What To Do Now
For nearly a year we called, protested, e-mailed, wrote letters and organized. Many of us took to the streets of our town and the nation’s capitol, raising our voices in protest over what we all agreed was an attempt to remake this county in a socialist or Marxist image. We have worked within the system but our work was based on false assumptions. We assumed a fair debate of ideas, we assumed that if we could sway the public against these radical proposals Washington would listen, we assumed we were in a fair fight. All those assumptions were wrong. Ideologues who are bent on “transforming” America think nothing of lying, cheating, bribing, or threatening to get their way. The public to them are sheep to be led, not citizens to be heard. So we lost. And until we understand the fight we will continue to lose.
In the last several blogs I have stated two important things. One, no matter which party is in charge, government is going to grow. Sure, we may have another “Republican Revolution” in November but will they be able to repeal this legislation even if they want to? How many of them voted against it just because it cost too much and not because it is the last and most blatant power grab of an unconstitutional government? Name one major (or even minor) government program that has ever been repealed by either party. Don’t place your hope in Washington. Also, don’t place a lot of faith in all these lawsuits. Most of what the government does is unconstitutional yet it has been consistently upheld. Even the obvious ones like campaign finance reform and our first amendment rights to speech. Finally, how loud will all those states be in their protest when Washington starts tightening the purse strings on the recalcitrant ones. Too many states have put themselves into a dependent position to object too strenuously.
The second important thing is that we must realize that we no longer live in a constitutional republic or even a democracy. If that wasn’t obvious to you on Sunday, then you must be blind. We live in an oligarchy. The current democrat leadership will do whatever they want and do whatever is necessary to get it. Our protests have as much affect on them as do those of the people of Iran on the Mullahs. They don’t care. They have chosen a course and they will continue on that course until it reaches its logical conclusion. That, for us, is the collapse of America, the ashes from which they will build their totalitarian utopia. We are losing because we are playing by outdated rules of a republic long gone. This is not some silly legal dispute with our neighbor, we are fighting the “mob”. I’d say we are bringing a knife to a gun fight but we aren’t even brining that.
Before I go on, consider where we are. We are now subject to a government that will have the power to regulate every aspect of our lives. By acting as the gatekeepers to the entire health care system, they now have the literal power of life and death over us. Crushing taxes demonstrate their total power over our property. By continuing to participate in their system, we are acknowledging our status as slaves. They own us, our bodies, our property, our lives. It is time to stop living as if the contract “We the People” made with the federal government was still valid. That contract has been broken repeatedly by our government for a very long time. In a marriage contract, it is considered broken due to infidelity. The parties may voluntarily choose to continue in that agreement and “work things out” but the aggrieved party is under no obligation to do so. If the infidelity is ongoing, however, the aggrieved party would be mentally deranged to continue. Our government has repeatedly violated our contract and has become more brazen about doing so. We voluntarily stayed within the bounds of the contract because we were dazzled by the baubles were were promised. Now the absolute destruction of our country is at hand and we see where our compromise has brought us. The Federal Government has been exercising illegitimate authority over us and it is time we stopped recognizing it.
The real power lies with us. The government only has the authority we give it. It is we who are forging our own chains. It is we who build the scaffold upon which they will hang us. Why do we continue to participate? While we cannot hide ourselves in some remote valley as they did in “Atlas Shrugged” we can stop cooperating in the “looting”. They exercise their power through technology and by taking over the banks, mortgage lending and other financial institutions, they know all and can control all. Drop out. Deal in cash and precious metals. Put your important assets out of reach. Barter goods and services with your fellow patriots. Be ready to take responsibility for your children and your aging parents. Stock up on food and be prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones. Refuse to cooperate with government intrusion, be it the census, a national ID, or even foolish EPA regulations. If you are ever on a jury in which tax law or some regulation is being prosecuted, vote to acquit. One of the ways the colonists got Britain's attention before the war was by refusing to buy their goods, tea being the most famous. They learned to do thing for themselves and within their communities, without the government. If we refuse to participate, they will become irrelevant.
Our end is upon us. Unlike Greece, we will not have the Germans or the IMF to bail us out. Our credit rating was in trouble before heath care, now it will be in real danger. We are broke and no amount of printing or borrowing is going to get us out of it. Hyperinflation is coming and when the interest on the debt consumes all our money the government checks will stop coming. There will be rioting, cities will burn and people will die because after having relied on the government for so long, they will have no idea how to fend for themselves. Remember New Orleans and Katrina? The LA riots? Now think of it country wide.
What rises from the rubble of our insanity will be up to us. Those in Washington would be more than happy to establish their totalitarian ideology upon us as a result of the crisis. That will only happen if we are still looking to them to save us. If they are already irrelevant in our lives and we have removed ourselves from their power, they will be unable to succeed. Bonaparte, Hitler, Chavez, they all came to power in a crisis because the people were looking outside themselves for a savior. At your local TEA party next month, look around at your fellow patriots. It is our cooperation and community that is the key. It is we who must now stand together, prepare for what is to come and develop communities that will function when our government will not. It is from among us that leaders will arise at the local level with the courage to resist the plans Washington may have. It is we who will recapture the image of America as it was understood by those first patriots who resisted tyranny with their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.
