Are We Prepared to Lose?

“The People” are speaking up like never before. Town halls, protests, Tea Parties; the American people are voicing their displeasure with the way things are going in Washington. We do not want government run health care, cap and trade, exorbitant spending and a host of other things this current crop of statist politicians are attempting to impose on us. We assume that because we have voiced our opposition so loudly and we live in a representative republic, our representatives must listen to us. After all, they work for us, right?
Not really. We know that the vast majority of politicians are bought and paid for by special interests and right now the special interests that are running the show and writing the bills are socialists and Marxists. We cannot assume we will be heard. If this summer has shown us anything, it is an us (the people) vs. them (politicians) struggle. They argue, they insult, they ignore. We scream louder and in greater numbers. Just remember, we are the ones outside the palace gate and the royalty within can ignore us if they so choose and do whatever they want. They have become King George. Have we the courage to become patriots?
The question we must ask ourselves is, are we prepared to deal with the consequences of losing? This is a crucial question because as president Obama works hard to keep his campaign promise to “transform America” into a totalitarian state, the result of that transformation for you and I will be profound. Consider some of the following consequences and ask yourself if you and your family and we as a community are ready to deal with them.
The Tea Parties were originally protests against government spending. President Obama has already run up a trillion and a half more in debt and promises more in the future. His projected ten year deficit just went up by two trillion dollars in a few months. As the economy continues to tank due to his policies, tax revenues will slow, he will spend more, especially if health care passes, and we will be in even worse shape. Then there are the unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, etc.) which amount to around one hundred trillion dollars. That is a quarter of a million dollars for each one of us. There is no way we can pay this off or grow our way out of it. The only way this problem can be solved other than hard political choices (phasing out the social safety net, paying off the public debt) which we all know are not going to happen, is to inflate the currency. Hyperinflation, if it is not caused by the monetization of our debt (printing money as we have been) will be deliberately caused by the administration to reduce the debt. Are you prepared for the dollar menu to become the ten dollar menu, the hundred dollar menu, the thousand dollar menu?
Consider also that this administration has the arrogant idea that it can control the economy, so it will assume it can control the rate of inflation. This is not true, of course, so what will happen when prices go spiraling out of control? Wage and price controls will be imposed. FDR did it, Nixon did it, Obama will do it. He has already tried to fix wages for executives, you don’t think he will try to fix everyone’s? This will result in essential shortages, it always does. Are you prepared for this? Most sinister is that this economic crisis may result in the shadow government Obama has been developing with all his czars and special advisors essentially taking over, particularly if there is a lot of “civil unrest”, staged or real. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.
Let us move on. Cap and trade has already passed the house and President Obama is itching to sign it. Are you prepared for European like gas prices? Are you prepared for your electricity rates to “skyrocket” as Obama promised? Are you prepared for the day the government worker knocks on your door to install your government approved and wired programmable thermostat and hooks you up to the smart grid so the government can regulate your electricity use?
Health care, the topic of the day. We all know that government health care will result in rationing and poor care. It has everywhere else it has been tried. But in this bill your medical and financial records will be at the fingertips of government. Do you have a way to keep their mitts off your money? Do you have another way to access medical care? Are we working to develop one, an “underground medical establishment”, so to speak? What are you prepared to do when some government bureaucrat tells you to go “take a pain pill” instead of offering life saving treatment? What are we prepared to do if government becomes “partners with God” as Obama has stated, and makes life and death decisions based on costs and politics?
How about our First Amendment rights. If health care fails the administration is going to lay blame one place, alternative media. We know that the “Diversity Czar” thinks Hugo Chavez and his glorious revolution is a great example. With localism and diversity panels, he and Obama are laying the groundwork for eliminating talk radio. The Internet has been in the crosshairs as well, certainly China and Iran demonstrate the possibilities there. Do we have a network capable of disseminating information or coordinating our efforts if these now “traditional” means of communication are no longer available? How far are we willing to go to secure this right?
While we are at it, what about the second amendment? All the statists are gun control advocates and there is no question that there will be continued attempts to take guns from law abiding citizens. How serious are we about our bumper stickers that say “you can have my gun when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands”? Are we willing to knock out the windows in our house and shoot down the brownshirts that come for our means of defense? Are we prepared to come to the defense of our neighbors when the Gestapo comes for them and their guns? Do we have a plan in our community to protect ourselves from a totalitarian government?
Finally, let’s bring it home. What about the children, your children. I homeschool mine. What do we do when that becomes illegal as it was in California for a time. What do I do when they are ready to throw me in jail for refusing to send my children to a government indoctrination center (public school) or even take them away for “neglect”? What about something a bit more immediate. What if the government requires you to have your children vaccinated against the swine flu? The last time the government did this in the seventies, many more people died and were irreparably harmed by the vaccine than were sickened by the flu. Are you willing to trust your government when they say it is “safe and effective”? Are you prepared for the consequences of resistance?
This has been written to make you think about the future. Some of this may happen regardless of the outcome of specific legislation. I believe in the axiom, “Work for the best and prepare for the worst.” On a personal level, we can make ourselves as self reliant as possible. Store up some non-perishables to weather the crisis, particularly the difficult months when hyperinflation causes massive instability. Unplug from the system as much as possible. All electronic media and records are suspect and subject to government access. Keep it in mind. Buy a gun if you don’t have one, stock up on ammunition. I know all this sounds “tin foil hat” to some but these are just basic emergency preparation every person should take.
As a community, here are some things to think about. First, reestablishing community is essential. We have lost that in our technological age. We have become isolated from one another. We need to connect again, get in the habit of helping each other. We ought to consider developing a system of barter among ourselves so we are prepared for wage and price controls or, dare I say, tax avoidance. If that hasn’t been nutty enough, what about developing a basic community defense plan or even...a militia.
It may be that we will win the fight and much of this will not happen. It is my hope that this is so. Be assured, however, the statists will not give up and they will try again. Few could have imagined the horrors of the Third Reich after Adolf Hitler was democratically elected in 1933. Men are men and those who thirst for power have been the same throughout history. It can’t happen here? It already has. Consider how we have treated the Native Americans, the thousands of political prisoners under Woodrow Wilson, internment camps under FDR, the killing of David Koresh’s followers, and more recently, the illegal confiscation of guns in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and the forcible removal of the children of the Mormon sect in Arizona.. Things can change very quickly. A terrorist attack, foreign or domestic, our bonds becoming unmarketable, a natural disaster, Iran cutting off oil, anything could prod this administration to rapid and severe action. It could be next week, next month or the next decade. Will we be ready? Will you?
