Barak Obama Suicide Bomber
As the debate over the debt ceiling heats up, each side is looking for an advantage. Except for a few principled holdouts, it would appear that both sides want to raise the ceiling, again, and are using it as a huge bargaining chip. The Republicans are trying to hold the line on taxes, or "revenue enhancements", and get major spending cuts. We shall see whether they hold fast, the last several months of capitulation don’t hold much promise. The Democrats want to keep every program and increase spending and taxes, particularly on the "rich." It is clear that President Obama wants to tax and spend, his recent speeches have made that abundantly clear. The question is, what is the end game?
Several years ago I postulated that the Democrats would use economic crisis to remove the Republicans from contention in politics for another generation. Their ability to demonize Republicans, particularly "conservative" Republicans, has been very successful over the years. If a "compromise" is reached, which is the most likely outcome, we will borrow even more and demonstrate to the world that we have no intention of reigning in our spending and balancing our budget. The compromise will probably take the following form. The Democrats will agree to a few trillion in cuts over the next ten years, meaning we’ll only borrow an additional twelve trillion dollars instead of sixteen trillion from our children and grandchildren. The Republicans will agree to some revenue enhancements like closing loopholes. Remember, a "loophole" is a legal way to keep more of your money so read that "tax increase". This will anger the TEA party, conservatives and libertarians among the Republican party who will either actively abandon them and go elsewhere or simply give up and stop supporting them. This will ensure Democrat victory in the near term and as the economy continues to falter under the greater debt and tax load, more dependents will be created-read "Democrat voters."
That is one possibility. What if a deal is not reached? What if on August 3rd we find ourselves unable to borrow the forty cents on every dollar we are currently spending? All of a sudden our government will be forced to live on the two hundred billion dollars that come in every month in taxes and no more. In the face of the fact that we have taken on obligations we cannot pay for, we will suddenly find ourselves in the position of having to choose priorities. If it were your household, you would be choosing between car and house payments, food, the cable and cell phone bills, the utilities. It is assumed that our first priority will be to pay the interest on our outstanding debt and redeeming bonds that come due in order to maintain our fiscal health and credit rating. Beyond that President Obama will have the discretion to choose which bills get paid. If the end game is to put the Republicans far in the back of the bus, as the President puts it, he will spend or not spend to his and the Democrat’s political advantage. He will slow or reduce welfare and social security payments, reduce Medicare reimbursements and panic the largest constituencies while blaming the Republicans and the rich who won’t contribute their fair share. The pressure won’t have to be applied long before the debt ceiling will be raised and the Democrats will get everything they want. More spending, more taxes and a new tactic for fear mongering. If you elect those mean Republicans, they won’t raise the debt ceiling next time and your benefits will go away. If the accumulation of power is the end, this is certainly an effective means.
However, what if the accumulation of power is not the goal? As I have been listening to all the talk from both sides, a crazy and very frightening thought hit me. What if the Democrats, and specifically the president, refuse to compromise specifically so the president can wield the discretionary power over what is funded and what is not. Not so they can use it for political advantage but to bring about the total collapse of the United States economy and with it, the United States itself. I know, it sounds crazy and I only suggest it as the remotest of possibilities. But think about this. Since President Obama has been elected he has done everything he can to make our financial position untenable. He has doubled the national debt, an amazing feat all by itself. He has hamstrung the economy through taxes and regulation. He has put through massive entitlements we can’t pay for. In the face of overwhelming evidence that nothing he has done works and has, in fact, made our economic situation worse, he wants to do more of the same. He wants to spend more, regulate more and borrow more.
That is not all, however. Consider all the evidence that he despises this country, its ideals and our republican system of government. He has placed socialists and outright communists in his cabinet or the ambiguous "czar" positions. He coddles and befriends brutal dictators and alienates our staunch allies. He apologizes for American exceptionalism at every opportunity. He bullies congress, the supreme court and major corporations to get his way. He is more than sympathetic to Muslim terrorists. He has demonstrated vindictiveness to those who don’t support him. His ideas are out of touch with reality and every time he tries to support them in a speech, he lies and lies and lies about everything. He was brought up by people who hated America, found a pastor in Chicago that hates America, married a woman that hates America. It is obvious he holds in contempt everything that made this country great. His words and deeds demonstrate his desire to see America lose its unique status as the leading force for liberty and good in the world because he doesn’t value liberty or believe America has done anything good.