In the last several blogs I have stated two important things. One, no matter which party is in charge, government is going to grow. Sure, we may have another “Republican Revolution” in November but will they be able to repeal this legislation even if they want to? How many of them voted against it just because it cost too much and not because it is the last and most blatant power grab of an unconstitutional government? Name one major (or even minor) government program that has ever been repealed by either party. Don’t place your hope in Washington. Also, don’t place a lot of faith in all these lawsuits. Most of what the government does is unconstitutional yet it has been consistently upheld. Even the obvious ones like campaign finance reform and our first amendment rights to speech. Finally, how loud will all those states be in their protest when Washington starts tightening the purse strings on the recalcitrant ones. Too many states have put themselves into a dependent position to object too strenuously.
The second important thing is that we must realize that we no longer live in a constitutional republic or even a democracy. If that wasn’t obvious to you on Sunday, then you must be blind. We live in an oligarchy. The current democrat leadership will do whatever they want and do whatever is necessary to get it. Our protests have as much affect on them as do those of the people of Iran on the Mullahs. They don’t care. They have chosen a course and they will continue on that course until it reaches its logical conclusion. That, for us, is the collapse of America, the ashes from which they will build their totalitarian utopia. We are losing because we are playing by outdated rules of a republic long gone. This is not some silly legal dispute with our neighbor, we are fighting the “mob”. I’d say we are bringing a knife to a gun fight but we aren’t even brining that.
Before I go on, consider where we are. We are now subject to a government that will have the power to regulate every aspect of our lives. By acting as the gatekeepers to the entire health care system, they now have the literal power of life and death over us. Crushing taxes demonstrate their total power over our property. By continuing to participate in their system, we are acknowledging our status as slaves. They own us, our bodies, our property, our lives. It is time to stop living as if the contract “We the People” made with the federal government was still valid. That contract has been broken repeatedly by our government for a very long time. In a marriage contract, it is considered broken due to infidelity. The parties may voluntarily choose to continue in that agreement and “work things out” but the aggrieved party is under no obligation to do so. If the infidelity is ongoing, however, the aggrieved party would be mentally deranged to continue. Our government has repeatedly violated our contract and has become more brazen about doing so. We voluntarily stayed within the bounds of the contract because we were dazzled by the baubles were were promised. Now the absolute destruction of our country is at hand and we see where our compromise has brought us. The Federal Government has been exercising illegitimate authority over us and it is time we stopped recognizing it.
The real power lies with us. The government only has the authority we give it. It is we who are forging our own chains. It is we who build the scaffold upon which they will hang us. Why do we continue to participate? While we cannot hide ourselves in some remote valley as they did in “Atlas Shrugged” we can stop cooperating in the “looting”. They exercise their power through technology and by taking over the banks, mortgage lending and other financial institutions, they know all and can control all. Drop out. Deal in cash and precious metals. Put your important assets out of reach. Barter goods and services with your fellow patriots. Be ready to take responsibility for your children and your aging parents. Stock up on food and be prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones. Refuse to cooperate with government intrusion, be it the census, a national ID, or even foolish EPA regulations. If you are ever on a jury in which tax law or some regulation is being prosecuted, vote to acquit. One of the ways the colonists got Britain's attention before the war was by refusing to buy their goods, tea being the most famous. They learned to do thing for themselves and within their communities, without the government. If we refuse to participate, they will become irrelevant.
Our end is upon us. Unlike Greece, we will not have the Germans or the IMF to bail us out. Our credit rating was in trouble before heath care, now it will be in real danger. We are broke and no amount of printing or borrowing is going to get us out of it. Hyperinflation is coming and when the interest on the debt consumes all our money the government checks will stop coming. There will be rioting, cities will burn and people will die because after having relied on the government for so long, they will have no idea how to fend for themselves. Remember New Orleans and Katrina? The LA riots? Now think of it country wide.
What rises from the rubble of our insanity will be up to us. Those in Washington would be more than happy to establish their totalitarian ideology upon us as a result of the crisis. That will only happen if we are still looking to them to save us. If they are already irrelevant in our lives and we have removed ourselves from their power, they will be unable to succeed. Bonaparte, Hitler, Chavez, they all came to power in a crisis because the people were looking outside themselves for a savior. At your local TEA party next month, look around at your fellow patriots. It is our cooperation and community that is the key. It is we who must now stand together, prepare for what is to come and develop communities that will function when our government will not. It is from among us that leaders will arise at the local level with the courage to resist the plans Washington may have. It is we who will recapture the image of America as it was understood by those first patriots who resisted tyranny with their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.