Is Speaker Pelosi Right?

A few days ago, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempted to justify putting abortion funding in the Stimulus Package. For Nancy, killing babies would relieve the strain on our educational and health care systems. Fewer people, fewer expenses, or perhaps better benefits for those who actually survive birth and infancy. She specifically referred to using billions of our dollars overseas to support these policies because since socialism, corrupt dictatorships and our money and technology has not relieved world poverty, we’ll simply reduce the number of people in poverty by reducing the number of people. Absolutely brilliant.
The question may be raised, why are we responsible for the poverty poor country run by corrupt and brutal dictator? Because in Nancy’s world, we, as the “rich” of the world, need to “give back”. What we were ever given in the first place by all these other countries, I don’t know. But President Obama and his Democrat cohorts want to make us responsible for the rest of the world, their health care and now, their reproductive lives. They don’t seem to understand that in the vast majority of cases, our aid simply helps to prop up these brutal dictators and warlords. Another question. If we are in such difficult straits right now, why are we not focusing on our own house? How can we afford to start sending billions more dollars overseas for abortions? Is this really a priority?
I have a suggestion for Mrs. Pelosi, however. If she really wants this money she needs a new angle. In my humble opinion, she should sell it as part of the war on terror. She should direct the monies specifically at Muslim countries in the Middle east. After all, if we can reduce poverty by reducing the number of poor people, could we not reduce terrorism by reducing the number of Muslims?
