Why Democrats Don’t Want Economic Recovery

This may seem like an odd thing. Amidst all the talk of creating jobs and getting us out of the economic mess we’re in, why wouldn’t the Democrats want us to recover from our economic slump. First, let’s determine the fact that they don’t, irregardless of their rhetoric. Washington and its spending and regulatory habits are in most ways responsible for this mess. More of the same is not going to improve things. Spending trillions of dollars, putting us further into debt and temporarily putting a few hundred dollars in out pockets is not the way to recovery. Government taking more money out of the economy now and for the forseeable future is not the way to increase GDP. Demonizing businesspeople, the very ones who are going to create the jobs to get us out of the recession, is counterproductive. Businesses need to be encouraged with tax cuts and incentives, not blamed and regulated further. Common sense says this stimulus bill, the grilling businesspeople are taking on the Hill and the very arrogant attitude the Democrats have taken are the complete opposite of what is needed for recovery.
But why? Why would the Democrats want the recession to continue? In short, because it sends more power permanently to Washington, to them. Power at the expense of our liberty and freedom. It took me a little while to understand this but the people in Washington, and politicians in general, are all about power, nothing less and nothing more. “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” is a myth. A person who seeks elected office seeks power over other people, it is just a fact. The people who enjoy the exercise of power gravitate to government, it is human nature and has been from the beginning. The founders recognized this fact and wrote the constitution to limit the ambitions of men to lord it over their fellows. That only works, however, when the people in power respect the constitution and the people themselves hold the politicians accountable. Neither is the case today.
So the Democrats want power. How does keeping us in recession increase their power? Let me give you two important examples. The first is the stock market. It is obvious that the market has not been thrilled with the Obama administration so far which is why the Dow continues to hover around 8000. The market looks to the future and people that know money know that everything the Democrats are doing is bad for the economy, especially in the long run. Keeping the market stagnant, however, is good for Democrat power. Why? When was the last time you heard anyone mention the privatization of Social Security? People are clamoring for Washington to insure their investments. The FDIC now insures money markets in addition to having raised the limit on other insured deposits. The banks have been effectively nationalized. As President Obama’s chief of staff said, you can’t let a good crisis go to waste. The crisis on Wall Street has lowered many American’s expectations of a good retirement through their own investments. 401ks and IRAs were all the rage since Reagan, now they look like a fools errand. And to whom will we turn? Washington. Give us more Social Security, insure our retirement investments. By demonizing Wall Street and keeping the market stagnant, the politicians hope to set themselves up as the ones who will take care of our money.
The second big example is Heath Care. We already know there are some disturbing heath care provisions in the stimulus bill. After all, Tom Daschle recommended that heath care provisions be put into budget bills to speed them along under the radar of the American people. But why does economic recession help advance the Democrat goal of universal health care? Because most people don’t pay for their own health care, they get it through their employer. The more people who are unemployed, the more people there are without health insurance. So the Democrats have a vested interest in keeping unemployment up. All those unemployed people want health insurance and if the people want it....well we’ll give it to them. The whole idea here is that the more severe the economic slump, the more Democrats have reason to expand the welfare state, and by extension, their own power. They get to tax and regulate the lives of all those who take government benefits. They also increase their voter base by making more people dependant on their handouts.
How do they get away with it so easily? Simple, the American people are ignorant of basic economics and the founding principles of this nation. Government schools have taught generations of Americans that government is the answer to all problems, that FDR and Johnson were heroes and Reagan was the devil. Most Americans don’t know the first thing about money management. If they did they wouldn’t have spent more than they earned for all these years and wouldn’t allow Washington to get away with it either. And the title notwithstanding, the Republicans don’t get a pass either. President Bush started this ball rolling and the current crop, for all their bellyaching, aren't doing anything substantial to stop this monstrosity. They know their turn will come in the future and the power they let the Democrats get today will be theirs tomorrow.
There is only one way to stop it and that is for the American people to stop allowing their votes to be bought with gifts from the treasury. We have to “just say no” to the welfare state. We have to accept responsibility for our own lives and look to ourselves, our families and our local communities for help during tough times. We need to buy our own insurance, we need to invest our own money, we need to create our own jobs and we need to demand Washington get out of the way. Is it going to happen? Unfortunately, I doubt it. But those who take responsibility for themselves now will weather the catastrophe in the making much better than those who look to Washington and the messiah Obama to meet their every need.
