Ready for a Fall

Right before his ascension to the presidency, Barak Obama promised a "fundamental transformation of America". For more than a year he has been very busy making good on that promise. He and his cohorts have been putting the last nails in the coffin of the founder’s vision and have been busy putting the final touches on the Marxist machine they have been enthusiastically selling to us for a long time. We are in a much more dangerous position than many realize. Most believe that if we just change the electoral landscape in November, we can turn the tide and restore a republican form of government. I have news for you. Our republic is gone, murdered by our own hand almost a century ago. We maintain the forms of the constitutional framework-three branches of government, regular elections-but the substance of what has grown on the banks of the Potomac is much more sinister.

The fact is, everything required to impose a system of totalitarianism is in place today, most of it long before our dear leader was elected. The millions of pages of government rules and regulations encompassing every area of our lives have been accumulating for years. Just look at the originally innocuous Social Security Number. With it the government (and anyone else) knows almost everything important about you. All your income, property and even buying habits are available to them. As a non-illegal alien you cannot earn money without it. The fact that the government issues and regulates the use of this number gives it tremendous power if it chooses to use it. That is just one thing, albeit a big thing. Consider all the other rules and regulations created and implemented by two million government employees in a myriad of agencies that encompass every area of life that matters, and many that don’t. If the government decides it doesn’t like you, a visit from the IRS is just a start. They have it within their power to destroy anyone. Any business could be enveloped by a swarm of bureaucrats from OSHA, the EPA and a host of other regulatory agencies who could suddenly decide not to issue permits or file lawsuits for any activity whatsoever. We’ve already seen this type of intimidation in the financial sector. Because congress writes legislation that leaves so much up to the interpretation of the directors (czars) and bureaucrats, we are no longer under the rule of law but that of man. A yes or no from some pencil pushing bureaucrat can make or break the life of any citizen today. To coordinate that effort against the perceived enemies of this government would not take much. The gulag isn’t really necessary anymore. Destruction of the opposition could easily be accomplished with the federal bureaucracy in cooperation with a compliant media.

Over the last two years, the tentacles of control have become even greater and much more open. The fact that much of the banking industry is under indirect and direct government control, its constant threats, intimidation and outright usurpation of private business, its support for union thugs and its openly declared war on free market capitalism are obvious examples. There is the unprecedented ability to spy on the American people. I am not talking about conspiracy theories here. The government’s attempts to read our e-mail, listen in on our conversations, and its ability to follow our movements with cameras and face recognition technology are all current activities. The same technology that has done much to advance our society can easily become the tools of our oppression. Any time we become dependent on a technology and that same technology comes under the regulation and control of the government, it gives the government more power over us. On top of all that is the close cooperation between union gangsters and this administration as well as the president's call for the development of a domestic security force as well funded and powerful as the military and just about all of the pieces are in place.
A strong argument could be made that we have been evolving into an elected dictatorship for some time. Congress has become increasingly irrelevant as they have passed their lawmaking duties off on others. Sure, they still vote but the laws are written by special interests, lobbyists and bureaucrats and are filled with vague and imprecise legalese that even the lawmakers confess to not understanding. Then they are interpreted and implemented by the various agencies of the government as they see fit. Those agencies are all under the control of the executive branch and ultimately, the president. Even if congress occasionally gets some spine, this administration has shown its willingness to implement its agenda via regulation or executive order instead of legislation.

There is only one thing that keeps us from becoming Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia or imperial Rome. The American ideal still living within the hearts and minds of its people and, yes, even some politicians. Ideals like a sense of justice and fair play, everything that comes under the heading of "Judeo-Christian" values, a respect for the "American Dream". There is also still fear on the part of government officials, particularly elected ones, of the people. They fear a backlash if they overreach, not just of losing their jobs but ultimately, of the people exercising their second amendment rights. With health care reform legislation, however, we turned a corner. Washington has increased its power slowly and deliberately for a long time, sometimes going in fits and starts, often under cover of darkness. With health care reform, however, they voted to extend their power over our very lives and health despite persistent protests and polling that showed the vast majority of the people did not want it. The fear of an electoral backlash no longer intimidates them. If they move to make our second amendment rights illegal or impotent, they will, in their minds, have nothing to fear at all. The ice upon which we stand is very thin and melting further every day. It would take very little to plunge us into the cold waters of totalitarian tyranny.

Consider Germany from 1933 to 1939, six short years. Less than a two term president. They had a very bad economy prior to the rise of Hitler. The people were looking to their government to solve the problem. Hitler and the Nazis were democratically elected, even if the election was marred by intimidation and fraud. Hitler used the "crisis" to consolidate his power, particularly the supposed "terrorist attack" on the Reichstag. He soon controlled all supposedly private businesses. Within a few years he was master of Germany. If a government has power concentrated at the top, if it is run primarily through a bureaucracy and the people are conditioned to assume their government is there to solve every one of their problems, a rapid change in leadership and direction is not only possible but likely, particularly in times of crisis. The genius of our original system, with the separated and limited powers of the federal government, was that such rapid changes were impossible. That is why it has taken the statists/progressives decades to get to this point. Now that that original system exists in form only, the likelihood that a silver-tongued megalomaniac can take the reins of power and transform our country is a very real possibly. We are primed for a fall.