What if, for Barak Obama and some other radical members of the Democrat party, the accumulation of political power is secondary to the destruction of the United States? If the debt ceiling is not raised and the President instructs the Treasury not to make interest payments on August 4th, our credit rating immediately falls below Greece’s. We will no longer have the option of borrowing because few will buy our junk bonds. The dollar will collapse. Our economy will be destroyed, we will no longer be able to afford much of our military or our social programs. In one fell swoop, we will go from the first first world nation to a third world nation. Such a crisis will give him the greatest opportunity of them all to seize even more power.
That is ridiculous, why would the President do that? It would be political suicide. Yes, it would. But what if Barak Obama is the most successful suicide bomber of them all? A political suicide bomber. A man who reached the highest office in the world for the sole purpose of ensuring our demise as a nation. A man who reached this office out of nowhere with no qualifications and no experience. A man who easily defeated the Clinton machine, the most effective political machine in recent history. A man who has demonstrated total incompetence in office while at the same time attempting to force an unrealistic ideology upon us all. He spends most of his time on vacation or on the golf course, swooping into the office at opportune times to cause more havoc. On top of all that he has professed adherence to, and demonstrated sympathy for, a religious ideology that desires our annihilation. As president of the United States, the keeper of the American legacy, and leader of the free world he is an abject failure. As a destructive agent of our enemies, he has had much success. If he finds himself wielding this kind of power, he could do more damage than any bomb ever could.
Is Barak Obama waiting for the opportunity to completely destroy our nation? I don’t know. It seems like fantastic speculation, the stuff of conspiratorial fiction. But be honest, would it surprise you if it was true? The circumstantial evidence is rather compelling. Is it outside the realm of possibility that Marxist ideologues who plan for generations have manipulated this man into office and steered us into this financial corner for this very purpose? Is going into the oval office like going into the bombmaker's lair? It looks that way. President Obama does not use C4, wires and cell phones to destroy things, he uses taxes, regulations and the Fed. While I don’t think we should borrow another dime as a country, we are placing the detonator in Barak Obama’s hands on August 2nd if no agreement or stipulations for dealing with our finances under the current cap are in place before hand. That is a power no man should have but our slide into collectivism and away from our founding principles has made it possible. That slide ends in disaster one way or another. Whether that end comes in the first week of August depends on whether President Obama is after power for himself and the Democrat party or if he is the most dangerous suicide bomber in history.
Several years ago I postulated that the Democrats would use economic crisis to remove the Republicans from contention in politics for another generation. Their ability to demonize Republicans, particularly "conservative" Republicans, has been very successful over the years. If a "compromise" is reached, which is the most likely outcome, we will borrow even more and demonstrate to the world that we have no intention of reigning in our spending and balancing our budget. The compromise will probably take the following form. The Democrats will agree to a few trillion in cuts over the next ten years, meaning we’ll only borrow an additional twelve trillion dollars instead of sixteen trillion from our children and grandchildren. The Republicans will agree to some revenue enhancements like closing loopholes. Remember, a "loophole" is a legal way to keep more of your money so read that "tax increase". This will anger the TEA party, conservatives and libertarians among the Republican party who will either actively abandon them and go elsewhere or simply give up and stop supporting them. This will ensure Democrat victory in the near term and as the economy continues to falter under the greater debt and tax load, more dependents will be created-read "Democrat voters."
That is one possibility. What if a deal is not reached? What if on August 3rd we find ourselves unable to borrow the forty cents on every dollar we are currently spending? All of a sudden our government will be forced to live on the two hundred billion dollars that come in every month in taxes and no more. In the face of the fact that we have taken on obligations we cannot pay for, we will suddenly find ourselves in the position of having to choose priorities. If it were your household, you would be choosing between car and house payments, food, the cable and cell phone bills, the utilities. It is assumed that our first priority will be to pay the interest on our outstanding debt and redeeming bonds that come due in order to maintain our fiscal health and credit rating. Beyond that President Obama will have the discretion to choose which bills get paid. If the end game is to put the Republicans far in the back of the bus, as the President puts it, he will spend or not spend to his and the Democrat’s political advantage. He will slow or reduce welfare and social security payments, reduce Medicare reimbursements and panic the largest constituencies while blaming the Republicans and the rich who won’t contribute their fair share. The pressure won’t have to be applied long before the debt ceiling will be raised and the Democrats will get everything they want. More spending, more taxes and a new tactic for fear mongering. If you elect those mean Republicans, they won’t raise the debt ceiling next time and your benefits will go away. If the accumulation of power is the end, this is certainly an effective means.
