Anger and Fear
The AIG mess was big news over the last week, made so by a government that quietly monetized our debt to the tune of trillions of dollars (is anything done with less than a trillion anymore?). Forget for a moment that this government is making our country’s untenable financial position much worse. What happened between our government and the employees of AIG over the last two weeks is inexcusable.
As the government appointed head of AIG sat before a congress that has made a habit of browbeating the leading businessmen of the country, Barny Frank demanded the names of the people who had received bonuses, bonuses that were paid under contract and approved under the stimulus bill (that no one read), bonuses that were to be paid under the AIG reorganization developed by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. When CEO Edward Liddy was reluctant to release those names because he said his employees had been receiving death threats, Barny Frank just shrugged it off. He didn’t care that the class warfare that has been a staple of his party and liberals everywhere was now resulting in death threats against the “wealthy”. Mr. Cuomo wants the names as well and threatened to publish the names of those who did not return the bonuses. A senator called on the executives to kill themselves in their shame. The House of representatives actually voted to target these specific citizens, an official legislative action! ACORN then rented a bus to take protestors to the homes of these executives. Our government is using its power to shame and threaten (that would be extortion for us) law abiding citizens who were guilty of no crime into giving up property they received under legitimate contracts, contracts approved of by the very government perpetrating this outrage!
It is time to turn the tables. It is time the fear was felt by those who supposedly work for us. It is time that we stopped being pushed around by our government and started pushing back. If Barny Frank thinks it is funny that executives get death threats and have their homes picketed and are fearful for their children, perhaps it is time the executives we have elected to run our country had their feet held to the fire for screwing it up far worse that any executive at AIG. What if a mob showed up outside Barny Frank’s expensive home, or Nancy Pelosi’s, or Chris Dodd’s, or Harry Reid’s? What if we showed up as they did in the old days, with pitchforks and tar and feathers? What if we hung them in effigy? What if we showed them we were not going to put up with their stupidity and incompetence any more? What if we insinuated, as Frank did, that we were not particularly interested in their personal safety? The arrogance of these second rate minds in our government will only grow if they continue to get away with it. They are just playground bullies grew up. Do you think Barny Frank was picked on in school? Do you think the pudgy little effeminate boy with the slobbering lisp got beat up as few times? How the people of Massachusetts ever looked at someone like him and said “you know, I think we should have someone like him representing us in congress”. Are you kidding? The same goes for half the dim bulbs up on the hill. Now the taunted ones are getting back at all the people they perceive as more powerful or successful than they are or could be, given their limited intellectual talents. If these people are going to engage in Mafia tactics and turn our great country into a banana republic, it is time we exercised the rights endowed by our Creator, recognized by our Founders and enshrined in our Constitution.
....whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such a form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and happiness. Declaration of Independence
As the government appointed head of AIG sat before a congress that has made a habit of browbeating the leading businessmen of the country, Barny Frank demanded the names of the people who had received bonuses, bonuses that were paid under contract and approved under the stimulus bill (that no one read), bonuses that were to be paid under the AIG reorganization developed by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. When CEO Edward Liddy was reluctant to release those names because he said his employees had been receiving death threats, Barny Frank just shrugged it off. He didn’t care that the class warfare that has been a staple of his party and liberals everywhere was now resulting in death threats against the “wealthy”. Mr. Cuomo wants the names as well and threatened to publish the names of those who did not return the bonuses. A senator called on the executives to kill themselves in their shame. The House of representatives actually voted to target these specific citizens, an official legislative action! ACORN then rented a bus to take protestors to the homes of these executives. Our government is using its power to shame and threaten (that would be extortion for us) law abiding citizens who were guilty of no crime into giving up property they received under legitimate contracts, contracts approved of by the very government perpetrating this outrage!
It is time to turn the tables. It is time the fear was felt by those who supposedly work for us. It is time that we stopped being pushed around by our government and started pushing back. If Barny Frank thinks it is funny that executives get death threats and have their homes picketed and are fearful for their children, perhaps it is time the executives we have elected to run our country had their feet held to the fire for screwing it up far worse that any executive at AIG. What if a mob showed up outside Barny Frank’s expensive home, or Nancy Pelosi’s, or Chris Dodd’s, or Harry Reid’s? What if we showed up as they did in the old days, with pitchforks and tar and feathers? What if we hung them in effigy? What if we showed them we were not going to put up with their stupidity and incompetence any more? What if we insinuated, as Frank did, that we were not particularly interested in their personal safety? The arrogance of these second rate minds in our government will only grow if they continue to get away with it. They are just playground bullies grew up. Do you think Barny Frank was picked on in school? Do you think the pudgy little effeminate boy with the slobbering lisp got beat up as few times? How the people of Massachusetts ever looked at someone like him and said “you know, I think we should have someone like him representing us in congress”. Are you kidding? The same goes for half the dim bulbs up on the hill. Now the taunted ones are getting back at all the people they perceive as more powerful or successful than they are or could be, given their limited intellectual talents. If these people are going to engage in Mafia tactics and turn our great country into a banana republic, it is time we exercised the rights endowed by our Creator, recognized by our Founders and enshrined in our Constitution.
....whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such a form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and happiness. Declaration of Independence