When Are We Going To Take This Threat Seroiusly?
When I first heard about the mass shooting at Fort Hood yesterday, the first thought that came to mind was “I bet it was a Muslim.” And an hour later ,they released his name. It wasn’t John Smith, Paul Kaslowski or even Jose Rodriguez. It was Nidal Malik Hasan. Sure, we have some home grown terrorists, Bill Ayres comes to mind, and we have serial killers. In any society there have been evil individuals. Muslims are different. And you know what, I am sick and tired of hearing the disclaimer “but the vast majority of the Muslims are peace loving...” No. Maybe the vast majority have not committed any crimes...yet. But few Germans were actually involved in murdering Jews but most rejoiced in German ascendency and either turned a blind eye or quietly assented to the killing. There may be proportionally few Muslims who pick up a gun or fly a plane into a building or cut the heads off of journalists but the vast majority of the Muslims in the world smile quietly in approval.
How can I make such a statement? Because I know my history. Islam is not a religion of peace, never has been, never will be. Unlike the other major religions of the world that seek to persuade people through words and example, Islam was born of the idea that persuasion on pain of death was not only acceptable but expected as they spread across the globe and conquered the world. Yes, I am aware of the crusades and the Inquisition. But Christianity was conceived of in the words and example of Jesus who was not violent so while there have been men who have used religion for political purposes and made it violent, given time it reverted back to its origins. Islam is different. Mohammed didn’t have Jesus’ patience. When people were not persuaded by whatever eloquence he may have possessed, he got a group of followers together and declared war. His followers swept across Africa and Asia, killing all those who would not convert. Their goal has been and always will be world domination under the Caliphate and Sharia law. Unlike Christianity, whose goal is also to persuade the world of the correctness of their understanding of God, Islam believes holy war is the way to go because that is how it began. It is not going to change because there is no peace loving distant past or textural interpretation of the Koran to support moderation. Moderation is only a result of minority status in a particular country. It is a situation that is to be remedied as soon as possible.
How does this apply to this situation and the United State’s interaction with Muslims? As I stated in “Memoirs of a Former American”, we have, up to this point, refused to take the war with Islam seriously. Not a war with Islamic Fascists or Muslim Terrorists but with Islam as a whole. They are at war with us, there is no question. They have been attacking the “West” for centuries and petro dollars have made them powerful in the last fifty years. We are “the Great Satan” and need to be destroyed. They are serious and we are asleep. They not only use terrorism but our own courts and our foolish adherence to political correctness against us. We have a tradition in this country, a noble tradition, of not assuming guilt. In this case, it needs to be reversed. Every Muslim should be looked on with suspicion unless proven otherwise. The FBI should have plants and informants in every Mosque and any anti-American preaching should result in the expulsion of the guilty party. Immigration from Muslim countries should be halted immediately. There should be no Muslims in the military (would we have allowed Nazis during WWII or communists during the cold war?) and no Muslim clerics allowed in prisons where they have been recruiting and radicalizing the most violent members of our society for years. CAIR and other Muslim organizations should be investigated and prosecuted for their support of terrorism.
Harsh measures for sure but do you think Americans are welcome in Muslim countries? Do they not persecute their Christian populations with much harsher measures? How many massacres, how many honor killings, how many terrorist acts do we have to endure? Do they not laugh at our weakness? Are they not just waiting for their numbers to grow as they have in Europe so they can impose their will on us? If they want to practice the Muslim faith, stay in a country where is to the norm, there are plenty of them. If we refuse to take the threat of Islam seriously, fifty years from now we will be where Europe is now, with open conflict with Muslims as they push for Sharia law and display open contempt for their “:host country”. What comes after that, we will have to watch and see but whatever it is, it won’t be pretty. They have declared war on us. Are we going to join the battle or roll over and give in?
How can I make such a statement? Because I know my history. Islam is not a religion of peace, never has been, never will be. Unlike the other major religions of the world that seek to persuade people through words and example, Islam was born of the idea that persuasion on pain of death was not only acceptable but expected as they spread across the globe and conquered the world. Yes, I am aware of the crusades and the Inquisition. But Christianity was conceived of in the words and example of Jesus who was not violent so while there have been men who have used religion for political purposes and made it violent, given time it reverted back to its origins. Islam is different. Mohammed didn’t have Jesus’ patience. When people were not persuaded by whatever eloquence he may have possessed, he got a group of followers together and declared war. His followers swept across Africa and Asia, killing all those who would not convert. Their goal has been and always will be world domination under the Caliphate and Sharia law. Unlike Christianity, whose goal is also to persuade the world of the correctness of their understanding of God, Islam believes holy war is the way to go because that is how it began. It is not going to change because there is no peace loving distant past or textural interpretation of the Koran to support moderation. Moderation is only a result of minority status in a particular country. It is a situation that is to be remedied as soon as possible.
How does this apply to this situation and the United State’s interaction with Muslims? As I stated in “Memoirs of a Former American”, we have, up to this point, refused to take the war with Islam seriously. Not a war with Islamic Fascists or Muslim Terrorists but with Islam as a whole. They are at war with us, there is no question. They have been attacking the “West” for centuries and petro dollars have made them powerful in the last fifty years. We are “the Great Satan” and need to be destroyed. They are serious and we are asleep. They not only use terrorism but our own courts and our foolish adherence to political correctness against us. We have a tradition in this country, a noble tradition, of not assuming guilt. In this case, it needs to be reversed. Every Muslim should be looked on with suspicion unless proven otherwise. The FBI should have plants and informants in every Mosque and any anti-American preaching should result in the expulsion of the guilty party. Immigration from Muslim countries should be halted immediately. There should be no Muslims in the military (would we have allowed Nazis during WWII or communists during the cold war?) and no Muslim clerics allowed in prisons where they have been recruiting and radicalizing the most violent members of our society for years. CAIR and other Muslim organizations should be investigated and prosecuted for their support of terrorism.
Harsh measures for sure but do you think Americans are welcome in Muslim countries? Do they not persecute their Christian populations with much harsher measures? How many massacres, how many honor killings, how many terrorist acts do we have to endure? Do they not laugh at our weakness? Are they not just waiting for their numbers to grow as they have in Europe so they can impose their will on us? If they want to practice the Muslim faith, stay in a country where is to the norm, there are plenty of them. If we refuse to take the threat of Islam seriously, fifty years from now we will be where Europe is now, with open conflict with Muslims as they push for Sharia law and display open contempt for their “:host country”. What comes after that, we will have to watch and see but whatever it is, it won’t be pretty. They have declared war on us. Are we going to join the battle or roll over and give in?