However, what if the accumulation of power is not the goal? As I have been listening to all the talk from both sides, a crazy and very frightening thought hit me. What if the Democrats, and specifically the president, refuse to compromise specifically so the president can wield the discretionary power over what is funded and what is not. Not so they can use it for political advantage but to bring about the total collapse of the United States economy and with it, the United States itself. I know, it sounds crazy and I only suggest it as the remotest of possibilities. But think about this. Since President Obama has been elected he has done everything he can to make our financial position untenable. He has doubled the national debt, an amazing feat all by itself. He has hamstrung the economy through taxes and regulation. He has put through massive entitlements we can’t pay for. In the face of overwhelming evidence that nothing he has done works and has, in fact, made our economic situation worse, he wants to do more of the same. He wants to spend more, regulate more and borrow more.
That is not all, however. Consider all the evidence that he despises this country, its ideals and our republican system of government. He has placed socialists and outright communists in his cabinet or the ambiguous "czar" positions. He coddles and befriends brutal dictators and alienates our staunch allies. He apologizes for American exceptionalism at every opportunity. He bullies congress, the supreme court and major corporations to get his way. He is more than sympathetic to Muslim terrorists. He has demonstrated vindictiveness to those who don’t support him. His ideas are out of touch with reality and every time he tries to support them in a speech, he lies and lies and lies about everything. He was brought up by people who hated America, found a pastor in Chicago that hates America, married a woman that hates America. It is obvious he holds in contempt everything that made this country great. His words and deeds demonstrate his desire to see America lose its unique status as the leading force for liberty and good in the world because he doesn’t value liberty or believe America has done anything good.
What if, for Barak Obama and some other radical members of the Democrat party, the accumulation of political power is secondary to the destruction of the United States? If the debt ceiling is not raised and the President instructs the Treasury not to make interest payments on August 4th, our credit rating immediately falls below Greece’s. We will no longer have the option of borrowing because few will buy our junk bonds. The dollar will collapse. Our economy will be destroyed, we will no longer be able to afford much of our military or our social programs. In one fell swoop, we will go from the first first world nation to a third world nation. Such a crisis will give him the greatest opportunity of them all to seize even more power.
That is ridiculous, why would the President do that? It would be political suicide. Yes, it would. But what if Barak Obama is the most successful suicide bomber of them all? A political suicide bomber. A man who reached the highest office in the world for the sole purpose of ensuring our demise as a nation. A man who reached this office out of nowhere with no qualifications and no experience. A man who easily defeated the Clinton machine, the most effective political machine in recent history. A man who has demonstrated total incompetence in office while at the same time attempting to force an unrealistic ideology upon us all. He spends most of his time on vacation or on the golf course, swooping into the office at opportune times to cause more havoc. On top of all that he has professed adherence to, and demonstrated sympathy for, a religious ideology that desires our annihilation. As president of the United States, the keeper of the American legacy, and leader of the free world he is an abject failure. As a destructive agent of our enemies, he has had much success. If he finds himself wielding this kind of power, he could do more damage than any bomb ever could.
Is Barak Obama waiting for the opportunity to completely destroy our nation? I don’t know. It seems like fantastic speculation, the stuff of conspiratorial fiction. But be honest, would it surprise you if it was true? The circumstantial evidence is rather compelling. Is it outside the realm of possibility that Marxist ideologues who plan for generations have manipulated this man into office and steered us into this financial corner for this very purpose? Is going into the oval office like going into the bombmaker's lair? It looks that way. President Obama does not use C4, wires and cell phones to destroy things, he uses taxes, regulations and the Fed. While I don’t think we should borrow another dime as a country, we are placing the detonator in Barak Obama’s hands on August 2nd if no agreement or stipulations for dealing with our finances under the current cap are in place before hand. That is a power no man should have but our slide into collectivism and away from our founding principles has made it possible. That slide ends in disaster one way or another. Whether that end comes in the first week of August depends on whether President Obama is after power for himself and the Democrat party or if he is the most dangerous suicide bomber in history.