo, the screams that the crisis to too grave to abandon the Grand ‘Ol Party are heating up as they always do when they fear a popular patriotic uprising.
You know what; this is not the time for a third party. It is time the Republican party went the way of the Whigs and Federalists as a useless appendage to our political system. It is time to replace the Republican party with a party that does more than give lip service to liberty. A party that does not have to be poked, prodded, scolded and threatened to do what is right. A party that will show real fortitude in opposing the totalitarian agenda and when in power, actually dismantle it. A party that understands, believes in and will implement the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence and govern within the constraints of the Constitution. A party that believes that stealing the hard earned money of one person to give it to another is always wrong and that problems are best solved through individual freedom and not government intervention.
Far from being an election too important to make such a dramatic change, this is exactly the election in which we need to make a drastic exchange. We have come to the logical conclusion of our embrace of statism. We have allowed both parties to expand government to the point where no area of life is unregulated and no amount of spending is too much. That apparatus has now been turned over to a radical Marxist and his band of crooks and we wonder what has happened. The problem is not as much who is in charge but what they are in charge of. It was only a matter of time before someone nefarious conned their way into a position to use all the power the two parties have accumulated over the last hundred years. Electing a Democrat or a Republican is only going to change who wields the power, not the amount of power they wield. Neither party is going to relinquish that power, they will simply keep fighting over who will exercise it.
It is time for patriots who love this country to stop settling for the lesser of two evils. It is time to stop thinking about what can’t be done and believe in what can. We still have the vote in this country. If enough of us are willing to break out of the mold the two parties have forced us into, if we refuse to have our votes purchased with the hard earned money of our fellow citizens, if we do our homework and think for ourselves, we can prevail. There has been a growing trend among Americans to register to vote as independent or third party, because more and more people are realizing they are not represented by either major party. It is time for people to take the next step and stop giving their votes to the parties they have rejected. There are enough districts in this country that are competitive that a handful of patriots could win. That is the key, the belief that a candidate running independently of the two major parties can win. That happens when enough people stop throwing their freedom away by voting for Republicrats and Demacins.
In 2009 millions of Americans woke up to what had happened to our country. The TEA party was born of frustration and desperation. They organized and with time short, embraced the political apparatus at hand, the Republican party. That has, by every objective measure, been a great disappointment to all except those of us who knew the history of the party and had expected little. If you believe we are in grave danger of seeing the American experiment in liberty abandoned for good, that the totalitarians are on the cusp of final victory, that financial and cultural disaster looms over us and a radical change of course is the only thing that will save us, it is time to make a radical choice. It is time to think differently, it is time to abandon the status quo and believe in real change.
There is only one place for freedom loving Americans to go at this point, only one other party has the nation wide reach and apparatus to provide a viable alternative at this time-the Libertarian Party. I can hear some of you groan now. They are disorganized, there are some real nuts in the party, they just want to get stoned. Perhaps they are a little disorganized and there are a few nuts that just want to get stoned. Those people are not going to get elected. You are smart enough to evaluate a candidate on character and principle. Libertarians need to ensure they nominate candidates of consistent character who can articulate liberty, have demonstrated commitment to our founding principles and service to their fellow citizens. It is unrealistic to expect to replace the Republican party in one election. In reality, it only takes a handful, or even one. One election, one Libertarian in one district will demonstrate that another party can win and when the next election comes around, more people will be willing to back what has become a realistic possibility instead of a long, long shot.
For one hundred years we have been abandoning our founding principles, losing our freedom, growing government power and reach. Both Democrats and Republicans have contributed to it and even as the disastrous consequences that inevitably accompany statism are laid bare before us all, the two parties are ill equipped to deal with them. Why? Because all they know is big government and big government solutions. More control, more tinkering to solve the never ending stream of problems created by government control and tinkering. They have taken us off the fiscal and cultural cliff with their insanity, all the while still playing the game and hoping we don’t notice the rapid drop in elevation.
We have played the game long enough and I, for one, am tired of being cheated out of my money, my liberty and my future. Are you? If so what are you willing to do about it? Can you break out of the straightjacket the "establishment", the political class has created, are you willing to abandon the idea that there is no alternative? If not, we will soon find out what happens when the unsustainable actually ceases to be sustained, when the "it can’t go one like this" actually doesn’t. I don’t want to see such an ignoble end to our experiment in liberty that has yielded such wonderful fruit for us and the world. But change only comes through you and I making the hard choices and taking the difficult steps off the beaten path. Every election is an opportunity to restore human freedom and we have squandered those opportunities, one after another. How many more chances will we have to reverse the tide of totalitarianism? It all comes down to this. Do you have the courage to do what is necessary to preserve liberty not only for yourself, not only for the next generation of Americans, your children and grandchildren, but for the world?